Hi guys. I just started playing on your server. I was pushing people of the clifs and stuff. And now I got banned by some admin, or clan member. I know I did wrong. And I was also warned 4 times. Yep that is the truth. Is there an option for second chance maybe?
... agre? Please stop talk shit. Thanks. well not much to say.Unban and VPN isnt allowed anymore. I was knew this day would come, i was already did my homework from long time lol, abut what to do when vpn is block now because your block all vpn. i was buy Something special, Similar to VPN but ...
... agre? Please stop talk shit. Thanks. well not much to say.Unban and VPN isnt allowed anymore. I was knew this day would come, i was already did my homework from long time lol, abut what to do when vpn is block now because your block all vpn. i was buy Something special, Similar to VPN but ...
... for cheating. Why to hide ur real ip? And so, why is ur mac is 00-00-00-00-00? At that time, I had no doubt that you were using cheats. And you did not answered on any of my questions in chat. Btw if you are not cheater u might said that or just anything. Instead - you just did /ignore nick. ...
... even have the balls anymore to do it for fun because i dont want to get banned forever. So i asked him for a permission in written form and so he did. U can read it in protocoll (i think it was from the 17th may). He is the only one guy who likes to play with me like that and we do really have ...
... come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc.. there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did many many times ,after unban and i was like IGNORE .. and many admins told me u keep doing that and regular players complain its was not only that ...
... above the bridge), a canadian guy named coyoute (teammate) pushed me to death. I mean, i really died. U can also see that in protocoll. But i didnt complain about that, because i thought it wasnt intentionally but reflexively. I was even happy, that i didnt get kicked or banned because his ...
... he probably binded to a key every time he joins, and we always ask him to stop spamming it, and he always keep spamming it, so yeah this time we didn't ask and I just muted him for a few minutes, maybe that way he will learn. So no, it wasn't without any warning like you think. now, you can hate ...
I got annoyed about the game, at no time did I insult anyone, and beta well who usually doesn't like me very much took advantage of it to ban me indefinitely, banned to 6:35 pm approximately, 17/03 , at no time am I insulting anyone, I just got ...
... with some friends, "I'm trying to raise my child fairly well - :=) " Any other things you want to write?: of course - I know that I did a lot of shit back then and leaving the clan to join another one only to come back wasn't the right way to go. I was still quite young back then ...
it take time to understand how to change mac, i did it. this is not show me etc server list, at favorite list. again cannot connect.. even to show ban message.. the same results on other laptop, when it clean instal
... in taste. I sometime push my clan mates but when I do it I do it rarely very rarely. I do want to talk a bit about Johnny, even if he push you or did something you don't need to take revenge, if it annoy you just say something to admin in private and he will take care of it. Johnny is a regular ...
I have been toying with the config file lately, specifically key bindings. I bound V829 (Oh, you fat piece of shit) and copied the text verbatim. I did add in the [k] tag at some point when experimenting. Anyway, instead of being asked to change it. I was muted for 6 minutes. I changed my config ...
you did tj for the obj then i splat you and said no tj for the obj. your reaction to that was it wasnt tj. my answer to that was don't play dumb. then you did it again and I kicked you. you may have been covert on the second ...
So im lying ? Hahaha All you said aren't true. First, i said on my post that I did not knew that jumping from that window was a trickjump. On multiple server i've been on, it's just another way to get the obj. But nevermind, I said on my post that it's ok, my bad ...
you weren't a covert, you were an engineer. I don't understand why you lie but do what you want. when you did it the first time i splat you and asked why you are doing trickjump as a member. you said it wasn't trick jump i jumped from the window to the obj which is trick jump. ...
I was there against you and can pretty much confirm what you say here about what happened. You did TJ the objective at first and was splatted for it, I saw you kicked after taking again and quick finish - I saw you was covert op (no idea if you took a uniform or not). ...
U got recruit by ur friend on ETc| server wich is not alloweda and apsolutly forbiden.. u was before ETc| u said ... why did u leav ? from my side F2 <--
... this game. Why on this server you may ask? Well, mainly for nostalgia's sake. I've first started playing on this server back in 2014-2015, but I did not have any interactions with the community itself because I was too young. So what I am trying to do now is pry into your lovely community. Without ...
I don't know who warned you but only the leaders have the last word. what exactly did you do that was supposed to be so bad? I never noticed you negatively. unfortunately the atmosphere has changed a bit because some have mutated into karens and complain about every ...
I don't know who warned you but only the leaders have the last word. what exactly did you do that was supposed to be so bad? I never noticed you negatively. unfortunately the atmosphere has changed a bit because some have mutated into karens and complain about every ...
Zup Ed. Well so. What can i say you are a good guy. You did play medic exclusively but lately i have seen you branching out to other classes. You are good, which honestly we dont need already have the rogans and the kyks and fatcats and jinzes and all ...
So guys will leave this clan… I had many fun with u guys. Since 2011 I joined this clan had makes many good friends but this time I did something wrong and I accepted it for my failure but someone makes me so hard braindead he wrote me one time for stoping abusing commands and I accepted ...
hi why etc the clan has incompetent administrators (maybe speedy?). why did I get a permanent ban rush if "ei8ht" finished adlernest.? if you can not check who finished the map only "yak" then we have nothing to talk about without receiving, ...
Hi! Did anyone else notice that there is no sound in ET on Windows 11? I upgraded my system from Windows 10 to 11 and saved the complete ET folder, but it runs without sound. I tried the compatibility mode and 'run as administrator' ...