Yes it is. And its gona stay like that idk how long.. many people complain on u and regulars players keep leaving server ,cause of ur rambo ego style and we are not all the time online to stop u with game play u know we have great players in clan ...
This was taken saturday around 12:00 Europe time. At players info you see first the amount of players and the amount of Bots and the amount of slots. How to get more players.... 20 years ago there where no bots. Its Sad to see it
Hello, is it possible to set up a server with ET without any mod. I think it would be fun to see how it all started sometimes and that new players can easy connect without downloading all kind of maps and mods. I remember that when i started playing the first time it was ...
Dear Valeka, I don't know how old you are, but your behavior shows that you are a 10-year-old child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat ...
Dear Valeka, I don't know how old you are, but your behavior shows that you are a 10-year-old child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other ...
new free attack from FD, I talk with members, for no reason and absolutely without any connection he tells me ( How old are you 7 or 8 ? ) absolutely no sense, I am not answered to his attack
I'm not sure how the VPN detection works, probably on some known list of IP's. It's not 100% accurate, maybe it's 98% accurate, you can have a false positive (example, you use normal internet service and cannot connect) but also ...
... balls to !splat speedy. So who is the next guy tomorrow? He will do that again. Yes, he should calm down by at least removing his level. Then see how his behavior in time passing, and maybe in the future set him to level 8. Let him wait years for lvl There are some good ETc admins that have been ...
... him! Speedy is a good admin at ETC. I know him for a years as a good admin. Now Mr CaV!aR got his level 11, I think a couple of days ago, and he showed his disrespect to old admins in ETC. It bothered me to see what happened here, so that's why I'm writing here. When CaV!aR was level 9, he used ...
... |Ps| SL rating: ?? Country / Nationality: Poland Hobbies: motoring, spending time with friends and I like making pizza because I am a pizza person How old are you: I'm 24 years old
... awaiting gamestat, but without the game loading on the bottom right or even adding those seconds after the awaiting gamestat. Does anybody know how to fix this problem? Otherwise I was thinking of uninstalling and reïnstalling the game to see if that works. Thx in advance Your beloved idiot ...
hello TomTuckerGF i think i believe you. cuz SIlentkiller have his own rules cuz in ETc server you can how mach you like playing around like throwing knifes and grenades. and have fun. cuz that is your fun time no one shold tell you how to play. I don't think you broke any ...
... From my experience most cheaters are easy to catch sometimes a little hard to catch the ones that can see through walls. but i know exactly how to test suspect that use it. by funny ways lol And 2nd they have free vpn that not stable. or payment vpn that some of them do the job will, and ...
... From my experience most cheaters are easy to catch sometimes a little hard to catch the ones that can see through walls. but i know exactly how to test suspect that use it. by funny ways lol And 2nd they have free vpn that not stable. or payment vpn that some of them do the job will, and ...
... got here some frags. and admins never ban/kick me, Except nick that think that i m cheater.. I never test cheat. just seen some videos at youtube how it looks like A real cheater i got banned by nick.. he started blame me for cheat, and cant see ss, and more... that was too annoying, cuze he keep ...
... corner or not, while its especially not easy to walk on that narrow corner. U can also check the protocoll on the day of my ban in goldrush-map, how often i fell dead while trying to walk on that corner (maybe 10 times). Since i got banned for the first time, i am generally suspected. I know ...
... This is MX Linux (64 bit) I haven't changed anything with the system or the game - the game was working fine on Thursday but not yesterday :( How do i fix this problem?
... like that, so I changed your nickname to "don'tPushit", so you reconnected to have that same name, and so you got kicked. So mike, how about instead of judging and disrespecting people before understanding the situation you take a deep breath and try a different approach? And btw ...
... more" or something like that. I hate, yes HATE, people who get off on any authority so I stepped in and said something to the effect of "how about maybe asking him to quit or giving a warning before doing straight to the mute button like a dick". I was then muted myself and kicked ...
... but I would be happy if I was given one last chance and allowed to rejoin the clan after a longer "trial" period. I am truly sorry for how I behaved back then. I can promise you 100% that I have learned from my mistakes. Greetings keitA.
it take time to understand how to change mac, i did it. this is not show me etc server list, at favorite list. again cannot connect.. even to show ban message.. the same results on other laptop, when it clean instal
Hi mike, thanks for your application May we know how old are you? I've been watching you a little and I think you should stick around and try to read server's and admin's atmosphere better, like how an admin should treat guests and vice versa, also ...
Hi, I'm surprised that I got a perm ban on your server, screenshot below: I don't know how to proof that I'm not cheating. I've played on almost clean version of ET Legacy (just a few more mods and maps from other servers and copied old etkey, profiles).
... who adds to the atmosphere on the server. If its really 4 years ago, who still cares about it really? And the fact that you removed those tags shows that you understand our problem and respect it too. I would say we consider your apply, watch how things run for a certain amount of time and then ...
... spread false rumours, that is their problem. If they have nothing else to do, it is too bad. If they’re paid to do this, they should explain to me how. I don’t have much to add except that I like this server and admins as well as a lot of players who enjoy playing. Now if some people still doubt, ...
... Gagou13 => 1.3h it's a bit early i think,meet admins be social and in time we'll see if we see you playing with ETc tag AND how old are you? Goodluck mademoiselle :yeah: