New Bindlist :P

Everything about our W:ET servers. New ideas, wishes are welcome.
N!tmod, Trickjump, Jaymod, Sniper N!tmod, Headshot ETPro.

New Bindlist :P

Postby ETc|BaRbWiRe » 07 Apr 2009, 09:37

QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmessageAlt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Statements", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickstatements_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Requests", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickrequests_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Commands", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickcommand_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Talk", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickmisc_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Global", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickglobal_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Function", exec "wm_sayPlayerClass"; close wm_quickmessageAlt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Objectives", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quickobjectives_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. ^1ETc sounds", close wm_quickmessageAlt; open wm_quicketc_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickstatements_alt" )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Path Cleared.", exec "VoiceTeamChat PathCleared"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. The Enemy Is Weakend!", exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyWeak"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. All Clear", exec "VoiceTeamChat AllClear"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Incoming", exec "VoiceTeamChat Incoming"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Fire In The Hole!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FireInTheHole"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. I'm On Defense.", exec "VoiceTeamChat OnDefense"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. I'm On Offense.", exec "VoiceTeamChat OnOffense"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Taking Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat TakingFire"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Mines Cleared", exec "VoiceTeamChat MinesCleared"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Enemy In Disguise", exec "VoiceTeamChat EnemyDisguised"; close wm_quickstatements_alt, "0", 9 )
QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickrequests_alt" )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Medic!", exec "VoiceTeamChat Medic"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Need Ammo!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedAmmo"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Need Backup!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedBackup"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. We Need An Engineer!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedEngineer"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Cover Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat CoverMe"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Hold Your Fire!", exec "VoiceTeamChat HoldFire"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Where To?", exec "VoiceTeamChat WhereTo"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. We Need Covert Ops!", exec "VoiceTeamChat NeedOps"; close wm_quickrequests_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickcommand_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Follow Me!", exec "VoiceTeamChat FollowMe"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Let's Go!", exec "VoiceTeamChat LetsGo"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Move!", exec "VoiceTeamChat Move"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Clear The Path!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearPath"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Defend Our Objective!", exec "VoiceTeamChat DefendObjective"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Disarm The Dynamite!", exec "VoiceTeamChat DisarmDynamite"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Clear The Mines!", exec "VoiceTeamChat ClearMines"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Reinforce The Offense", exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceOffense"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Reinforce The Defense", exec "VoiceTeamChat ReinforceDefense"; close wm_quickcommand_alt, "9", 8 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickmisc_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Yes", exec "VoiceTeamChat Affirmative"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. No", exec "VoiceTeamChat Negative"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Thanks", exec "VoiceTeamChat Thanks"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. You're Welcome", exec "VoiceTeamChat Welcome"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Sorry", exec "VoiceTeamChat Sorry"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Oops", exec "VoiceTeamChat Oops"; close wm_quickmisc_alt, "6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Yes", exec "VoiceChat Affirmative"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. No", exec "VoiceChat Negative"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. The Enemy Is Weakend", exec "VoiceChat EnemyWeak"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Hi", exec "VoiceChat Hi"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Bye", exec "VoiceChat Bye"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Great Shot", exec "VoiceChat GreatShot"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Cheer", exec "VoiceChat Cheer"; close wm_quickglobal_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. More Globals", close wm_quickglobal_alt; open wm_quickglobal2_alt, "8", 7 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickglobal2_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Thanks", exec "VoiceChat Thanks"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. You're Welcome", exec "VoiceChat Welcome"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Oops", exec "VoiceChat Oops"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Sorry", exec "VoiceChat Sorry"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Hold Your Fire!", exec "VoiceChat HoldFire"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Good Game", exec "VoiceChat GoodGame"; close wm_quickglobal2_alt, "6", 5 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quickobjectives_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "1. Command Acknowledged", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandAcknowledged"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "2. Command Declined", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandDeclined"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "3. Command Completed", exec "VoiceTeamChat CommandCompleted"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "4. Destroy Primary Objective", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyPrimary"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "5. Destroy Secondary Objective", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroySecondary"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "6. Destroy Construction", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyConstruction"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "7. Commencing Construction", exec "VoiceTeamChat ConstructionCommencing"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "8. Repair The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat RepairVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "9. Disable The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat DestroyVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM_TEAM( "0. Escort The Vehicle", exec "VoiceTeamChat EscortVehicle"; close wm_quickobjectives_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Crazy", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc1_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. Funny", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc2_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. Insult", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc3_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. Laugh", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc4_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. Music", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc5_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. Omg", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc6_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. Other", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc7_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. Soldier", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc8_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. Taunts", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc9_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. Taunts #2", close wm_quicketc_alt; open wm_quicketc10_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc1_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. aau", exec "VoiceChat crazy_aau"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. happyfeeling", exec "VoiceChat crazy_happyfeeling"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. homosexual", exec "VoiceChat crazy_homosexual"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. minemine", exec "VoiceChat crazy_minemine"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. moo", exec "VoiceChat crazy_moo"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. moo2", exec "VoiceChat crazy_moo2"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. spam", exec "VoiceChat crazy_spam"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. thrill", exec "VoiceChat crazy_thrill"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. waaaaahh", exec "VoiceChat crazy_waaaaahh"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. YMCA", exec "VoiceChat crazy_YMCA"; close wm_quicketc1_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc2_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. fart", exec "VoiceChat funny_fart"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. heybaby", exec "VoiceChat funny_heybaby"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. neineineiii", exec "VoiceChat funny_neineineiii"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. nuttcracker", exec "VoiceChat funny_nuttcracker"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. pants", exec "VoiceChat funny_pants"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. schrei", exec "VoiceChat funny_schrei"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. shitshoot", exec "VoiceChat funny_shitshoot"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. stopthat", exec "VoiceChat funny_stopthat"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. together", exec "VoiceChat funny_together"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. trouble", exec "VoiceChat funny_trouble"; close wm_quicketc2_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc3_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. anythingtosay", exec "VoiceChat insult_anythingtosay"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. foulbastard", exec "VoiceChat insult_foulbastard"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. getthefuckoutahere", exec "VoiceChat insult_getthefuckoutahere"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. keepfiring", exec "VoiceChat insult_keepfiring"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. nolife", exec "VoiceChat insult_nolife"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. shuturmouth", exec "VoiceChat insult_shuturmouth"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. stinkinganimal", exec "VoiceChat insult_stinkinganimal"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. suckmyballs1", exec "VoiceChat insult_suckmyballs1"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. suckmyballs2", exec "VoiceChat insult_suckmyballs2"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. worthlessmedic", exec "VoiceChat insult_worthlessmedic"; close wm_quicketc3_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc4_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. haha1", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha1"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. haha2", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha2"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. haha3", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha3"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. haha4", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha4"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. haha5", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha5"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. haha6", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha6"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. haha7", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha7"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. haha8", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha8"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. haha9", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha9"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. haha10", exec "VoiceChat laugh_haha10"; close wm_quicketc4_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc5_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. Ateam", exec "VoiceChat music_Ateam"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. bennyhill", exec "VoiceChat music_bennyhill"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. dangerous", exec "VoiceChat music_dangerous"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. dankeschoen", exec "VoiceChat music_dankeschoen"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. darknessandjay", exec "VoiceChat music_darknessandjay"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. landmines", exec "VoiceChat music_landmines"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. marley", exec "VoiceChat music_marley"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. shaddap", exec "VoiceChat music_shaddap"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. war", exec "VoiceChat music_war"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. yodel", exec "VoiceChat music_yodel"; close wm_quicketc5_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc6_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. omg1", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg1"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. omg2", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg2"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. omg3", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg3"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. omg4", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg4"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. omg5", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg5"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. omg6", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg6"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. omg7", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg7"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. omg8", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg8"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. omg9", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg9"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. omg10", exec "VoiceChat omg_omg10"; close wm_quicketc6_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc7_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. beer", exec "VoiceChat other_beer"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. boring", exec "VoiceChat other_boring"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. doh", exec "VoiceChat other_doh"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. hello1", exec "VoiceChat other_hello1"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. hello2", exec "VoiceChat other_hello2"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. hello3", exec "VoiceChat other_hello3"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. ikickass", exec "VoiceChat other_ikickass"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. lesen", exec "VoiceChat other_lesen"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. trottl", exec "VoiceChat other_trottl"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. woohoo", exec "VoiceChat other_woohoo"; close wm_quicketc7_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc8_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. bestfriend", exec "VoiceChat soldier_bestfriend"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. faster", exec "VoiceChat soldier_faster"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. fuckingcomedian", exec "VoiceChat soldier_fuckingcomedian"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. moveass", exec "VoiceChat soldier_moveass"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. myrifle", exec "VoiceChat soldier_myrifle"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. punished", exec "VoiceChat soldier_punished"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. pussyrifle", exec "VoiceChat soldier_pussyrifle"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. suckdicks", exec "VoiceChat soldier_suckdicks"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. toughbadass", exec "VoiceChat soldier_toughbadass"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. whosaidthat", exec "VoiceChat soldier_whosaidthat"; close wm_quicketc8_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc9_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. fuckenman", exec "VoiceChat taunt_fuckenman"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. fuckthatshit", exec "VoiceChat taunt_fuckthatshit"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. hahashutup", exec "VoiceChat taunt_hahashutup"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. hitme", exec "VoiceChat taunt_hitme"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. howyoulike", exec "VoiceChat taunt_howyoulike"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. igohome", exec "VoiceChat taunt_igohome"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. killme", exec "VoiceChat taunt_killme"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. letsgo", exec "VoiceChat taunt_letsgo"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. ohyeh", exec "VoiceChat taunt_ohyeh"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. shit2", exec "VoiceChat taunt_shit2"; close wm_quicketc9_alt, "0", 9 )


QM_MENU_START( "wm_quicketc10_alt" )

QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. cornholio", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_cornholio"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "1", 0 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "2. irule", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_irule"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "2", 1 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "3. knockknock", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_knockknock"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "3", 2 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "4. littlefriend", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_littlefriend"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "4", 3 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "5. scaredtodeath", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_scaredtodeath"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "5", 4 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "6. shootthisdog", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_shootthisdog"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "6", 5 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "7. shutup1", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_shutup1"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "7", 6 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "8. shutup2", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_shutup2"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "8", 7 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "9. silence", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_silence"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "9", 8 )
QM_MENU_ITEM( "0. whattodo", exec "VoiceChat taunt2_whattodo"; close wm_quicketc10_alt, "0", 9 )


Have much much fun with that :)

Re: New Bindlist :P

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 07 Apr 2009, 09:45

we still have here a list viewtopic.php?f=6&t=178
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ETc| Member
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{ IMAGES }: 553
Joined: 25 May 2008, 22:01
Location: Germany

Re: New Bindlist :P

Postby ETc|GammaRay » 07 Apr 2009, 10:41

and sorry barb but how do we use these binds ?

PM me in french or answer here, as you want

thanks in advance ;)
no World Order !!!!!

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ETc| Member
Posts: 341
Joined: 13 Mar 2009, 19:38
Location: France

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