Religions are Opiums for peoples

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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 29 Jun 2013, 16:31

religion was man's first attempt to make Law.and as goldenboy says it was created in the dark ages and maybe helped back then, but now ...its 2013..
.. not the dark ages.and like most traditions<< even though tradition isn't religion, its the same principle.

its "Dated" its "harmfull" and "helpfull" controversial<< and if it is So good then why so much controversy after all these years?
its senseless,like many traditions its performed because " It Was performed many times before in the past ,wash and repeat every year, or week? to give weak humans sense of balance or familiarity. A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.<<Relativity
as all of the same religion unite to say hey, we are right!!, or depending which country your from.. Hey we are right!,,oh shut up.

If your gonna argue about religion, Attack or defend, your both wrong, because as you all can see, its out of our control, and we all have our own ways to find a positive measure on life, & not all of us need a book called the bible to help us, or whatever else book ,

ive pointed out before, in a paragraph in the bible it says, "You can Never Fully Trust Man"... Yet the bible was written by man no?
Many things confuse me on religion and stories of the old, Adam and Eve? ok if they was the first man and woman, then who was the witness to the eating of the apple? there was some guy with a pen and paper taking photo,s and writing it down as she eats the apple or,someone told jesus and he told others ,idk ...and how can a man and woman just pop onto earth while everything else is evolution of species... maybe another topic ,but its all the same to me.

The basic principle of Religion is that it is a collection of traditions, which are designed to guide the social development of a particular group of people within the respective society. The most significant aspect of religion is that it symbolizes the ultimate hope that when someone dies, the universe will provide a spiritual accommodation for their soul (failed Law attempt)

religions motive is nice but its after effects are bad, like cocaine it has its good side,& bad side, you decide if you wanna take it(personally i wouldn't, cocoaine or religion)

Set yourself a standard and perform your own religion/belief in 2013, and make someone happy,!! share your love,!!help a stranger!! respect your own life & everyone elses before you or they die!! , Set aside your differences!! appreciated the value of the earth! .,look into the sky!!!.. see how insignificent you are!!
you are small!! ,your making not much difference in this world, Whatever you do!!! ...Enjoy Your LIFE Everyday,and breath in the oxygen that comes through your window in the morning,and listen to the song of the birds!!..Look out into space,and see the graveyard of cold rock..and Know that Birds songs are not heard for Millions of years Far and are Really special, as is the song of human communication!!!, we evolved to this!

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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby goldenboy » 29 Jun 2013, 16:35

R!$ky wrote:
goldenboy wrote:It's just that the majority of people take for example de bible literally . And the worst is that they interpret it like they want for their purposes . Religions are good things , it teaches you many many things but the way people are changing it ,using it for their purpose , ... is making more and more people hate religions .
Many say that religion only bring war but it's not true , people use religion as pretex to make war . Also don't forget that during the dark times only religion kept us united .
yes you are right religion not make wars but the ppl who's use religion worng make wars i think i have example for this " bin laden ". he use islam wrong and kill Civilians . islam religion not say to kill Civilians. islam say "وَلاَ تَعْتَدُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ" it's meann that Do not infringe on anyone he wasn't infringe you the god not like the Aggressors .. i think that there's example on Christianity .؟

And in some verses it says ( or at least some people want to think and make others think ) that only islam should be allowed in this world ...
they brainwash people so easily it's terrifying !
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Hans Gunsche » 30 Jun 2013, 15:14

By the way i don't want people to see me as a ''hater'' on religion. Just see me as a spectator that tries to study every religion, wondering why people join one, the purpose of it. The good the bad. I agree with Tau that the ''forcing religion upon others'' seems to be more present in abrahemic religions, and somehow i find the eastern religions like boeddhism more interesting. But because of my choice to remain a spectator i will never be able to join any of them (and some other reasons)
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby goldenboy » 30 Jun 2013, 20:56

Hans Gunsche wrote:By the way i don't want people to see me as a ''hater'' on religion. Just see me as a spectator that tries to study every religion, wondering why people join one, the purpose of it. The good the bad. I agree with Tau that the ''forcing religion upon others'' seems to be more present in abrahemic religions, and somehow i find the eastern religions like boeddhism more interesting. But because of my choice to remain a spectator i will never be able to join any of them (and some other reasons)

It looks that the Abrahamic religions try to force more because the fact that for example every christian country is surrounded by some muslim ones and vice versa so they try to convert them.
In India for example they are were the same race ; people ; ethnicity ; ... so it was easy to convert them without force.
In middle east, europe , ... there are like thousand of tribes , groupes , kingdoms , ... so it's "normal" they tried to force.
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Tau » 30 Jun 2013, 22:30

goldenboy wrote:
Hans Gunsche wrote:By the way i don't want people to see me as a ''hater'' on religion. Just see me as a spectator that tries to study every religion, wondering why people join one, the purpose of it. The good the bad. I agree with Tau that the ''forcing religion upon others'' seems to be more present in abrahemic religions, and somehow i find the eastern religions like boeddhism more interesting. But because of my choice to remain a spectator i will never be able to join any of them (and some other reasons)

It looks that the Abrahamic religions try to force more because the fact that for example every christian country is surrounded by some muslim ones and vice versa so they try to convert them.
In India for example they are were the same race ; people ; ethnicity ; ... so it was easy to convert them without force.
In middle east, europe , ... there are like thousand of tribes , groupes , kingdoms , ... so it's "normal" they tried to force.

Worst anthropological thesis ever heard. I think the idea that eastern countries were more homogeneous has more to do with western domination in history (all history books you see are about western history), than about reality. I have no clue why there is such a difference. Also it is not a either/or story. There is probably enough extremism in eastern religion too, but there seem to be somehow, a difference.
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Tau » 30 Jun 2013, 23:06

ETc|A^DARKNESS) wrote:religion was man's first attempt to make Law.and as goldenboy says it was created in the dark ages and maybe helped back then, but now ...its 2013..
.. not the dark ages.and like most traditions<< even though tradition isn't religion, its the same principle.

its "Dated" its "harmfull" and "helpfull" controversial<< and if it is So good then why so much controversy after all these years?
its senseless,like many traditions its performed because " It Was performed many times before in the past ,wash and repeat every year, or week? to give weak humans sense of balance or familiarity. A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.<<Relativity
as all of the same religion unite to say hey, we are right!!, or depending which country your from.. Hey we are right!,,oh shut up.

If your gonna argue about religion, Attack or defend, your both wrong, because as you all can see, its out of our control, and we all have our own ways to find a positive measure on life, & not all of us need a book called the bible to help us, or whatever else book ,

ive pointed out before, in a paragraph in the bible it says, "You can Never Fully Trust Man"... Yet the bible was written by man no?
Many things confuse me on religion and stories of the old, Adam and Eve? ok if they was the first man and woman, then who was the witness to the eating of the apple? there was some guy with a pen and paper taking photo,s and writing it down as she eats the apple or,someone told jesus and he told others ,idk ...and how can a man and woman just pop onto earth while everything else is evolution of species... maybe another topic ,but its all the same to me.

The basic principle of Religion is that it is a collection of traditions, which are designed to guide the social development of a particular group of people within the respective society. The most significant aspect of religion is that it symbolizes the ultimate hope that when someone dies, the universe will provide a spiritual accommodation for their soul (failed Law attempt)

religions motive is nice but its after effects are bad, like cocaine it has its good side,& bad side, you decide if you wanna take it(personally i wouldn't, cocoaine or religion)

Set yourself a standard and perform your own religion/belief in 2013, and make someone happy,!! share your love,!!help a stranger!! respect your own life & everyone elses before you or they die!! , Set aside your differences!! appreciated the value of the earth! .,look into the sky!!!.. see how insignificent you are!!
you are small!! ,your making not much difference in this world, Whatever you do!!! ...Enjoy Your LIFE Everyday,and breath in the oxygen that comes through your window in the morning,and listen to the song of the birds!!..Look out into space,and see the graveyard of cold rock..and Know that Birds songs are not heard for Millions of years Far and are Really special, as is the song of human communication!!!, we evolved to this!

To appreciate heaven you need to go through hell.
Pressure creates diamonds.

Peace & love to all.

I agree with most things you say, so consider the following not as a critique but more like a footnote. In concerns mainly two things: (a) the science-as-progress idea and (b) the social problem.

(a) Firstly, I have my doubts about the idea that religion (and tradition) is something of the dark ages and thus obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated. I don't know whether you really think this is true or not, so correct me if I'm wrong. But, if you endorse it, I would say that I do not agree with that idea. Because I think it is a rather oversimplified reading of history. You have this french philosopher (sorry about the name dropping) Auguste Comte who stated history had a 'law of three stages': first you had a theological stage (where people believed in gods), then you had a metaphysical stage (where people explained the things around them by abstract principles like (natural law or 'because it is reasonable')) and finaly you have the positivistic-scientific stage (where people stopped using abstract theories, and went to the facts and used empirical sciences). This reading of history might be attractive, but this implies that, briefly, people used to be stupid and went smart. However, there is no particular reason why this change suddenly occured. What happened? Was there a mastermind who 'discovered' that one can actually look at the world to prove stuff and not just invent some farfetched theory? This seems rather implausible (Aristotle already did that). Rather what seemed to have happened was a radical change of perspective: our ideas about truth, knowledge and life changed and so made modern science possible (but why did they?).

Traditional religions, seen from this new way of looking at the world, look rather stupid, mostly because this is, in their own terms, a strange way of looking at it. Questions like 'what is the empirical proof for God or miracle X or Y' is in a way a nonintelligible question (in religious terms). Of course religion is not without some claims about what is true or what isn't, but it is not about whether they can and are empirically proven. Think about this: one doesn't have to know the bible by heart to be a christian, neither one who does is by definition a good christian. Religion is not an empirical hypothesis, and to threat it like that, is in a way mistreating it. Or to put it by some words of Paul Feyerabend (name dropping, once again): "If Aphrodite exists, and if she has the properties and idiosyncrasies ascribed to her, then she certainly will not sit still for something as silly and demeaning as a test of reproducible effects." Sorry if this is a little detour, but I think this is an important point. (once more, this whole talk is not about what is true and what is not, but is about what that means, to be true)

(b) Since, once again, I'm making too long posts. I'll be brief on the second one. It is a noble idea that one has to focus on family, friends and to make them happy, create your own religion, think for yourselves. But isn't this a bit too individualistic? I mean, this seem to leave open the possibility that all care for themselves (and their relatives) and not about the society as a whole. How to solve economic or environmental crisis (collective problems) when following this idea(l)? Isn't religion or tradition a need if you want to have a real community? (a real question, not rhetorical)

You don't have to answer this (but reading it seems like a good idea), you can also say: Tau shutup, and I will. :lol:
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby R!$ky » 01 Jul 2013, 00:54

plz all speak short posts i can't read all this :(
- So what you doin',son? - Nothing, just chilling, killing.-
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby ETc|#AzE » 01 Jul 2013, 13:44

ROFL! :music:

People keep talking about such things? :D

Have fun guys! :suck:
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby R!$ky » 01 Jul 2013, 13:58

hahaha nice one Aze HaVe Fun guys
- So what you doin',son? - Nothing, just chilling, killing.-
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby ETc|#AzE » 01 Jul 2013, 14:01

R!$ky wrote:hahaha nice one Aze HaVe Fun guys

xD Needs somefun now! :slap:
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Hans Gunsche » 02 Jul 2013, 11:53

ETc|#AzE wrote:ROFL! :music:

People keep talking about such things? :D

Have fun guys! :suck:

I knew a post like this would show up sooner or later.

Well let me explain in a little story how i read your comment after people take the time to post in depth their opinions.

There are three people: Harry, Mark and John.

Harry, Mark and John challenge each other in making a house of cards. Everything goes fine until the third row is being constructed. John is losing his patience, and as a result is unable to keep up with Harry and Mark. Harry and Mark are trying to give John some advice, but he refuses, claiming that only his own technique would work eventually. Later Harry and Mark have completed both of their house of cards with the help of each others critisism and knowledge. John is desperate, still refusing any insight of Harry and Mark. He decides to end it, but not before shaking the table on purpose, letting the houses of cards of Harry and Mark fall down. John smiles and says: Isn't that funny?

I hope you understand what i'm trying to say, i just made this up because i don't know how to explain it otherwise lol.

(The names Harry, Mark and John are taken from the song satellite of love by lou reed, and is in no way associated with anyone, for example: Sparky is not this Mark ;))
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby ETc|#AzE » 02 Jul 2013, 13:17

Thanks for the explanantion!

But i'm already aware of it! ;) I won't argue anymore in this kind of subject! ;)

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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK » 02 Jul 2013, 16:01

[/quote] islam religion not say to kill Civilians. islam say "وَلاَ تَعْتَدُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ" it's meann that Do not infringe on anyone he wasn't infringe you the god not like the Aggressors .. .؟[/quote]
i agree with this holeheartedly,not only is this a religion thing but should be a life thing.(and no i'm not a satatist),i've studied many religions for a couple years and studied and still study the occoult,30 yrs now.answers will always bring new questions if your doing this rightly.remeber karmas a bitch.
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Hans Gunsche » 02 Jul 2013, 17:36

Tau wrote: (knip)

(b) Since, once again, I'm making too long posts. I'll be brief on the second one. It is a noble idea that one has to focus on family, friends and to make them happy, create your own religion, think for yourselves. But isn't this a bit too individualistic? I mean, this seem to leave open the possibility that all care for themselves (and their relatives) and not about the society as a whole. How to solve economic or environmental crisis (collective problems) when following this idea(l)? Isn't religion or tradition a need if you want to have a real community? (a real question, not rhetorical)

You don't have to answer this (but reading it seems like a good idea), you can also say: Tau shutup, and I will. :lol:

''Isn't religion or tradition a need if you want to have a real community?'' In my opinion religion is not needed (maybe some of the teachings but not religion as a whole). To have an enduring community, you need tradition in one form or another (my thought) (correct if i'm wrong), so tradition is a need. I'm actually a bit confused what kind of ''community'' your after? What seems idealistic to you? Or should i stop wondering >_<
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Re: Religions are Opiums for peoples

Postby Tau » 04 Jul 2013, 11:54

Hans Gunsche wrote:''Isn't religion or tradition a need if you want to have a real community?'' In my opinion religion is not needed (maybe some of the teachings but not religion as a whole). To have an enduring community, you need tradition in one form or another (my thought) (correct if i'm wrong), so tradition is a need. I'm actually a bit confused what kind of ''community'' your after? What seems idealistic to you? Or should i stop wondering >_<

It was more like a critical question you could have asked while reading darkness' view, than a personal critique on his opinion. It concerns more the 'deep philosophical' question: "how is social cohesion, society, community, ... possible at all? How comes that people can live together, and live together orderly?" For this, so it seems, they have to share something, for otherwise even communication between them is not possible. This can go from sharing a language, sharing rationality (ex. accept the rule of non-contradiction: either P or not-P (not both at the same time)) to sharing some opinions, norms and values. And perhaps these things aren't that separated as one might think. To share a language, to have learned one, is in a way sharing a culture or tradition as well. And our culture, you like it or not, is still very christian (or 'abrahamic' if you will). So this is perhaps a bit conservativism of my side: one cannot just throw it all out for this seems impossible or non-desirable. You are right in saying that not all parts (or forms) of religion should be preserved, however.

Secularism, science and modern rational thinking, you could argue, are dependent on the very thing people are trying to get rid off here: religion. How is modern science possible in buddhism, focused at transcending this world and the idea that all this is a mere illusion? Christianity, in contrast, has the idea that God became flesh, in Jesus and showed in a way that this world isn't really worthless or a mere illusion. By this, it could become an object for modern science (as 'manipulating the world in our advantage: for God gave us this world, and it isn't worthless').

Once again, this is probably too long for Risky to read, so I'll end with this. The problem here is perhaps a paradox (or for pessimists a contradiction) between the individual and the social. The question 'what kind of community?' is hard because on the one hand, as I said above, one need a community (“To live alone one must be a beast or a god, says Aristotle. Leaving out the third case: one must be both -- a philosopher.” (Nietzsche)), and on the other hand most (if not all) forms of community are repressive for some opinions, groups or desires. So how to combine both the required 'tradition' and the freedom for the individual to be what he wants to be? Besides this there are of course, many related problems as: one cannot just build a tradition out of a box of scraps; what the individual wants is, of course, not free from what the tradition values; ...

And, once again perhaps, for those who are not willing to read this for (a) why discuss about it at all, (b) it is too long:
(a) I'm willing to accept that one should not discuss this if the topic wasn't a problem. If you think religion is not a problem (as in 'there exists some problems related to it'), please feel free to ignore all here being said. If it is a problem, perhaps the reader of this is part of the problem, so sharing some opinions might be useful to solve it.
(b) I guess the average newspaper article about a dog saving a little kid out of a trash can is longer than this. Also dictionaries exist or there is no capital punishment for asking questions.

P.S.: @ Magick: I've noticed before your interesset in the occult. If you don't mind, I would like to discuss that with you one day, see what you have found out, etc.. But better not here in this topic.
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