Yes it is. And its gona stay like that idk how long.. many people complain on u and regulars players keep leaving server ,cause of ur rambo ego style and we are not all the time online to stop u with game play u know we have great players in clan , ...
... deny that I occasionally played on the server under a different name because I sometimes got bored and didn’t have access to my Nkey. But after many attempts, I finally managed to overcome my smoking and gaming addiction, and I’m really proud of that! On Christmas Day, I reclaimed my Nkey back. ...
... 3 times in a 30 minute game. You do this especially when your kill/death ratio is bad. 5- It bothers me and the players in the game that you use many unnecessary sentences in the correspondence area. (You are not the only one playing this game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins ...
... 3 times in a 30 minute game. You do this especially when your kill/death ratio is bad. 5- It bothers me and the players in the game that you use many unnecessary sentences in the correspondence area. (You are not the only one playing this game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins ...
... for 300 seconds. A lot of people are losing his games; even ETC|BETABEN got banned for using a VPN. What can I say? It's sad. Since that happened, many people have disappeared. you are using allways a vpn, be quiet plz.
... for 300 seconds. A lot of people are losing his games; even ETC|BETABEN got banned for using a VPN. What can I say? It's sad. Since that happened, many people have disappeared.
From my side defenetly BIG NO .. to many provocation on server and showing up disrespectfull actions not only to me to many here on server abd to many warns wich u ignored.. so u can play on server .. but being part of ETc| clan NO
... to me, cordially A big shout out to Dreddi, Nicki, G8, Jay, Ruby, Coyote, Akira ,uncle bob , garus, jinzer, serbirus , scarface etc. etc... and many others :music: :music: :music:
... :) but when i was got ban. iit was Mistake by nick. that why i got unban but when the leaders bans you. it is cuz your disgusting ways to handle many cases... This is one of the differences between us. So don't try to make me look like the bad guy here in that story, you only hurt yourself. what ...
... ETc|SIlentkiller You should to know when to relax, When people starting disconnect, cuz they dont have skills like you have. When there are not many people, and you got frag, then stop kill the server!! you got clues Several times! from admins to relax cuz you kill the server!! wake up!! dont ...
Hey guys, 5 minutes ago i got kicked by him without getting explained by the reason. We, that are nick, tigon and many other collegues didnt want to play objective so we were just playing around like throwing knifes and grenades. SIlentkiller told me to stop that. I should play ...
... ur traffic still goes through ur provider. You are talking Nonsense in juice... because I myself used to give a ban to cheaters, and there weren't many of them like you describe... From my experience most cheaters are easy to catch sometimes a little hard to catch the ones that can see through ...
... ur traffic still goes through ur provider. You are talking Nonsense in juice... because I myself used to give a ban to cheaters, and there weren't many of them like you describe... From my experience most cheaters are easy to catch sometimes a little hard to catch the ones that can see through ...
... if you are not cheater u might said that or just anything. Instead - you just did /ignore nick. When we see some player which reconnects so crazy many times it is so hard to record demo on each of them, and researching his gameplay, his cursor moving, etc. I will ask higher admins to take attention ...
... of the rules, and allow yourself to act like a personal, cuz you donates here? that mean you bought the clan? sad that admin like you here.... How many people have you already given not necessary a personal bans nick? i hope someone give attention at this situation. cuz i m sure if it hapen to ...
hey Tom i told u before ur unban 1st time.. be nice and ur pushing was keep continue cause u think thats funny at all ..but many players come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc.. there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did ...
... and also spent a little time behind walls in Hungary. The server has changed to NITMOD i see now and a few more changes have been changed and many new maps added thats a big PLUS. I have been playing a month currently under name OmegaD on ETc| Servers. Today i figured, since im always active ...
... and also spent a little time behind walls in Hungary. The server has changed to NITMOD i see now and a few more changes have been changed and many new maps added thats a big PLUS. I have been playing a month currently under name OmegaD on ETc| Servers. Today i figured, since im always active ...
Hey legion, as g8 said lets see you play more classes and show teamplay and trust me people will automatically recognize you, in the past and even today I know many clans medic was good enough for them, it's a little different here as you may see
Hey Guys, yeah its true, i was a jerk because i pushed teammates to many times. But listen, i am not doing this because i want somebody to harm or annoy (except of johnny (the pink buddy from netherlands), but thats another topic and i dont want to talk about ...
... u apologize and acting like nothing happen and u dont know :D yes ... we give u chance to be part of GREAT CLAN ETc| <--- and u throw that away .. many people had no chance to be part of ETc| and u had chance and like i said u throw it away :) but ok u leav it and join it to other clan np for that ...
... voice chatted on discord, I already told you that I see no doubt that you should join our fantastic clan. He has almost 500.000 XP, I've seen him many times playing and never acting in a negative way. I think you would fit good in our clan - would be nice also to hear you more on discord :D So ...
Hi everyone. I've just registered and this is my first post here. I was born in the 70s so I've played manymany FPS games (and before that arcade games in the 80s). I discovered ET back in 2005 and loved it immediately. Since then, I've been playing ET on and off. Last weekend ...
... shorts and stuff? Personally I cannot stand it, it's borderline impossible for me to tell teams apart and I just shoot my own team a lot, I notice many others doing the same which was funny to begin with but not so much now. Just curious to hear others thoughts on it. Are there any other summer ...
So guys will leave this clan… I had many fun with u guys. Since 2011 I joined this clan had makes many good friends but this time I did something wrong and I accepted it for my failure but someone makes me so hard braindead he wrote me one ...
I've had the same nkey.dat file for MANY years, would you care to do a forensic check? Time/date stamping is intact. You have a problem with the server, I saw >18 slots of "megafrank" on the axis side and ONE bot on the allies side. ...
I'm willing to give you 1 more chance, but this time stick with just one name cause changing it so many times it's like being scared of being the real you.