If you have any problems, regarding to gameservers. You can create a topic. We will find out a solution.
Source Engine games, Quake Engine games, or any others. Request something, like scripts serverside. Or post your own made stuff.


Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 21 Aug 2017, 20:12

Standart rtcw server.
- RTCW Version 1.51b (1.41 and all newer client-versions of iortcw can connect)
- Mod Omnibot 0.85 with luamodule
- most standart settings
- 8 bots running standart.
- More infos and a readme comes soon.
- downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=24

Modified rtcw server.
- RTCW Version 1.51b (1.41 and all newer client-versions of iortcw can connect)
- Mod Omnibot 0.85 with luamodule
- modified settings!
- 8 bots running standart.
- lua modules loaded: randommap, hp announcer, rules
- additional is trickjumpserver insde do exec jump.cfg, now works /save /load /nofatigue /god
- downloads.php?view=detail&df_id=25

iortcwclient full/latest/32-64-bit:

(you can play on 1.41 servers too.)
at the moment we have the first server wich running iortcw, if you wanna take a look /connect clan-etc.de:27990
- including venom mod 5.4 hdtexturepack.

important links, support, and credits:

if you have a different operating system you can download the needed files here:
http://omni-bot.invisionzone.com/index. ... lfenstein/

all about the omnibot mod and the settings:
http://omni-bot.invisionzone.com/wiki/i ... Mod_README

if you still thinking wtf is iortcw, its something else like et:legacy just for rtcw :)
as allways, if you have questions you can make them here.
(serverfiles will be updated soon, found again some little fixes)
Note!! all .exe/.dll/.so are leaved original from iortcw and rtcw. Nothing is self compiled or edited.
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