How to install Day of Infamy Server on linux

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How to install Day of Infamy Server on linux

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 25 Mar 2017, 16:55

I installed the Day of Infamy server on a linux debian 8 jessie 64 bit.

before you install the server you need the following programs:

to install write that in your terminal:
Code: Select all
dpkg --add-architecture i386; apt-get update; apt-get install mailutils postfix curl wget file bzip2 gzip unzip bsdmainutils python util-linux tmux lib32gcc1 libstdc++6 libstdc++6:i386

now we can start:
Code: Select all
adduser doiserver

Code: Select all
su doiserver

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
chmod +x doiserver

Code: Select all
./doiserver install

start stop restart server

Code: Select all
./doiserver start

Code: Select all
./doiserver stop

Code: Select all
./doiserver restart

a full description you will find here:

the path to the configs should be at:
Code: Select all

doi-server.cfg or server.cfg

Code: Select all
hostname "Doi Server" // server name
motdfile "motd.txt" // location of motd file
sv_region "255" //0 US-East, 1 US-West, 2 South America, 3 Europe, 4 Asia, 5 Australia, 6 Middle East, 7 Africa, 255 World

sv_password "" // server password

//sv_downloadurl "" // URL of fast download server (example
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt // mapcycle file used by server
sv_allowdownload 1 //allow downloads from server
mp_coop_lobbysize 8 //Number of players on team in coop
maxplayers 40 //maxplayers including bots allowed on server
sv_steamgroup "" // Steam group ID that this server belongs to
sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0 //If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when its empty
sv_tags "" // Server tags used to provide extra information when browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma
sv_timeout 60 //After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped
//sv_visiblemaxplayers 5 //Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_voiceenable 1 //enable voice communication in game
mp_allowspectators 1 //toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_autokick_idlers 0 //Kick idle players ( mins )
mp_autoteambalance 1 //autobalance teams
sv_hud_deathmessages 1 //show hud death messages
sv_hud_scoreboard_show_kd 1 //Show kill/death ratio on scoreboard
mp_spawnprotectontime 3 //Spawn protection time in seconds
mp_timer_voting 30 //Time given to post-game voting
sv_alltalk 1 //Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alltalk_dead 0 //Dead players broadcast their voice to enemies?
sv_consistency 0 //Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_deadchat 1 //Can alive players see text chat messages from dead players?
sv_deadchat_team 1 //Can dead players use team text chat to speak to living?
sv_deadvoice 0 //Can dead players speak to the living???
sv_footsteps 1 //Play footstep sound for players
sv_hud_deathmessages_spectator 0 //Show death notices to people spectating?
sv_lan 0 //Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_workshop_enabled 0 //Enable Workshop support?
sv_workshop_mapcycle_generate 0 //Start Workshop mapcycle if any are defined
sv_workshop_mapcycle_random 0 //Generate mapcycle in random order?
sv_contact "" //Contact email for server sysop
sv_playlist doi/pvp_sustained // Valid options: doi/pvp_sustained doi/coop
sv_pure 0

mp_autokick 1 //Kick team-killing players
mp_tkpunish 2 //How to punish TKers
mp_tkpunish 2 //How to punish TKers
mp_friendlyfire_explosives 0 //When enabled, friendlies can set off teammates explosives if they are reactive

///// RCON ///////
rcon_password "97i4rfzjghmj" //RCON Password
sv_rcon_banpenalty 10 //Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log 1 //Enable/disable rcon logging
sv_rcon_maxfailures 5 //Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned

///// BOT SETTINGS ///////
ins_bot_change_difficulty 1 //When to change bot difficulty, 1 = instantly, 0 = when new bots are added
ins_bot_count_checkpoint 1 //A set bot count for Checkpoint
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_max 8 //The max bot count for Checkpoint
ins_bot_count_checkpoint_min 3 //The min bot count for Checkpoint
ins_bot_count_hunt 1 //a set bot count for hunt
ins_bot_count_hunt_max 8 //The max bot count for hunt
ins_bot_count_hunt_min 3 //The min bot count for hunt
ins_bot_difficulty 1 //difficult of bots
ins_bot_quota 4 //How many bots to place on each team when no players are present?

///// VOTING ///////
sv_allow_votes 1 //allow voting
sv_map_voting 1 //allow map voting
sv_vote_allow_spectators 0 //allow spectator voting
sv_vote_command_delay 5 //How long after a vote passes until the action happens
sv_vote_creation_timer 120 //How long after a vote passes until the action happens
sv_vote_failure_timer 90 //A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long
sv_vote_issue_botcount_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to change AI count??
sv_vote_issue_botcount_min_population 1 //The voting population required to pass a bot count vote
sv_vote_issue_botcount_min_ratio .5 //ratio needed to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to change AI difficulty?
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_min_population 1 //population to pass a bot difficulty vote?
sv_vote_issue_botdifficulty_min_ratio .5 //ratio needed to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_issue_changegamemode_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to change the gamemode?
sv_vote_issue_changelevel_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to change levels?
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to kick players from the server?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to set the next level?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_allowextend 1 //Allow players to extend the current map?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_choicesmode 1 //Present players with a list of maps to choose from?
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_prevent_change 1 //Not allowed to vote for a nextlevel if one has already been set
sv_vote_issue_nextlevel_round_count_delay 1 //How many rounds before map voting can begin
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to restart the game?
sv_vote_issue_restart_round_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to restart the round?
sv_vote_issue_scramble_teams_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to scramble teams?
sv_vote_issue_switch_teams_allowed 1 //Can people hold votes to switch teams?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_cheating 240 minutes //How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for hacking? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_idle 0 //How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for idling? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration_trolling 60 //How long should a kick ban last for if a player is kicked for trolling? (minutes)
sv_vote_kick_ban_owner 1 //If a user is successfully votebanned, shall we also ban the game owner if the game has been shared?
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_population 1 //The voting population required to kick a person for hacking
sv_vote_kick_hack_min_ratio .5 //What ratio of the votes needs to be yes to pass? (1.0 = All votes need to be yes)
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_population 0 //The voting population required to kick a person for being idle
sv_vote_kick_idle_min_ratio 0 //The voting population required to kick a person for being idle
sv_vote_kick_min_players 2 //The minimum number of players needed on the server to start a vote kick
sv_vote_kick_min_voters 2 //Minimum
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