ETc| Exxtreme terror clan movie

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Re: ETc| Exxtreme terror clan movie

Postby AfeeRoumee » 04 Aug 2009, 20:07

Very nice video and good audio. More vids! 8-)
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Re: ETc| Exxtreme terror clan movie

Postby DragonJR » 21 Oct 2009, 16:18

I now have seen all the vid's on the website, but i would like to ask someone to make a vid from the higher skilled members,
since we have allot of members and not all are as good as some members here in etc...

I dunno who makes these but i want to ask if someone wants to give this some time and make a decent one?

Greetz DragonJR
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Re: ETc| Exxtreme terror clan movie

Postby Endgegner » 21 Oct 2009, 20:15

Make some Propositions Dragon!
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Re: ETc| Exxtreme terror clan movie

Postby BossHK » 02 Nov 2009, 00:49

There is no decent jaymod/nq/etpub movies in internet, so if you are going to make one, I highly recommended to spend some time for good quality and HUD. Because it is very annoying and not enjoyable to watch videos where the whole screen is full of text and HUD things and maybe video is also pretty bad quality. So, for good quality, here is nice tutorial(THAT IS PART1, WATCH ALL 4 PARTS):

Also for good quality affects a nice movieconfig, search some from net, you propably will find.
For nice HUD, use some etpro style HUD, where all things all so little as possible and remove compass etc all what you can.

OR you can make like I did ages ago, use some nice etpro HUD and in video editing program cut it out :) But if you do this, you must record and import videos to video editing program not-HD-quality, but for example 1280x1024 resolution, and cut it to HD (1280x720)in editing program, removing the HUd at same time, like I did:

OR you can remove all HUD and just add crosshair to centre of the screen in video editing program.

So, if you are going to make jaymod movie, pls put some effort for nice quality&HUD ;)

P.S. I was thinking to make one jaymod movie about myself, but idk am I going to make it ever :< Let's see and hope.

P.P.S. Lol I found that I have tested quality for jaymod too, so here is example what it should look like for example:

I used for that clip next programs: ET, VirtualDub, Sony Vegas, AviSynth and MeGUI. You can use also After Effects and other programs, but those 5 programs are the necessarily if you want a good quality.
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