
If you were kicked or banned you can talk about it here.
You can also find here all info about cheaters cought on our server. Here too.


Postby deoreh » 31 May 2012, 18:54

One of your lovely members called T.C. Nathan couldn't stand me owning him, yes its true.. and so he banned me for apparently ''being an arrogant bitch'' <-- Banreason.
To be frank he was the only one being arrogant and he was just provoking me the entire time by calling me names and accusing me of the infamous WALLHACK.
Also some of your fantastic admins thought I was wallhacking which I do not, but apparently I cannot use my sound because else the admins might think I hack because I hear people walking and I peak around the corner and shoot em ;ooooo.
Now I know none of you actually understand the concept of ETpro players and what a big gap there is skillwise between decent ETpro players and just simple public gamers, and this is most likely the reason why some lovely fellas think I hack.
Yesterday I came back to ET after a few months of inactivity and got a permanent ban after just 25 minutes on your server!!! This is a new record for me, yay!!!
So I oh so kindly ask you to revoke my epic ban and tell Nathan to grow up. He is also abusing his admin rights by banning me without a PROPER reason.

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Re: Banned

Postby yonis » 31 May 2012, 22:02

Lol nathan is a new member. He cant ban you.
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Re: Banned

Postby deoreh » 31 May 2012, 22:50

Ok so nathan cant ban me, then its some other admin who just banned me without a valid reason. I don't really get your reply though, how is it relevant to my unban? :S
Anyway I dont even know why I came here because even if I get unbanned, I will just get banned again for being too good and then you guys come up with an excuse such as WALLHACK or AIMBOT, believe me you guys are definitely not the first to do this. However prove me wrong ;)
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Re: Banned

Postby Hans Gunsche » 01 Jun 2012, 00:24

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Re: Banned

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK » 01 Jun 2012, 02:08

yonis wrote:Lol nathan is a new member. He cant ban you.

some1 with the power did it,that's the point! so i wont hide.. ;) i kicked you and yes looked to ban your sorry ass!! :lol: :twisted: so i would only if i were you !news shutup and fuck off, because we don't really need you here. :evil: :twisted: bye p4ss10N and no fk'n five, just a fuck off!!! :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Banned

Postby deoreh » 01 Jun 2012, 13:23

Speak some fucking sense laddybob, I haven't got a clue what you are on about. So this is what ET has come down to, clans that own a popular public server look to ban people who are far better than they are just because you cant stand getting dominated? Alright fine I get that, but its truly immature to ban me without a valid reason for I barely said a word on the server and Nathan was provoking like a little bitch, but that probably eluded you because as all the other clans in ET you seem to have a blind spot for your own members.
Ban reason: None, Length: Permanent, Maturity level: Toddler.

Here is another Goodbyefuckingfive!
p4ss10N :)
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Re: Banned

Postby Tau » 01 Jun 2012, 19:50

I don't know whether you cheat or not, for I haven't seen you playing. What I can say, however, is that your attitude is far from appropriate here. You should not use irony or cynicism in your posts (first post) or be so hostile. How can these things possibly help you? Other posts I'm not even going to start about. Though, your claim that "clans that own a popular public server look to ban people who are far better than they are just because you cant stand getting dominated" is seemingly based on nothing. Or are you really claiming that we consciously banned you, knowing that you don't hack, just because you're better? (I think than we should have more posts of your kind here) That is nonsense of course. The best you can claim is that we are just not skilled enough to see whether you cheat or not (which is a different claim!). But remember, if that is your claim, it is not unreasonable of us to stand our ground. A member never bans here without discussion with other members, so to doubt this judgement is sadly to doubt the whole clan. You cannot expect us members to doubt our own clan, simply because you say you're not hacking.

Next to that your rethorical sophism about no reason for banning you is not working. As you said yourself, there are two reasons why we banned you: arrogance and alleged hacking. Yes, of course, you can contest them. But that does not mean we banned you for no reason (as if we randomly banned you). No we banned you clearly for those reasons. And you are here to contest them, not to say you're banned for nothing.
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Re: Banned

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK » 01 Jun 2012, 20:45

shut the fuck up dickhead! :evil: i !spec you from the beginning because i thought you hacked the map before."I hear people walking." what? everywhere? my ass!! from half a map away? come on.Grrrr :evil: :evil: your lucky i let you play as long as you did.i should have set you on fire,launched you and banned you in the air.sorry tau,have you ever known me to be an ass or disrespectful? im never nice to people who have no respect for people,rules or others servers as you i stand by what i see and say.!ban wallhack,for being an arrogant bitch,and i dont like you.DON'T REPOST because i wont.(fade to black.(m4g!cK walks away and flip deoreh the finger,shakes his head and says ASSHOLE) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Banned

Postby deoreh » 01 Jun 2012, 21:58

Muhahahah bunch of wankers, I did not come here to get unbanned really, just to start a fuzz with clueless people such as yourselves, I barely said a fucking word on the server and I got banned by m4g!cK who I can tell is as immature as one can be, I do not understand how such an ignorant puny little faggot could possibly get admin rights, Bad Management I guess. Also about your point:
"Though, your claim that "clans that own a popular public server look to ban people who are far better than they are just because you cant stand getting dominated" is seemingly based on nothing. Or are you really claiming that we consciously banned you, knowing that you don't hack, just because you're better? (I think than we should have more posts of your kind here) That is nonsense of course. The best you can claim is that we are just not skilled enough to see whether you cheat or not (which is a different claim!)" U dont receive more of these posts because im not a random player who is slightly better than you, im far beyond the skill level of any public jaymod player, and thats a fucking fact, all the ''top trackbase noobs'' know this. And about the part that people who own a public server look to ban people who are far better than they are is actually based on about 10 servers which ive been banned from. Some even gave the reason: You are too good, go play on a different server with people of your own skill.
Also, the reason why im being so ''arrogant and sarcastic'' is because I was behaving perfectly on the server, even though ur wank ass members started to provoke me and thats when I got a ban outof nowhere. Really you lot as a clan are a pathetic bunch of fuming cretins who are beyond Sad. And u probably wouldn't understand because you lot cant play this game properly, but when one gets banned just because he can actually play the game, and then has to go to a site to ask for an unban, but instead gets an immature little prick like m4g!cK to respond, that doesnt really help the case now does it madafakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (C) chow

I respected all the rules on ur gay ass server, did not use any cheats whatsoever, however I cannot give counterarguments to my ''wallhack'' because there hasnt even been fucking proof. This is the main problem with unorganized clans such as yours, you ban people without even having fucking proof lol, bunch of idiot kanker homos.

I wish you all the best and hope you will have oh so much fun playing with your tiny weeners.

(fade to black.(deoreh walks away and wacks his gargantuan dick on m4g!cK's forehead, shakes his head and says SUCK ME OFF FOR I AM A PEDO wait wut?)

Here is my last GoodbyefuckingFive and I hope you will have loads of fun playing with your miserable teammates.

P.S. You have exceeded the limits of immaturity, congratulations, heres a nipple as a reward.
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Re: Banned

Postby Hans Gunsche » 01 Jun 2012, 22:14


I feel sorry for you, you are clearly not right in the head. A lot of text for someone who does not care and only did it to start a fuzz.. no life much? Go follow anger management classes, you wont be missed.
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Re: Banned

Postby ETc|Luis » 02 Jun 2012, 01:07

U dont receive more of these posts because im not a random player who is slightly better than you, im far beyond the skill level of any public jaymod player, and thats a fucking fact, all the ''top trackbase noobs'' know this. And about the part that people who own a public server look to ban people who are far better than they are is actually based on about 10 servers which ive been banned from. Some even gave the reason: You are too good, go play on a different server with people of your own skill.

Then go do that son.

With all the stupid disrespectfull words you used in your posts Im sure that Darkness, Jay, Madde, Mafia or Yonis doesnt want you back in our server.

Can someone close this topic? He will not come back in my opinion.


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Re: Banned

Postby ETc|Pete. » 03 Jun 2012, 14:07

damn, childs nowadays don't study or what? they just get a good PC, full time for play, become good, and think they are GODS or something ?
puaj, better without that fools..
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Re: Banned

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 03 Jun 2012, 15:10

topic closed account banned.
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