Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

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Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 10 Jan 2012, 17:58


super medics are killing your server guys!
i watch the last month the server fill up with players/new players,only for somone to connect and use rambo medic ,and make them all
disconnect!.. then they disconnect,because there,s noone else to kill.

what can we do ?

well we can do alot,first and this is the most important,,( stop using medics yourself!) then other people will maybe do the same,or
maybe the not so good players kill you,and they have fun in the ETc server & remember there visit,and come back!

or, you can use medic ,kill the medic that kill you and kill his not so good team mates,and watch them all disconnect because of you.
if you dont care for ETc or the server population,then pls leave ETc| and go play rating in another server.
we are working hard to make the server have more players connect and have fun, and then 1 medic never die rambo comes and makes 5 people think there,s never a chance to kill in ETc servers,they wont ever come back,and your happy you kill him 15 times,but this is the last time you see that player,and this happens every hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAY ATTENTION its not about you,your kill/death ratio,,its about the survival of an oldschool clan,thats trying to rise again like the phoenix from the ashes, and we as ETc need TEAMWORK to drive us forward in success for a 54 slot FULL server!! think outside the box,imagine your a new player,there are many new players arrive every day,lets make it interesting for our server and use other classes,,and you should maybe play like idiot too so you DO die,,and people enjoy killing you,,and watch in that hour, how many leave ,,my answer (NOT HALF AS MUCH)
if you like multikills and being unstoppable and get 150 kills 15 deaths trust what i say,and you can do that in our server when its full!!
if the server is empty then you alone can kill it,,and everyone in it,,and we have a nice 3 vs 3 :s :SD:S:S:SS:SS:S:SS: NO
Take some responsability for yourself and clan mates and do whats right,,no self self self,and soon we have a full server again,(TRUST ME)

PS we can limit medics all that ,but first i want to see if ETc members can co-operate,and thats who this message is directed to

!news ETc teamwork !!! your clan taggs are also at risk to who doesnt take this advice serious ,we remove from the clan .I am very serious and so is sparky and jay about making this clan success. Cya in the battlefield ( you evil lot)

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby siimiks » 10 Jan 2012, 18:07

I agree, it's horrible seeing our awesome server in this state. 3vs3? blah. A lot of you are awesome players, but just tone it down a bit so less talented players can have a shot too.
Use sniper and garand and shotgun to make things more fair :)
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby *0P*.! » 10 Jan 2012, 19:07

Play as engineer and kill everybody, its mutch harder then whit medic.
And what that rating gives u in real life? nothing to me, i dont got any money for that, so its realy sucks and if u play for rate then u dont have any fun. cya have fun.
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|Nyanmaru » 10 Jan 2012, 19:20

Its more fun if players use other classes like fieldop. soldier or covertop. not only medic. Like darkness said if etc members kill all new players with rambo medic then they would go to other servers like fa or ea.
If u wanna play with medic then try to kill persons with akimbo lugers and not with mp40 or thompson.
We tried hard to make server better and to get players . Every day we have about 10 vs 10 at server so pls guys try to be careful to new players.

mfg Cana

Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|pojjo » 10 Jan 2012, 19:22

Agree!!! I love fooling around and get killed :D
Play engi or covert or try to own with 1 single gun or dont use speed.
It makes you lots better when the time comes that we can play 25 vs 25 again.
If darkness plays i have only 1 mission: clear his mines!
Later we can proof that we are good!
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby marsness » 10 Jan 2012, 19:27


i got to say, there are times when im a rambo medic too, so sorry for that :P
i will slow down, for the survival of our clan :)
and i hope many will follow.

and i think the solution of dark is a nice one, set up a limit.

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|<T!n@> » 10 Jan 2012, 19:46

i do agree too
let us think about it for a while..
from history:
in every real war like in ET, teams had medics, engineers , field ops , soldiers and probably cov ops..

anyway ,if a team had only field ops ,well thats NOT a team, because a field op doesnt need a field op if he got shot but he does need a medic to heal him and a soldier to cover them

if a team had only medics: we get this problem alot in ET in general , we always have to kill ourselfs just for getting ammo, or we keep yelling for nothing..

and its kinda difficult to kill one rambo medic , how about killing 25 rambos when server gets full ?!!!
and what about the new players ? !! u dont wanna play with bots or alone, do you ???

we should really try to play as a team , if u dont agree or ur gonna just ignore it, go spec my friends

lets us be clear on one thing, im not saying we should stop playing medics, because a team with no medics is no team, but make an equal team : 10 players in a team , 2 medics or 3 max , 2 field ops , soldiers and cov ops ..
(u will get use to play all classes dont worry )

and for God sake , cover the engineers !!
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby l1r1cAs » 10 Jan 2012, 19:54

first of all i wanna thank jay, g8, and of course darkness for where they are taking the ETc-Server! it's great to log on and have like at least 5 players or so to play with!
I really do love playing Rambo-Medic-Style, however it is clear that we scare off new guys when all ETc-guys are playing like that! If the server has at least like 25 players it doesnt matter anymore, but as dark said, when there are just few players, try doing obj and be different classes, they are fun as well! =D
I really would dislike if there would be a medic limit, this would also scare off new ppl! Everybody should be free to choose his class...

My idea would be that medics are just allowed when there are like 10 players online, so we can guarantee, that when there are few players, every class is played and when there are a lot of players, everybody can play whatever he likes =D


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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby naQ » 10 Jan 2012, 20:01

Good point. I'm with you on this!
Here's my 5 cents:

If one class is superior, I feel there's something wrong with the server settings.
Remove ammo or other SMG, reduce charge-time or something.
That's way better than setting a medic-limit.

What comes to kill/death ratio: I don't like to die ingame!
But I guess that rules me out of rambomedics anyway..
Point being that ratio don't make a rambo, they are not the same thing.
When I play medic, I act like one.

CovOps rules anyway. :3

Takes the basic idea from a wargame if you're asking people to die in purpose.
Never cared about ratio or any other nonsense.
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Tau » 10 Jan 2012, 20:35

There is a medic class in ET?

But for real, this is what has been called a Collective action dilemma. The individual has a benefit by being a medic. But if everybody does it, you get collective catastrophe. It's the same problem as with environmental polution (why should I clean up my garbage if no one else does it? Why should I pay taxes if no one else does it?) But lucky we: we have a overal goverment (Like Darkness, Jay stuff - the world has none, UN isn't enough!) that punish those who don't listen. The other solutions are also prestented here: (a) you change the medic class so it will not have benefits for individual anymore. But (b) you can also hope to create some kind of social pressure for not being medic.

So be wise, think twice, don't be medic or you ruin the world (wel, in fact just the server, but what is more in the world than the server?)
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|adrian » 10 Jan 2012, 20:57

Hello !!

On first, thanks for rejoin to ETc. I totally agree with you Matt, we need to be friendly for new players !! Don't spam a lot, and do'nt kill em by panzer into face lol ...
-If server has low population make objective and don't rape noobs (LOL)
-I have a little suggstion, make someday a clan-meeting (maybe@sunday 20;00 gmt+1) date and time can be to fix... We have big clan , let's take a place on server and make over 30+ players. Ppl will connect for sure

Have nice day !
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Gshot » 10 Jan 2012, 20:59

Agree with Matt
As a non-medic player it is faustrating trying to shoot a rambo medic when they are running and hiding, healing themselves at the same time.... seeing them camp for their next prey.
But I also think the top players are good in any class they play with so maybe don't use adren or let these (new as well as pro) players kill you.
Spawnkill should be discouraged for us ETc members (I am quilty too)... can you imagine what a new first time player would feel like being killed over and over again..I would quit the server if it was me.
At the end of the day it is up to us members to make ETc server number 1 again so guys and gals lets help Matt, Jay and Mafia achieve this.
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Etc| Mad*** » 10 Jan 2012, 22:13

i know im almost always playing medic...^^
but i think its the truth that it might scare some worse players and they wont come back to our server.
so we really should try playing something else. and i agree with gshot about spawnkilling. i think we should prohibit sk because thats also a thing that is really annoying for new players
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|Luis » 10 Jan 2012, 22:55

Im the new panzernoob with Rosebud and GREATSHOT so dont worry :D:D
Haha. Leave the rambo zone! :D

ETc is coming back guys, we all help for that!


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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Ajudoonor » 10 Jan 2012, 23:12

Me, personally have my preference of class different on every map. Some maps i like to play soldier, some cvops and so on. And when i get bored or something i start hunting stomp kills as cvops, belive me, its fun :D. Also, try something different, like mortar or something, u dont get always many kills, but when u get some, u feel good and pro lol
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|pojjo » 10 Jan 2012, 23:15

Its not necessary to change anything about the classes. Just use them. I think we are overreacting with idea's. Just let new players know that we are a nice server and lets help to get them better in the game. SK could be prevented if admins are doing their jobs. Dont be AFK to long for yourself and if you see that someone is AFK, remember him and check again after 2 min. and put him spec if he still dont move. Play nice, help when you can and be online as often as you can!
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby inku » 10 Jan 2012, 23:49

ok girls (etc medics)
wanna have full server? without bots?

play like a real man. PLEASE dont scare our new guests with your *adre*.

i vanna see full server of real players, without bots.
I wanna have daughter wanna see how i kill you >>> multiplayers but not not >>>bots..
my daughter really understand when i press TAB, who is bot or not (btw i press it all the time lol...idk why ))...then she say to me: you kills f*cking are like fake daddy... :twisted:
Mans...or Dudes....idk how to me to be Just like a superman lol. ....she just want look and smile... (cause on my cfg blood is off, other games where is blood i dont allowe)
Soon is Valentines day (where is my Nikita?).
btw. my real name is Valentine not SuperMario or Mario...... father name is Vitali. 31 y.o. and etc lol =)

Darkness: great post!

and please.....sorry for bad english....

happy new year....have fun and great things in new year and etc..... dont let die ETc CLAN
god bless Jay (Fubar) and etc...
everywhere is ETC words lol...well, i think you all understand!

btw...We need an engineer!
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby rightbackatya » 17 Jan 2012, 15:35

No spamming and no rambo... damn thats all i do lol, okay i will change.... 4 a while (im addicted to the fun sounds they make me laugh everytime:)
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby astreia » 17 Jan 2012, 20:59

First of all, i have to say that I DON'T have any real poblem with this request...

However, I started on a server, where almost everyone was medic, especially rambo medic. Yes, as a beginner i spawned, ran out and died... over and over again. It was a fun pub server, i've had lot's of friends there back then and they're were suuuper good players ( compared to me of course ) but with time i've got to be better and better, because it was damn hard to kill them. I can say i'm pretty good - or was, when i still played everyday :P - so what i want to say is, that it also helps the player to be better. Yes, maybe they won't kill the medics easily, or only with some luck, but they will learn some moves while they're trying to avoid the bullets and kill the enemy, so when they will be f2f with a player who's level matching theirs it could be a good fight.

YES, I agree with that the teams full of rambo medics can be annoying. But i think it's also annoying, when a team has 8 field ops, and i go out of the spawn and get killed by an arty or support... I know ET has an arty limit it's own, but they have hell of a good timing... But that could go on with every class actually, yes those are not so hard to kill, but sometimes you don't even have a chance to actually shoot at them.

And then, i think, that there are extremely good players (even if they don't go for frag) on ETC servers, and as a beginner, it's still damn hard to kill you guys even if you're engineers, soldiers, coverts... But YES at least they have a chance.
Everyone has a choice. They can be medics as well. But still a beginner is a BEGINNER!! They won't get good skills just because there are no rambo medics.

As i started my post, i don't have any problem with this idea, it's a good petition. I'm always medic. I'm medic since i started to play with ET. I don't really care about my frag, i'm medic, because i'm suck with riffle, i use panzer for my own entertainment (you're lucky, theres no team-kill, though) and as for a covert ops... not my type. I also don't think, that we don't have ammo problems a lot of times, because if someone is not so good, they'll be dead before they're run out of ammo. If someone IS good, then they kill, pick weapons up, go on...and as for someone unlucky as i am, then they'll die, because the enemy also ran out of ammo :P And then what?? Try to survive, if it doesnt work, they'll get killed and will respawn.. so what's the matter? I always hated on other servers when i had to wait so long for ammo, but this is a fast server, i don't even have time to blink and i'm already dead. I don't have problem with the ammo thing.

So these were my mixed opinions, but of course i will respect your thoughts, opinions and requests, so copy that, Sir and i'm not gonna be medic ;)

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby QpiD » 23 Jan 2012, 14:48

wow too long to read haha

I become E-lazy as the time passed (i might be the last who never created a FB account:)) I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
Maybe i ll connect one day which is not sure since i work even on weekend.

Hoping everyone doing fine.

Greetings to everyone

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 24 Jan 2012, 02:58

i just wanna say a big THANKS to all that agreed, and you see now server is more full even after midnight well done all!

ps hey qpid bro :) hope to see in in the server sometime!
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 24 Jan 2012, 21:58

Ok and now i ask for more help

We are a fun clan,that is clear,but we can also damage server with our free-will !news spam and !launch commands in minas tirith map
for example, and so we get complaints of abuse or antisocial behaviour.

!news bonk ( for example) is a fast sound that ends quick,and can be used fast maybe x3 x4 x5 times,,and its still `1 quick bonk
but !news diem ( for example) lasts alot longer and x2 sounds really bad,,so x3 this is just stupid antisocial anoyying and bad for the atmophere of ETc, it makes us sound like children when we do this constantly,making less patient fun players to leave,(maybe they never come back ??)
!news muh sure !news bonk sure !news bavaria x3 no !news bodies x2 x3,no guys, come on you see what im saying :(
Quick !news sounds can be spammed, yes,,but not for 10 minutes 1 sure,lets have a moment of madness,but not 10 minutes of a map where people cant concentrate to get into the game ,unlike us,who dont need to get into the game, we here everyday,and maybe they never come again,
and sure use launcha and other commands if for example,only ETc members are in the server,,but when others,,the public,,they see us fly past them in minas,then they are only gonna feel the admins are abusing
both me and mafia get these complaints, i hope you guys can fix
thanks brothers/sisters
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Floman » 25 Jan 2012, 18:21

Great to see new idea's and topics, here at the forum.
I came online today and found out that I was still a part of the clan and i will try to be as active as possible, from now on.
I will try to help the clan as much as I can, just like the great old times!
Good to be back! (:
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Tau » 26 Jan 2012, 16:12

What about hop hop hop? But indeed you're right, we should be careful with it.

P.S.: some people complain also because of the map saberpeak, because it might be too big (and thus, to empty, like hide-and-seek) for a non-full server (especially during day or night).
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 26 Jan 2012, 21:51

Ok so to prevent anyone losing there tag respectfully the settings in ETc have changed

You can now use medic!!!!medics will be locked to the settings that follow

10/10 players 2 medics unlocked
20/20 players 3 medics unlocked
27/27 full server 4 medics unlocked

1) make the server full if you want more medics
2) teamwork will expected from you if you are medic, ( dont give yourself a bad name if your a ratiing player
3) if medics are afk put to spec
4) if ETc admins decide the medic isnt teamwork ," take medic from him put to spec and take that position yourself & or give to someone else ( please comunicate with fellow members
5 enjoy ET in 2012

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby batmars » 26 Jan 2012, 22:03

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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Tau » 26 Jan 2012, 22:44

This is like a revolution, but of course in the good direction. If this is a viable way - and let us hope it is - this is one to be remembered in the history books.
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby tony08 » 27 Jan 2012, 15:56

post prova....
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby Hardstyle » 28 Jan 2012, 10:32

ETc|A^DARKNESS) wrote:Ok so to prevent anyone losing there tag respectfully the settings in ETc have changed

You can now use medic!!!!medics will be locked to the settings that follow

10/10 players 2 medics unlocked
20/20 players 3 medics unlocked
27/27 full server 4 medics unlocked

1) make the server full if you want more medics
2) teamwork will expected from you if you are medic, ( dont give yourself a bad name if your a ratiing player
3) if medics are afk put to spec
4) if ETc admins decide the medic isnt teamwork ," take medic from him put to spec and take that position yourself & or give to someone else ( please comunicate with fellow members
5 enjoy ET in 2012

Over and out.


i like the idea to lock the medics :)

but we should make some field op locks when server is full :p nobody can play when 8 field ops or more always spamm the atillarry to the objectiv or spawm, just an idea what do you think about guys?
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Re: Help The ETc server!!!!!!!!

Postby PuNKY » 28 Jan 2012, 21:07

great post Matt!
muahahahahhahahaaaa a GIRL owned u :>
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