Hello, is it possible to set up a server with ET without any mod. I think it would be fun to see how it all started sometimes and that new players can easy connect without downloading all kind of maps and mods. I remember ...
Hello, marvf thanks for the message. I hope you are still well and that we will see you again soon. I don't know what you are going through. In any case, we all have difficult times and I think, despite this, that you will manage thaT
Dear Valeka, I don't know how old you are, but your behavior shows that you are a 10-year-old child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain play...
Dear Valeka, I don't know how old you are, but your behavior shows that you are a 10-year-old child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain playe...
new free attack from FD, I talk with members, for no reason and absolutely without any connection he tells me ( How old are you 7 or 8 ? ) absolutely no sense, I am not answered to his attack
22:03:57 say: VALEKV^d://DDOS: !pants fd gay 22:04:11 say: ^0^*ETc^1|^0^*FD-Good: !mute valek 200 okey thats reason for first mute. 22:08:13 privmsg: VALEKV^d://DDOS: fd: arkadasim beni kiskirtiyorsun, sana cevap veriyorum ve sen beni transfer ediyorsun,? wrf ve bunun zerine agliyorsun, her seferin...
image https://ibb.co/DVhTVRz Hello, this message is for Jay, or G8, Darkness, four or five times, the player FDgood mutate me for no reason simply because I chat with other people, he is probably offended that I frag him, so he writes shut ...
hello dawid3rx is sad to hear that you got ban cuz vpn They put a script that filters the blacklist of ISPs known as VPN. You are not the only guy that got banned because you used a VPN. I saw a lot of that message when I ...
Hello, First of all i would like to apologise and Thank You for taking some time to answer this. So i was playing a lot on Your server and i enjoy it. One day after joining i got kicked with message that VPN or other programs ...
hello dawid3rx is sad to hear that you got ban cuz vpn They put a script that filters the blacklist of ISPs known as VPN. You are not the only guy that got banned because you used a VPN. I saw a lot of that message when I ...
hello PSYKOGRASM If he has only had high level for a few days perhaps he got a little too excited and just needs reminder to calm down, he have balls to !splat speedy. So who is the next guy tomorrow? He will do that again. ...
Hello Goku I know you are a good admin too for years, and I’m comfortable that you are admin here because you are a good guy. But you must understand that the negative energy you see here is because that admin is poisoning ...
Hello Gabriel, Thanks for sharing your concern. We’ll look into the situation to ensure commands are used appropriately by all admins. Fair play and respect are priorities here, and we appreciate your feedback! Best regards, ...
Hello, First of all i would like to apologise and Thank You for taking some time to answer this. So i was playing a lot on Your server and i enjoy it. One day after joining i got kicked with message that VPN or other programs ...
Hello! From my point of view you are a dedicated active player who: F1) Follows rules correctly; 2) Always friendly; 3) Never whines; 4) Helpful on team; 5) With high rates on top WET players around the world; 6) Active on ...
Hello, I have a question if it is possible to add a map called: Fragmaze, it is a typical 4fun map for frags, it would be nice to play on it sometimes when there are fewer people
Hello, my name is David. I come from Poland, My in-game nickname is: >>LuBaN I found your server quite by accident, but I like it very much and I want to stay with you and play with you as much as possible :D I'm 24 years ...
Hello, *|TANGES|* here. I wanted to say that long time ago i made a map called "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to ...
Hello, *|TANGES|* here. I wanted to say that long time ago i made a map called "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to ...
From my side defenetly BIG NO .. to many provocation on server and showing up disrespectfull actions not only to me to many here on server abd to many warns wich u ignored.. so u can play on server .. but being part of ETc| clan NO
Hello, you already know me, legion, former member of funclan, I had the opportunity to be co-leader on funclan from 2008 to 2015, clan, which unfortunately closed, just like most of the former members of funclan who are now ...
hello TomTuckerGF i think i believe you. cuz SIlentkiller have his own rules cuz in ETc server you can how mach you like playing around like throwing knifes and grenades. and have fun. cuz that is your fun time no one shold ...
hello i accept ur apologize lets see in future if thats apologize is 100procent sure from u :) U ARE UNBANED ! :admin: Hey g8, why are u not asking first, if my push was intentionally, or just reflexively? When i was on top ...
Hello! Nice to see you on the forum. As for me I would also say a F1 for her since shes quite active and friendly. Also quite active on discord. Only reminder from me would be to you for making yourself more visible on game. ...