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Postby R|Ze » 23 May 2011, 05:18

Have had enough of some of your lame admin and no longer find it fun to play with such retards, so please ban me and do me and ETc| both a favour.
Darkness and jay it was fun playing with you but when your not on some of your admin like to threaten people with Bans and mutes just because someone disagrees with them and i have no time for power hungry cretins like G8 and some like minded fukwits.
It was fun playing with some of you, good luck and have fun.
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Postby Trigga AP » 23 May 2011, 07:00

Hey were just there for the same reason as you, to have fun. Just enjoy the game and server and everything will be fine :D
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Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 23 May 2011, 19:01

ETc|G8, says:

Hello guys.. AND ETc|members... i am here to explane what was point of your mute... I GIVE YA MUTE !!! because : RUSKO say to me : AMAIZING g8 .. so i answer THANK YOU ... then RIZE aka STENnoADREN ... jump in the middle of talk .. YE OFC ADRE SUX ..blablabla .. i was mute ya because of your WHINING ... all the time spam spam... i didnt mute ya for noreason i do not to do that NEVER for nothing... i am here TO DEFENDE A SERVER OF problem people ... and rize relax go outside with your girlfriend and have fun ..more then be here and make talk shits to people who come to have fun and take this game JUST FOR FUN .. not personality... i am sorry to all for my english but i know i was right :)

if you are jelous about my good playing thats not my problem :)
and the only reason i muted you was because you was being antisocial
AND you keep whine whine whine whine :)))))))
STOP HIDING ( BEHIND JAY AND DARKNESS) and talk to us .. YE MUTE ME YEE ill tell darkness or jay .. blalblablbal we are here TO ,TO DEFENDE SERVER AND MAKE CLEAN OF SHITS!!
you have with all someproblems like : someone push ya,or block ya , hey ETc| are is that allowed hey ETc| he do that ,Hey ETc| ... blabla ..
you are not only the one guy at server.. all are here to have fun and be defended of problems not only YOU !!! <<<<<<<<< thats all of me>>>>>>>>>> QUIT story ... dont take that personaly and have fun :))))
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Postby *0P*.! » 23 May 2011, 19:44

i agree g8, nice words.
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Postby R|Ze » 23 May 2011, 19:56

Ok now i have proof G8 is no more than a little lying child.
Go look at the chat logs jay and you will see i have never spammed anything on your server.
Yes G8, that player said your great and i said adrenalin can make anyone great and that is it, and at no point did i ever say in that chat with you that adren sux and jay can go check the logs to prove what i am saying is the truth.
But in the chat log it does show that you were threatening with ban and also muted me for trying to defend myself against your bull shit.
If by whining you mean defending what i was trying to say rather than have you talk utter shit at me then yes i was in your opinion whining.

As for being jealous you have to be kidding me surley ?, if i used adren and went medic i would own you like the shit licker you are and i reckon most here with any skills would also agree to that, lol i already own you with just a sten and no adren, let alone having health equivalent of being 312hp(adren) and having 2 smg's to shoot at you rather than 14 rounds in a sten before overheat and having around 140hp.
Your not even in my class of skills and never will be tard.

Your blatant bullshit lies will get you into trouble one day little kid and i hope you pay dearly for it when it happens, i absoultely hate little lying retard fukwits like you with a passion.
And this guy is why i can no longer play on ETc| after playing on this server since it 1st started years and years ago before most of you even started playing ET.

I wonder how many other people this fuktard has got banned because of his lies, i know this sort of personality and it is one i like to stay clear off, slime comes to mind and that is exactly what you are G8, pure slime.

G8 did you really think jay couldnt check the chat log if he wants to see your bullshit lies, dumb kids these days have no brains, and have no idea of how jaymod records all chats and can be used as evidence of abusive admin or players.
Jay please check the logs so you can see what sort of player you have recruited here, he is giving your clan a bad name if he does this kind of shit all the time.
Lying about me is one thing, but lying to your clan leaders to make yourself look good is another thing altogether G8 and i have banned clan members like you in the past for being as slimey as you are.
Last edited by R|Ze on 23 May 2011, 20:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby QpiD » 23 May 2011, 20:47

Yes you are whiner STENnoADREN, i even muted you because you said so many time "retarded people playing medics" then "medic nerds" etc etc... (or are you a fan of ASSA ?)
We dont need to ban you, you just have to stop connecting on server, it s easier and simple.
Now let me remind you something, we all here to have fun, it s just a game and having kids whining every single minute is annoying.

Everyone will tell you i never abuse my admin so called "power".

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Postby R|Ze » 23 May 2011, 20:58

QpiD wrote:Yes you are whiner STENnoADREN, i even muted you because you said so many time "retarded people playing medics" then "medic nerds" etc etc... (or are you a fan of ASSA ?)
We dont need to ban you, you just have to stop connecting on server, it s easier and simple.
Now let me remind you something, we all here to have fun, it s just a game and having kids whining every single minute is annoying.

Everyone will tell you i never abuse my admin so called "power".


Another person who likes to lie ?, haha this clan is getting worse by the minute Qpid you are even more of a twat than G8 for saying you have muted me.
Exactly when did you supposedly mute me ?, because i know for a fact the 1st mute i have had in about 2/3 years was yesterday as i dont hardly even play anymore you dumb fukwit.
Are you that thick/dumb that you dont know about chat logs and what they actually mean and do ?.
You have never muted me and i have been saying fuck all on the server for ages and just playing, except for yesterday when someone called sunshine pushed me over the edge on minis twice, and when G8 started talking shit to me.
I am glad i stopped playing on this server if this is the sort of lame arsed admin that that are being recruited these days.
Check the logs or not i dont really care, but jay i warn you now, if you dont check them you will never really know what sort of members you have.
And from Qpids and G8's bullshit you have at least two pieces of scum that need to be eradicated from your clan.
And you people wonder why i only ever want to speak to jay or darkness ?, it is quite apparent that some of this clan are born liars who like to talk shit.
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Postby Reefermadness » 23 May 2011, 21:17

Does someone wants coffee? :mrgreen:
Great shot!
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Postby ETc|HellWarr!or » 23 May 2011, 21:19

R|Ze wrote:
QpiD wrote:Yes you are whiner STENnoADREN, i even muted you because you said so many time "retarded people playing medics" then "medic nerds" etc etc... (or are you a fan of ASSA ?)
We dont need to ban you, you just have to stop connecting on server, it s easier and simple.
Now let me remind you something, we all here to have fun, it s just a game and having kids whining every single minute is annoying.

Everyone will tell you i never abuse my admin so called "power".


Another person who likes to lie ?, haha this clan is getting worse by the minute Qpid you are even more of a twat than G8 for saying you have muted me.
Exactly when did you supposedly mute me ?, because i know for a fact the 1st mute i have had in about 2/3 years was yesterday as i dont hardly even play anymore you dumb fukwit.
Are you that thick/dumb that you dont know about chat logs and what they actually mean and do ?.
You have never muted me and i have been saying fuck all on the server for ages and just playing, except for yesterday when someone called sunshine pushed me over the edge on minis twice, and when G8 started talking shit to me.
I am glad i stopped playing on this server if this is the sort of lame arsed admin that that are being recruited these days.
Check the logs or not i dont really care, but jay i warn you now, if you dont check them you will never really know what sort of members you have.
And from Qpids and G8's bullshit you have at least two pieces of scum that need to be eradicated from your clan.
And you people wonder why i only ever want to speak to jay or darkness ?, it is quite apparent that some of this clan are born liars who like to talk shit.

If you don't like to play on the server so much, and want to be banned, why not just stop connected? It's simple. Don't click on any of the ETc| servers when you are looking to play. Problem solved? Right? Oh, and please don't disrespect any of the admins or members, just speak respectfully about your issue and maybe it will be taken more seriously.
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Postby R|Ze » 23 May 2011, 22:29

Reefermadness wrote:Does someone wants coffee? :mrgreen:

Actually i need at least 10 ounces of the finest skunk to calm my anger at the blatant lies being told by two certian people.
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Postby R|Ze » 23 May 2011, 22:45

ETc|HellWarr!or wrote:If you don't like to play on the server so much, and want to be banned, why not just stop connected? It's simple. Don't click on any of the ETc| servers when you are looking to play. Problem solved? Right? Oh, and please don't disrespect any of the admins or members, just speak respectfully about your issue and maybe it will be taken more seriously.

You are right and i actually thought about it and came here specifically to say sorry to the |ETc members who have had nothing to do with this.
I only have an issue with two people who are lying and that is it, i do not dislike any of the other ETc| members as they have all been nice and fun to play with.

As for disrespecting admins, well they have disrespected me by saying i have said something i have clearly not said(look in logs), where i come from respect is earned and those two people clearly deserve none in the slightest.
Just because you are in a clan or have admin means nothing to me in the slightest if you are going to lie about me then expect me to blow a fuse and get angry.
And i have clearly stated from the start that i will not be joining the server anymore or did i not make that clear from my 1st post ?.

Why did you even lie about me Qpid i dont even know who you are and for you to lie is quite disturbing, maybe you need help, and if jay looks at the logs you will be shown to be the liar you are, go hang your head in shame for not knowing about chat logs and server logs.
I ran ET servers for about 6 years so do actually know these logs exist and can be used as evidence against idiots who think they can lie their way through anything.

For all the rest of ETc| i am sorry i had to come onto this forum and do a rant, but i do not like liars and will always defend myself against such people.
And so should you.
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Postby LuCkY*13 » 24 May 2011, 02:11

All this cuz of a mute...dude get smthing to do,and you say your not a whiner..eheh
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Postby R|Ze » 24 May 2011, 02:38

/pt/WaRlOrD wrote:All this cuz of a mute...dude get smthing to do,and you say your not a whiner..eheh

Another person who has no idea what i am trying to convey, well done for showing your ignorance and not having a clue what i am going on about.
As soon as someone sticks up for themselves it is classed as whining ?, get a grip kiddo and welcome to the real world where if you get accused of stuff you defend yourself.
Or do you just bow down to people lying about you and accept it like a dog ?, i am guessing by your pathetic statement it is the latter..eheh

If you dont have anything intelligent to say dont bother, remember i am not the one in the wrong here, your two lying clanmates are, and it is best you remember that fact before you continue to defend them for being slimey liars.
I will also point out by them two lying they are making bigger fools of ETc| members who believe them than me thats for sure.
I only play once in a blue moon whereas you have to play with those two on a daily/weekly basis, have fun with so called freinds/clan members like that, rather you than me ETc|.

How many times this week on the server have you honestly seen me complain about adren or anyone other than the medics who dont heal team and the idiot who pushed me off the side on minis two times ?.
Now look at what Qpid and G8 have been saying and tell me honestly that you think those two are telling the truth.
If jay looks on the logs, the only times i have played in the last few months is when darkness has been on at the same time except for yesterday.
And in that time not once have i started spamming about adren sucking or had multiple mutes from Qpid although they both seem to think so even though the logs will clearly show otherwise.

@Qpid i just noticed your age and your 30 ?, wow someone that age lies like that how stupid are you ?, i really hope jay looks at the logs, even if he doesnt discipline either of those two at least he and mat will know their true nature and that will be good enough for me.
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Postby LuCkY*13 » 24 May 2011, 08:41

yeah yeah dude....i dont even have time to read alll this...cuz you know some ppl got a life behind i see here
is blablablabla...dude...think man.....a mute...nothing many hunger in the world...and you worrying whit a fukin mute...eheh
get a life man...
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Postby QpiD » 24 May 2011, 08:59

Another kid making drama for nothing and who got nothing else to do but insult people and whine whine for ever.

you dont need to answer because i got better thing to do than loose my time reading all your whine full of insult.

Get a life and go on kid.

someone close this topic it s endless with such people...
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Postby BaRbWiRe » 24 May 2011, 09:01

agreed lol CLOSE IT!
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Postby Endgegner » 24 May 2011, 10:02

@REEFER i want a coffee with milk and sugar!


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Postby *0P*.! » 24 May 2011, 16:35

@REEFER i want a coffee with milk and sugar! Same here.
And yes lucky all this s*** becose he got muted and server 1 is adre server, but u can play whitout adre, realy IDC becose i like adre. 5 years i allready used adre and i dont stop using it becose some guys dont like it. its bulls****. How long time u was muted? 5, 10, 30, 60 min. I hate guys who dont know what is FUN, and whining all the time. They ruin everybody game.My english is not so good like u, but i hope u got what i try to say.And one more thing rule nr. 7 No whining.
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Postby R|Ze » 24 May 2011, 16:44

/pt/WaRlOrD wrote:yeah yeah dude....i dont even have time to read alll this...cuz you know some ppl got a life behind i see here
is blablablabla...dude...think man.....a mute...nothing many hunger in the world...and you worrying whit a fukin mute...eheh
get a life man...

You dont have to time to read it or you just cant read properly ?. or is it you know i am right ?. i am guessing the latter again.
It seems you need to get a life when you insult people without even reading what they are saying, dumb shit.
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Postby R|Ze » 24 May 2011, 16:50

QpiD wrote:Another kid making drama for nothing and who got nothing else to do but insult people and whine whine for ever.

you dont need to answer because i got better thing to do than loose my time reading all your whine full of insult.

Get a life and go on kid.

someone close this topic it s endless with such people...

I notice you are not denying you lied about me you slimey scum, i bet you want it closed so maybe not all your clan see what sort of person you are.
I am not the one lying here remember that ETc|, this guy has lied about me now says i am the one insulting, well at least i am not lying for no reason like he did.
I will say it again Qpid you are pure slime and it is a poor state of affairs when ETc| is recruiting and allowing you to be a member.
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Postby R|Ze » 24 May 2011, 17:10

*0P*.! wrote:@REEFER i want a coffee with milk and sugar! Same here.
And yes lucky all this s*** becose he got muted and server 1 is adre server, but u can play whitout adre, realy IDC becose i like adre. 5 years i allready used adre and i dont stop using it becose some guys dont like it. its bulls****. How long time u was muted? 5, 10, 30, 60 min. I hate guys who dont know what is FUN, and whining all the time. They ruin everybody game.My english is not so good like u, but i hope u got what i try to say.And one more thing rule nr. 7 No whining.
fore more look here.

I will correct you on the whining part it was G8 who started the whining and then muted me for speaking back to him go look in the logs before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already appear to be doing.
I am guessing your english is so bad you cant grasp what i have been saying , and it shows from your post.
You are obviously happy with your clan mates lying about other people to make themselves look good and in doing so you are also showing that you have no morals either and are quite happy that some of your clan lie to make others look bad.

All the people so far in this thread have not aknoweledged that some of their clan are lying scum and that lying to make others look bad is ok in their books, and if that is the true state of ETc| then to be brutally honest i am glad i stopped playing on the server as i dont like scum and really dont want to play with such low life rabble.

Reefer, endgegner, trigga, madde and barbwire respect to you, as for the rest that posted pathetic replys in here, you really are not worth my time and effort and are totally below me in every sense, now go post in someone else's thread if you cant even be bothered to actually read what i am saying, stupid dumb trolls.

It really is a good job i hardly even play ET now or i may of been gutted by this, but luckily i play better games now and only really came on to have fun with mat, but that now ends and no more late night fun on ETc|.

To all the other ETc| members reading this i am not saying your all bad far from it but as you have seen in this thread you do have some slimey idiots in your clan who accept lying from fellow members to cover their own back, and am guessing the ones who made stupid replies in here are also likely to do slimey things too.

If you want me to stop making sense and stop owning the people who make stupid posts then use your brains people it is quite simple, dont reply to me then i cant reply back is it that hard to grasp ?.
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Postby *0P*.! » 24 May 2011, 19:10

i dont know u @ all, but i know g8 long time.
U stoped playng in our server so good luck somewhere else then and we can close this topic .
have fun.
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Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 24 May 2011, 19:57

cant watch at all, fix this problem in xfire with the guy g8 or whoever.
iam not reading 2 gb size logfile because of such kindergarten.

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