wolfje want to join ETc|

Wanna join ETc? Read the rules and write an application here!
Forum rules
!!! Recruitment is open but only -> Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post !!!

1. You have to play on our server for at least 4 weeks and your rating time here (from splatterladder) must be greater than 40 hours.
2. You should speak english (but if you speak german only, it's ok).
3. Multiclanning is NOT ALLOWED and will end in a hardware ban.
4. Respect other players - don't insult them.
5. Don't ask for joining the clan on the servers! If you are special in any way, we will notice you.

6. You have to join our discord channel -> https://discord.gg/6yFPcR7

7. When you fill the bill, you can write a topic with your application.

Your application should look like this (please copy it into your post):

TOPIC TITLE: [one of your ingame names]

Ingame Name: [put here all names you use on our server]
Time: [how long you have been playing on the server]

Optional ->
Your real name: [name]
Clans I was in: [clan names you were in]
SL rating: [(best) overall rating from splatterladder] (btw. we dont care for rating)
Country / Nationality: [where are you from, what's your nationality]
Hobbies: [your hobbies, things you do in a spare time]

[any other things you want to write]

wolfje want to join ETc|

Postby wolfje » 14 Dec 2019, 11:59

TOPIC TITLE: a verry good morning to you all my name is wolfje

Ingame Name: wolfje
Time: not so long just start played et a week ago but i allwaysw played on ETc years ago
forget the name maby pingbraker- xenji

Optional ->
Your real name: my name is ronny bryden
Clans I was in: none
SL rating: dont got it just play short ""
im from the netherlands "Holland "
Hobbies: my hobbies are gym time
im a father of 2 childern from 2 and 3 years old
i work in the military in holland https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =3&theater
2021 i go on a mission for 6 monhts
got a dog like to do things with my familie.

i hope you guys looking for new member because i liked allways playing et
and wana pick that up again with a nice server / clan / ppl around me
like playing in a team ;)

greetz wolfje / ronny
Posts: 2
Joined: 14 Dec 2019, 11:49

Re: wolfje want to join ETc|

Postby ETc|SON GOKUUUU » 15 Dec 2019, 12:51

Hey ronny, personally i dont really know you only seen u like a few times, i dont know if youre a team player or playing other classes then medic to help team cuz lets face it medic here kinda helps more to the other team :D anyway hope to see you around more and then ppl could know you better and reply much faster
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Re: wolfje want to join ETc|

Postby ETc|$3xP!$t0l » 17 Dec 2019, 18:29

i have seen you a few times in our server , always friendly and talkative in mainchat.

don't know your playstyle yet and how you act as a teammate as you are quite 'new' to our server as i havent seen you that often.
i wish you good luck in the future , might be a little to soon at this moment!

so i give you an F3 wich means we will consider your application in the future.


Mr Pistol
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