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Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 15:27
by tof
Hello, I m a player of Enemy Territory , my pseudo is Tof
I have problem, I cant play, problems with punkbunster.
I try to reinstall game , I write in console '/pb_myguid' , my key seems good....
It seems that I m banned. When I arrived on a server, I m kicked.
I tries several servers , not only Etc server and its the same.
I just want know why and if its really the problem .
If I m really banned or if its my game or computer which sucks.
If I m banned , I dont understand why . I m playing sometimes, I m cool , I dont insult , I dont cheat , even if sometimes I m often critize.
If you can explain me , it will be great.
thanks a lot :)

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 15:39
by naQ
You need yo write down the information you get when you get kicked/banned or take a screenshot.
Send it here and we take it from there..

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 15:57
by tof
hello ok :

' server disconnected _ Punkbuster kicked
player 'tof' (for 0 minutes)....
Restriction : Service Communication
Failure : Pnkbstra.exe '

Every time I see it , I reinstalled the game , I enabled Punkbuster , I even tape in console 'pb_myguid' , key good
I do it yesterday , I arrived on server , I play 1 minute and again kicked , just before I see message 'You suck' and kicked for 2 minutes.
I retried after and again the message I copy you.

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 16:50
by naQ
It might be a problem with a firewall you've got that restricts the punkbuster services from contacting the server.
Make sure your firewall isn't blocking the Pnkbstra.exe. Can't really help on that, it depends on the firewall you've got.

You can also try to update punkbuster manually, though I don't think that's the problem:

I don't know about the "you suck" kick, that sounds more of an admin abuse.. :/

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 17:21
by tof
OK no its not seems to be the firewall. Its firewall windows XP , I have never got problem , Its open for pnkbstra.exe , I even close firewall and always kicked.
Then you think its a computer problem ?
You dont think I m juste banned ? What sort of message we received when we are banned ? not this ?
You are an admin ?
thanks agains ;)

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 17:24
by naQ
Oh, well, try to update the punkbuster manually then.

If you would be really banned, you'd have a different message and you wouldn't be able to connect to the server at all.
That's not what's going on in here..

Pretty wierd, but sometimes Punkbuster can be a really pain in the ass. :/

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 17:34
by tof
Ok thanks, its good to know , then its seems to be a computer problem.
I always try your link before , and download the program.
I run it , download updates and after big problem , I cant launch the game , I must be obliged to resinstalled game.
But I will retry one time now to see ok
I tried this when I havent resinstalled a game, maybe now it can work.

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 17:50
by tof
Ok updates now works , I can launch game , but paf again this message.
I just see in program files of the game , that I dont see , I dont find Pknbster.exe....

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 18:26
by naQ
It's really wierd, if you've made clean reinstalls and everything..
All the evidence does lead to the fact that your firewall is blocking the punkbuster communication.

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 19:03
by naQ

You can also try that tool to reinstall punkbuster services..

Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 19:59
by LuCkY*13
Hello tof..thats why you dont apper on server :(...
i guess naq give all info that i can give...but.try to uninstall (save etkey)
and go get the older version of et (2.55) for me......and at last (like me)
dont update to 2.60.for 2.60 i have i separeate instalation..i work whit 2.55 and its OK for me.cause when i update give me
a similar i stick whit the 2.55...hope it works... ;)


Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 20:32
by tof
Hello guys , thanks a lot for your help ! :)
Yes, I reinstalled again the game today , in all deleted old files.
Always same problem , but with the last link of Naq and launch this little program, it seems to work like before ! cool Thanks man ;)
I just play a map , its seem to be good , I hope it will be always good.
I m happy and its funny to hear 'congratulation herr mayor of your promotion' lol
Juste some little thinks are changing, for example the list of the name of dead player , but not important.

I had the setup of ET on my computer , a old download .
I look the file of version , I dont know if its 2.55 , 2.60.... I see it anywhere , nor in file , neither in game...

[Version Info]
ExtVersion=1.0 It seems to be version 1 but its suprising. I think in joining server and in downloading map , sounds... the version is updating , no ?

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 20:35
by tof
Ah yes , I searched punkbuster files , there are in c:\Windows\system32 for info
ciao ciao

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2010, 21:22
by naQ
Great it helped!

Seems like Punkbuster had messed up it's registry entries or something like that.
And yes, they are supposed to be in /system32/ , I just didn't realize that you didn't know where to find them..

Hope to see you on ETc servers! ^^

Re: Player Tof Needs informartion

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2010, 16:38
by tof
Hello yes in fact I learn something with all this.
I dont know that punkbunster service was an real program.
I delete it without know that was for game.
I believe when you reinstalled the game , It reinstall all things to play , but no , not punkbunster service.
thanks again , yes see you on server to kill you in headshot lol I joke