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Re: And now (26 months later) say hello to my lil girl!

Hey guys
thanks a lot for all the replies! I'm typing this with one hand atm as left arm is blocked with little cutie. Nights r ok. still I'm tired.
see yall Il keep you informed

by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
11 Feb 2013, 09:44
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: And now (26 months later) say hello to my lil girl!
Replies: 12
Views: 29315

Re: Pics of ETc| and regulars

Dude, errhm , you have something in your face. Erhm...

:(}: :lolsign:

Continue, soldier! Mind the magnets!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
03 Feb 2013, 23:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of ETc| and regulars
Replies: 1243
Views: 2061376

And now (26 months later) say hello to my lil girl!

Hey Dudes and Dudereenes! Probably no one knows me anymore here now anyways, but I thought I'd report back to you exxtreme terrorists, that Dipls a double daddy now! Please put your hands together for my beautiful daughter: Aurelia Jean As Theo (know-me's will remember my first son, know-me-nots -->...
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
03 Feb 2013, 23:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: And now (26 months later) say hello to my lil girl!
Replies: 12
Views: 29315

Re: my name

how about "01.01.0001" standing for the first day humanity rises from the ashes of the nuclear holocaust north corea brought over us on the 21.12.2012?
Or, if you like the day / date thing how about:


I find that one rules. Everyone will follow you.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
18 Dec 2012, 22:52
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: my name
Replies: 27
Views: 38175

Re: what i did at the weekend

Dale Earnheart, 12:00 Minutes (Press-conference, the guy on the far left): ... C3%A4mlich

thats what Antoine did last weekend

by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
16 Dec 2012, 17:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: what i did at the weekend
Replies: 35
Views: 58092


haha :D totally right hans and dipl congratulation!! :D @dippl haste die map noch so gut in erinnerung oder haste geschummelt :D? Hab ein Gedächtnis wies Internet. Auch wenn ich jetzt nicht mehr spiele...das brennt sich schon irgendwie in die Netzhaut, wenn ma nnur ca 10 - 15 Maps kennt und sein Le...
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
02 Oct 2012, 19:35
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 52
Views: 62293


Havent played the game for over a year and knew it was subway...
Do I get a prize?

nice game!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
01 Oct 2012, 20:07
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 52
Views: 62293

Re: apocalyptic weather while i play ET wao0o

Hell yeah! Wet T-shirt-contest! Why do those girls have bras underneath!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
02 Sep 2012, 21:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: apocalyptic weather while i play ET wao0o
Replies: 8
Views: 13603

Re: a long way back home

Eight Stiche on the Penis, then lieber a Schrankwand on the Kopp!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
12 Aug 2012, 20:54
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: a long way back home
Replies: 19
Views: 31012

Re: happy birthday madde

Alles gute! War unterweges bin grad erst zurück.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
12 Aug 2012, 20:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: happy birthday madde
Replies: 10
Views: 11365

Re: a long way back home

But your PC has to look at the Schrankwand all day!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
01 Aug 2012, 21:20
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: a long way back home
Replies: 19
Views: 31012

Re: a long way back home

Jay, your Schrankwand is total eighties!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
01 Aug 2012, 17:13
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: a long way back home
Replies: 19
Views: 31012

Re: Mass-email Test for registered users.

Its, erhm yellow...
very modern :roll:

nee spässle, hascht schee gmacht!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
30 Jul 2012, 21:41
Forum: Website / Forums
Topic: Mass-email Test for registered users.
Replies: 26
Views: 38961

Re: Clanmeeting 2012

Im in England from 02. - 12th August. First London then Matt-Land. My cousin is marrying
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
18 Jul 2012, 18:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Clanmeeting 2012
Replies: 12
Views: 19333

Re: Happy Birthday

Me be latest, was on vacation. Happy bday!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
18 Jul 2012, 18:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Happy Birthday
Replies: 16
Views: 19445

Re: Praktikum

u mean tactical training? :mrgreen:
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
29 Jun 2012, 22:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Praktikum
Replies: 6
Views: 8433

Re: Happy Birthday ΣƬᄃ|Λ^DaЯΚПΣsS) aka Matt

Happy bday Matt! Just raised my glass towards Manchester!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
10 Jun 2012, 22:24
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: Happy Birthday ΣƬᄃ|Λ^DaЯΚПΣsS) aka Matt
Replies: 16
Views: 21935

make War, not arab drifting! ... ure=relmfu

omfg (or better omfa for those who understand)
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
08 Jun 2012, 22:52
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: make War, not arab drifting!
Replies: 0
Views: 3855

Re: ETc|Super Luigi want to join

Congratulations dude! My sons 1,5 years now...enjoy the peace :mrgreen:
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
06 Jun 2012, 20:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ETc|Super Luigi want to join
Replies: 22
Views: 29692

Re: Pics of ETc| and regulars

QpiD wrote:My puppy 3 month old

Haki it s an AKITA INU

For you antoine:
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
02 Jun 2012, 20:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of ETc| and regulars
Replies: 1243
Views: 2061376

Re: hello

Wow sales director...
can u afford a new car now aswell ... :mrgreen:
Looks very much as if ill be promoted this year, making me head of production. Boss of 10 Dudes. Sounds good to, doesnt it :D
Still havent found a house... Grrr
Hope youre doing fine.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
25 May 2012, 20:22
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: hello
Replies: 13
Views: 29387


Reefermadness wrote:EDIT: By the way Dipl, when will we finally have the pleasure of seeing you on server again? :roll:

... Time will tell!

I'll have to finde some time...
Guess theres a few GBs of downloads / Updates etc to get before i can connect...
my times got very little with my little boy around :)
We'll see.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
13 May 2012, 21:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP MCA
Replies: 5
Views: 10120


Sad to hear that Adam "MCA" Yauch finally lost his battle against fucking cancer. We waste billions and trillions on wars all over the world and still havent got round to fight our real problems of life. That way we kill people both active and inactive. Its a shame. Thank you for the music...
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
04 May 2012, 21:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: RIP MCA
Replies: 5
Views: 10120

Re: Pics of ETc| and regulars

Salut! my family is fine. Theo has destroyed the only dummy he would ever use and now needs a whole lot more time to be put into bed. He was screaming NOOOONOOONOOO yesterday for 20 minutes without a pause, when he woke up and noticed the dummy wasnt where its supposed to be... Your cat died? Or did...
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
04 May 2012, 21:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of ETc| and regulars
Replies: 1243
Views: 2061376

Re: Pics of ETc| and regulars

Ahh how cute. How does your cat find him? :mrgreen:
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
04 May 2012, 16:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of ETc| and regulars
Replies: 1243
Views: 2061376

Re: So nice...

ahaha my old nice music topic! wow first post in this top for over two im old. Tigu, u too! here some nice tracks! enjoy: (really enjoyable!) (from Movie "Once", also very nice!, to be watched with wife / gf / homo bf): http://www.yout...
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
18 Apr 2012, 22:06
Forum: Off-topic
Topic: So nice...
Replies: 43
Views: 51207

Re: Carshow of your own car:)


and I bought a second one for my wife a citroen C3. Not worth the picture, lol. We were wondering about a swift at the time, but couldnt find a adequate one.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
11 Apr 2012, 20:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Carshow of your own car:)
Replies: 10
Views: 11948


Alles gute, Mann! Rock on!
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
09 Apr 2012, 14:44
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 35
Views: 68404

Re: About admins right

Good luck.
by ETc|Dipl Ing dEI mUDDER
18 Mar 2012, 22:43
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: About admins right
Replies: 8
Views: 11259

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