... u with game play u know we have great players in clan , that why u keep pwning regulars players wich they are not good players and that actions make them leav and u dont care for server and players wich i understand but we care I CARE , do not take that personal but we exist since 2005 and we ...
... =====Taunt===== Bring It On - f19_bringItOn Come Out - f19_comeOut Damn I'm Good - f19_damn_imGood Die Yes - f19_dieYes Fatality - f19_fatality Make Me! - f19_makeMe Make Out - f19_makeOut Talking To - f19_talkingTo Wildside - f19_wildside Yeah Right - f19_yeahRight =====ETc-classics===== Benny ...
... of a journey because I was addicted for over 10 years. At some point, I realized I wasn’t happy with my daily life anymore and knew I needed to make a change. A few months ago, I decided to turn my life around. I removed everything that fueled my addiction, including playing Wolfenstein and ...
Hey NoAmmo, i have seen u know for years on the Server and i think u would make a good addition for our little Family and the most important thing: that u share our love for the Game which u prove by playing active on the Server consistently. I wish you good ...
... "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to make it more playeble bud it was so long ago and i cannot seem to find it when i host the game when it is added to the etmain. Mayby somebody from your ...
... "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to make it more playeble bud it was so long ago and i cannot seem to find it when i host the game when it is added to the etmain. Mayby somebody from your ...
... crossed the red line. he not perfect but ok for me that he admin here on that case i will do the same. and !kick you enough to push a team Don't make us angry by your push. cuz You see the results...
So, today I found this really nice recipe to make an omelette. Ingredients 1 knob of butter 1 tomato, deseeded and diced 1 tsp dried oregano 2-3 eggs approx 30g grated cheddar cheese and the preparation. Method STEP 1 Melt half of the butter in ...
... but when the leaders bans you. it is cuz your disgusting ways to handle many cases... This is one of the differences between us. So don't try to make me look like the bad guy here in that story, you only hurt yourself. what can i lose? you r not smart ur somone not important person what are you ...
... reason to give me ban. why my mac is 00-00-00-00-00? i thnk the VPN manages that mac cuz my mac have numbers and letters why i use VPN? cuz is make Shortcut About 200/400KM make the ping lower a bit. so.. why not? some pepole here use VPN, Their flag changes. like XPEHAPE3 that have over a ...
... demo on each of them, and researching his gameplay, his cursor moving, etc. I will ask higher admins to take attention on this topic and they will make a decision on you. If you did not use any cheat or something, then big sorry from me, but only in that case. We live in difficult times...
... down of that walls and its fun for u <-- i will unban u but nextime if i see u push again cause u have fun, to others teammates in same time make die in game i will remove u from server and even from website u dont need to delete nothing... idk why is so hard to respect rules ? i know when ...
... will solve the problem just for me when other players might get annoyed as well, and it should be obvious that it's part of the job of an Admin to make sure this doesn't happen. Good day, Goku
... community again, I always enjoyed playing under the server/with the tag and I really miss those times. I can understand that you don't want to make a decision right away, but I would be happy if I was given one last chance and allowed to rejoin the clan after a longer "trial" period. ...
... is a regular in the server and ye I've seen him push sometimes but mostly he's quite and respectful. Stop issues with him from now on and we will make sure he don't start any with you. To sammarize it's better you avoid pushing, be respectful, talk nice, make concessions, don't taunt people too ...
There is absolutely a reason to make a post. Instead of talking to me like a man and telling me they didn't find it funny and/or wanted me to stop, they just go straight to mute?
... have been any updates or patches released for ET since then. Sometimes developers release fixes for compatibility issues over time. Additionally, make sure your sound drivers are up to date, as that can often resolve sound-related problems. If all else fails, you could try running ET in compatibility ...
... in blender, and if you dont find what you want, there are several ones available online. Btw. if you have missing Triangles after Export ingame, make sure the models are Triangulated.
Hey I'm glad to see keep your fingers crossed would make me very happy if you would become a member know us for a long time now you are always nice and so from me also fat F1 ❣️<3
Thanks for taking the time to make and post these, I really enjoyed them!
I posted them to the splash damage forum to hopefully get few more views (the forums there are pretty dead these days though), they are good advertisement for the server )
... ! :w: ). So I played a lot last weekend, recorded most of my gameplay on the ETc servers and I've just uploaded a 20+ min 100% frag video. I'll make more of them ! Thank you all for keeping this legendary game alive !! Here's the video. Let me know if you like it or if you're one of the happy ...
Seems to be a little better, I think the biggest problem is the shorts make everyone look very similar. It could just be me getting old and my eyes bad, they seem to contrast a little more now anyway which is an improvement, ty.
... me bcuz I eggnored her and she chickend out. Bunny ears has cost me everything and this is no eggsaggeration. Sorry for being a comedy-hen. I wil make my eggsit. P.S. this post has left me eggshausted
... its not refreshing anymore, you should look in your etconfig.cfg/autoexec.cfg or other configs. When there are over 1000 cvars or more, this can make alot of mysterios bugs. You should cleanup your config from useless cvars. For example you can delete all cvars wich begin with b_ etj_ sv_ g_ ...
... is my dad so i write his introducrion too. Real name: Sándor Nickname: Felleg Ura Age: 48 years Country : Hungary Hobby's/Interests: computer, make websites, reading Favorite Game: wolfeinsten enemy territory Favorite music band: Ac/dc Favorite film: La casa de papel Player history in Enemy ...
i re consider to make a CTF version of toxic fabric wolf et,as it is in quake3 version,special thanks goes to stealth for his time and help about the CTF and scripting have fun download https://app.mediafire.com/adhstlq5cfb7a BIOHAZARD_FINALE ...
Im my opinion you didn't make a mistake when u wanted to leave and play with your friends.. and now you want to come back and it is all good for me, F1 It's ok to miss us