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Total members 1969 Latest User'sJoined wolffiles15 Jan winy11 Jan EndPsyko22 Dec
Counter-Strike Global Offensive CS:GO
Post here anything about our CS:GO Server. We are recruting admins and members. Friendly Fire Off, Doublejump, Quakehoping, Sourcemod Metamod, 32 slot, Gun menu.
Subforum: German
Kicks & Bans
If you were kicked or banned you can talk about it here. You can also find here all info about cheaters cought on our server. Here too.
Subforum: German
Game Server Support
If you have any problems, regarding to gameservers. You can create a topic. We will find out a solution. Source Engine games, Quake Engine games, or any others. Request something, like scripts serverside. Or post your own made stuff.
Subforum: German
should we put ( The Battle of Monte Cassino ) on Main Server
Guided Rockets?
How much ammo in Mortar?
Do you enjoy the new sound pack?
Should be Paris Bastille removed?
Can Ownage join the clan?
To much Arty?
Would you play on a CoD4 server if we had one?
Who is online
In total there are 67 users online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 66 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes) Most users ever online was 3433 on 05 Jan 2025, 11:09
ETc| EXXTREM TERROR CLAN Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Gaming Community is a group supplying services with no intention of any monetary profit. Your donations are welcome so that the cost of our server, domain name, etc. can be covered.
Please use a decimal point (not a comma) as the separator, e.g. 3.50