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More admin abuse... Looking at you, Gokuuu Son.

... him to quit or giving a warning before doing straight to the mute button like a dick". I was then muted myself and kicked shortly after that because I retaliated by changing my name since that was my only course of redress at the time. So Goku, how about trying the /ignore command instead ...
by mikehunt
12 Apr 2024, 23:16
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: More admin abuse... Looking at you, Gokuuu Son.
Replies: 1
Views: 1181

Re: I have been banned by betaben ,not reason apparents

... anyone, I just got annoyed on the map and the game, I'm sorry I didn't have to get upset on my own, but I don't think it deserves a permanent ban, because of a person who felt targeted thanks
by ETc_Legion
17 Mar 2024, 19:55
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: I have been banned by betaben ,not reason apparents
Replies: 2
Views: 3310

i need help please

hello it's Legion, I have a problem I got automatically banned permanently, because when resetting the map the game bugged and I ended up in the textures, which was considered a wallhack by the servers. Thank you for your help
by ETc_Legion
15 Jan 2024, 01:55
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: i need help please
Replies: 0
Views: 2171

Re: banned

i can't upload screenshots of the ban reason, because i don't see etc server list, like was before that happen.

i try to /connect and that what i see ....
by Wolverine...
24 Dec 2023, 14:43
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: banned
Replies: 10
Views: 7447

Hey, i am sorry.

Hey Guys, yeah its true, i was a jerk because i pushed teammates to many times. But listen, i am not doing this because i want somebody to harm or annoy (except of johnny (the pink buddy from netherlands), but thats another topic and i dont ...
by TomTuckerGF
19 Nov 2023, 21:31
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 4
Views: 13080


Hello guys, I'm RocknRolla' for the guys that don't know me yet.. I've started in this clan when i was 16 i'm now 31 ^^ i was often offline because i don't have Pc.. I gonna collect some money now for a gaming pc I'm happy to be back in the clan.. I also want to apologize for my behavior in ...
by RocknRolla
01 Nov 2023, 15:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ETc|RocknRolla'
Replies: 4
Views: 8072

Re: apologies

... But I didn't do it for no reason.. & I also had my reasons.: I was inactive when I left the clan & it was said that it would stay that way because a lot of things had changed privately... I just had no head and no desire for ET anymore.. Shortly afterwards an old friend asked me privately ...
by keitA.
06 Oct 2023, 23:42
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: apologies
Replies: 6
Views: 19922

Re: Abusive Kick

... if you were covert, maps shouldn't be rushed. It was 4v4 or 5v5 at the time. about darkness and g8 i said in general that i think we need them because the air on the server isn't as fresh as it used to be. we need the word of power that not everyone thinks they can do whatever they want. we ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 19:51
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 30593

Re: Abusive Kick

... first try to get obj... I admit that I made a mistake, admit yours too. * What is that argument with D4rkness ? He recruited me himself in game because I'm a team player and good guy in game...
by Rageahr
02 Jul 2023, 18:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 30593

Re: Abusive Kick

... to the obj which is trick jump. then you did it again and I kicked you. as a member you should know the rules and not break them. I kicked you because it gets on my nerves that everyone thinks they can do whatever they want since darkness and g8 aren't there that often anymore. we need someone ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 18:31
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 30593


Ingame Name: uMad|MikeHunt
Time: years

Real Name: Michael
Clans: none. I use uMad because it's funny
SL rating: ???
Country: USA

Why am I applying? Kdwel told me he wanted me to apply.
by mikehunt
26 Jun 2023, 19:39
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: uMad|MikeHunt
Replies: 11
Views: 18478

Re: Abusive Kick

... I don't think that's against the rules. However, I don't believe weedness knew you had gone covert and perhaps assumed you had just gone TJ again because you was playing dumb when he told you not tj obj first time, it's very obv tj we all know the map. He was a little quick on the trigger but ...
22 Jun 2023, 23:18
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 30593

Abusive Kick

... the place and I finished the game. (not rushed, not trickump or anything against the rules) Weedness seems to didnt like that I finished the game, because he kicked me.? Idk what I was suppose to do ? Play alone, only with the tank, and get chain kill by him and other ? The allies were all on the ...
by Rageahr
22 Jun 2023, 17:35
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 30593


... a while But I want to be honest. I miss playing with you a lot. I was banned at the time (to be honest, I don't know exactly why..?). If it was because I chose another clan after my break, I'm sorry. Nevertheless, I would really like to be able to play on your server again, at least as a "regular ...
by keitA.
01 May 2023, 14:08
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: apologies
Replies: 6
Views: 19922


... music, taking walks, playing games and volunteering I've tried to join this clan one year ago, but as soon as I applied my schedule got messed up because I joined a volunteering organization which had a lot of work for me to do, remaining with no free time for me so I had to quit gaming. After ...
by Niculai
17 Apr 2023, 16:40
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Niculai
Replies: 2
Views: 10118

Re: New ET sound samples

... samples in each subcategory is the way to go :geek: Anyway, please take a few minutes of your time to review them. I hope you will like them because I think they would be terrific on the ETc main server. Imagine all the cool and funny possibilities ! Hi, i have downloaded them, and we will ...
by ETc|#.Jay.#
17 Nov 2022, 18:49
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: New ET sound samples
Replies: 4
Views: 17727

Re: Twice

I was not recruited on the server etc. the lsd dates of what 4 years back and sometimes we replay together my there we derserter total.
I was etc my because of a bad joke with darkness he had fired me just for a joke

Edite : I just removed the lsd so that it wouldn't be confusing
by Twice
29 Oct 2022, 08:12
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Twice
Replies: 5
Views: 28670

New ET sound samples

... samples in each subcategory is the way to go :geek: Anyway, please take a few minutes of your time to review them. I hope you will like them because I think they would be terrific on the ETc main server. Imagine all the cool and funny possibilities !
by Ariovistus
24 Oct 2022, 17:43
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: New ET sound samples
Replies: 4
Views: 17727

Re: increase connection timeout

Hi Kulturguda,

with a arm64 its not possible to connect to the 27980 server. Because nitmod does not support arm. You can only connect to our etlegacy server with the etlegacy client. Port 27991
by ETc|#.Jay.#
20 Oct 2022, 21:46
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: increase connection timeout
Replies: 4
Views: 9368

Re: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags

... of the time but in rare cases it gets harder to discern on a similar color background. The little cross is easier to discern for me. And it's red because you need the Red Cross once you're targeted :mrgreen: A tiny white dot on a snow-covered map like Fueldump is the worst for me.
by Ariovistus
18 Oct 2022, 00:44
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags
Replies: 12
Views: 35205


... for nostalgia's sake. I've first started playing on this server back in 2014-2015, but I did not have any interactions with the community itself because I was too young. So what I am trying to do now is pry into your lovely community. Without further ado, I hope that you'll give me a chance, ...
by Niculai
08 Aug 2022, 14:57
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Niculai
Replies: 5
Views: 15535


... Cyberpunk. Now I am BACK and pretty active on ETC. I learned alot of aiming in previous games and can say that I play decent. I just play on ETC because I love the consistent number of players online, the mod (double jump, movement,...) and of course the playerbase of ETC. It's always fun with ...
by Zerfallsgesetz
30 May 2022, 17:35
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Zerfallsgesetz
Replies: 1
Views: 14918

Re: Leaving

... last word. what exactly did you do that was supposed to be so bad? I never noticed you negatively. unfortunately the atmosphere has changed a bit because some have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of ...
26 May 2022, 21:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 16635

Re: Leaving

... last word. what exactly did you do that was supposed to be so bad? I never noticed you negatively. unfortunately the atmosphere has changed a bit because some have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of ...
by ETc|WeednesS
22 May 2022, 01:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 16635

Re: nice

check out toxic incompetent administrators because it's really pathetic.
start taking consequences from the misapplication of kick / ban commands and not making a ban mascot (not the first time) FOR NOTHING (thanks for the ban for someone).
by yAk
16 Apr 2022, 23:40
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: cool ban for someone, check it out.
Replies: 3
Views: 20688

Re: Banned

after this gamehack message, a member banned you manually, since the anticheat autoban is off. We just receive messages of potential cheaters and decide self who gets the ban. Because there is a bug in nitmod.
by ETc|#.Jay.#
24 Dec 2021, 16:12
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Banned
Replies: 3
Views: 12697

Re: Banned

12-24-21 12:03:53 [VIOLATION::GAMEHACK] 0x0020 - Slot #14 ...Zatley (****F5PH)

I removed the ban, i hope it was just a false positive, because your screenshots made by anticheat, are black.
Some popular cheat blocks screenshots and give black output. I hope your not using anything.
by ETc|#.Jay.#
24 Dec 2021, 14:24
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Banned
Replies: 3
Views: 12697

Re: Let me introduce myself

Because some players try to pretend that I am another player (and that’s stupid, I don’t see the point), I represent myself.

Oh. Uhm. If you were referring too me GLLOQ the mister thing that was only a joke.
by Gecko
28 Nov 2021, 19:41
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 56726

Re: Let me introduce myself

Because some players try to pretend that I am another player (and that’s stupid, I don’t see the point), I represent myself. :lool: Aline, deaf, anorexic, a little depressed, but still married with a nice husband and 4 children. ...
26 Nov 2021, 16:36
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 56726

Re: hi

ok, I solved the problem, but I have a request to restore the ETC status because if I want to change the nickname to ETC | yAk, it changes to the standard "ETPLAYER"
and request for 90000xp back, thx
by yAk
03 Nov 2021, 23:21
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: hi
Replies: 2
Views: 8441

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