Search found 768 matches: map

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Re: NoAmmo - Recruit me pls

Hahahah 1) I'm getting 30 in 7th of December 2) I was playing ET mostly at times around 2008-2010, but I still remember every map et cetera, like there has been no pause 3) When I get to become a member of ETc I'd be happy to contribute to this clan with donations or contributing to the ...
by p6rand
12 Oct 2024, 00:52
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: </ crypt!c > | Recruitment application
Replies: 11
Views: 4685

Re: New map from the past.

Yes i know,it needs some fixing, i wish somebody could fix it for me. I do not have the skills anymore.
25 Aug 2024, 19:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

Re: New map from the past.

this map is not playable, they all stuck in spawn in each other.
by ETc|#.Jay.#
24 Aug 2024, 12:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

Re: New map from the past.

ETc|#.Jay.# wrote:Hi, the links are not working. Can you send again please?

And is the download workingh now?
24 Aug 2024, 11:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

Map Fragmaze

Hello, I have a question if it is possible to add a map called: Fragmaze, it is a typical 4fun map for frags, it would be nice to play on it sometimes when there are fewer people
by LuBaN
17 Aug 2024, 17:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Map Fragmaze
Replies: 0
Views: 1291

Re: New map from the past.

... the this site.Just look for scheveninegnbeach.pk3. I could run it on my engine bud when i connect and get in the game it crash. you can start the map with scheveningen_beach becouse the .bsp file is calles with the underscore. ...
17 Aug 2024, 10:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

Re: New map from the past.

Hi, the links are not working. Can you send again please?
by ETc|#.Jay.#
16 Aug 2024, 23:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

New map from the past.

Hello, *|TANGES|* here. I wanted to say that long time ago i made a map called "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to make it more playeble bud it was ...
13 Aug 2024, 17:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New map from the past.
Replies: 5
Views: 2156

Re: Poll: Maplist Main ETc|Clan,XPSave,ETPubII 8SEC SPAWNTIM

Hello, *|TANGES|* here. I wanted to say that long time ago i made a map called "scheveningenbeach" i would like to ask if you can add it to yopur server list so that it can be played. Mayby it needs some update to make it more playeble bud it was ...
13 Aug 2024, 17:48
Global announcement: Poll: Maplist Main ETc|Clan,XPSave,ETPubII 8SEC SPAWNTIME
Replies: 41
Views: 770260

Can't log in

... log in on the server. i hadn't played in a few weeks before I played 1 time or so and when the next time I tried to log in it was loading a new map i hadn't seen yet. However it didn't load properly/well and I exited the game and tried to enter the server again after starting the game. Now when ...
by ownage NL
09 Jul 2024, 18:00
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Can't log in
Replies: 3
Views: 5022

nick abuse

... cheater i got banned by nick.. he started blame me for cheat, and cant see ss, and more... that was too annoying, cuze he keep that spam alot, map after map. In this whole situation I didn't say a word. so when next map come, i was use comand ---> /ignore nick then his answer was quickly !ban ...
by Gabriel
02 Jun 2024, 06:15
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 18707

Re: Hey, i am sorry.

... asking first, if my push was intentionally, or just reflexively? When i was on top of the corner (next to the bridge of the tank way (goldrush-ga-map), i made the push reflexively because i was not sure who is in front of me. Its a bit difficult in that narrow corner to realize immediately if ...
by TomTuckerGF
12 May 2024, 00:28
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 6
Views: 32960

Re: Textures error when trying to connect to server (Linux)

I deleted the most recent map, the etc_oasis_fp5 custom map, we played on Thursday and everything is OK now.

It doesn't seem to like that map for some reason.

Thanks for your help.
by Cleaner
05 May 2024, 22:44
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Textures error when trying to connect to server (Linux)
Replies: 2
Views: 3626

Re: Textures error when trying to connect to server (Linux)

try to delete some map in etmain folder
by ETc|#.Jay.#
05 May 2024, 18:24
Forum: Technical support
Topic: Textures error when trying to connect to server (Linux)
Replies: 2
Views: 3626

Re: I have been banned by betaben ,not reason apparents

... took advantage of it to ban me indefinitely, banned to 6:35 pm approximately, 17/03 , at no time am I insulting anyone, I just got annoyed on the map and the game, I'm sorry I didn't have to get upset on my own, but I don't think it deserves a permanent ban, because of a person who felt targeted ...
by ETc_Legion
17 Mar 2024, 19:55
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: I have been banned by betaben ,not reason apparents
Replies: 2
Views: 10596

i need help please

hello it's Legion, I have a problem I got automatically banned permanently, because when resetting the map the game bugged and I ended up in the textures, which was considered a wallhack by the servers. Thank you for your help
by ETc_Legion
15 Jan 2024, 01:55
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: i need help please
Replies: 0
Views: 6224

Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Hey Goku,

yea i see what u are trying to tell me. Its all normal. Thank u for your words.

Maybe one day, we all can play togeter in a map, where the use of weapons is not allowed and we all have to push the enemy, or at least in combination with the using of knifes :D
by TomTuckerGF
20 Nov 2023, 17:49
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 6
Views: 32960

Request for a Map

Moin and Hello, IUnfortunately, I could see today that a discussion took place in which no one was able to choose which card should be played next. The ETc|Madde is in favor and the dogshit is against it. My question, is there a function where the player can click F1 (Yes) or F2 (No). After all, the...
by ETc|Madde
30 Jul 2023, 02:22
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Request for a Map
Replies: 0
Views: 24888

Re: Abusive Kick

... op (no idea if you took a uniform or not). The tank was only just over bridge when I blew the bridge so it was kinda shitty for you to finish the map so early when there were so few of us playing on server to defend the run but I don't think that's against the rules. However, I don't believe weedness ...
22 Jun 2023, 23:18
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 43978

Abusive Kick

Hey Everyone, Rageahr there, So i was just playing on the Caen map today (axis attackers). I was with the axis AND the only one doing the obj as an engineer, building bridge, repairing tank and stuff. After trying for 5/10 min, but alone in my team doing ...
by Rageahr
22 Jun 2023, 17:35
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 43978

MAP Toxic Fabric V2 FINALE

hi community i public my map toxic fabric V2 FINALE,i ported from quake3 to other idtech games warfork/wolfet/xonotic/world of padman The Vadrigar Arena God give me order to transform my filthy fabric into a arena i must obbey the order ...
by Devils Right Hand
10 May 2023, 01:35
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: MAP Toxic Fabric V2 FINALE
Replies: 0
Views: 28616

Re: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags

... cross is easier to discern for me. And it's red because you need the Red Cross once you're targeted :mrgreen: A tiny white dot on a snow-covered map like Fueldump is the worst for me.
by Ariovistus
18 Oct 2022, 00:44
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags
Replies: 12
Views: 47857

cool ban for someone, check it out.

... administrators (maybe speedy?). why did I get a permanent ban rush if "ei8ht" finished adlernest.? if you can not check who finished the map only "yak" then we have nothing to talk about without receiving, without discussion, think about the administration.I can't imagine kicking ...
by yAk
16 Apr 2022, 23:36
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: cool ban for someone, check it out.
Replies: 3
Views: 27124


... know Favourite film: Harry Potter Player history in Enemy Territory (ET): 7-8 years Favorite ET class: soldier/flamethower, engineer Favorite ET map : kerkyra, gold rush, venice, italy Fellegura is my dad so i write his introducrion too. Real name: Sándor Nickname: Felleg Ura Age: 48 years Country ...
by Felleglili
31 Dec 2021, 22:49
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Introduction
Replies: 9
Views: 30542


... Player history in Enemy Territory (ET): 11 Years Favorite ET class/weapon medic thompson and engineer sometime haha :tongue2: :D Favorite ET map FG Warzone,fata morgana,marrakech, supply depot. See you in GAME ! :twisted:
by Ryuzaki*
01 Sep 2021, 21:33
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Ryuzaki*
Replies: 6
Views: 25219

Re: ???

I want to believe you, I remove the ban.

If you have any doubts about the map and the rules to follow, ask the admin.

Since you are good at making objects, help the weaker team and everyone will be grateful to you.

I hope I don't have to go back to this issue.
by aalleexx
30 Jul 2021, 22:49
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ???
Replies: 7
Views: 54815

Re: ???

... if it were like that, I wouldn't play with you, I like your server very much and nobody comes out! I'm not making anyone out of spite "a map in my favor?" what should I do to keep me from being harassed? fail? to win 10 seconds early? because / rules are not clear .. if I offended ...
by yAk
30 Jul 2021, 22:43
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ???
Replies: 7
Views: 54815


... YAK not all that is bad, I also check and don't ban ... no rash, I'm waiting 5-10 minutes and I play normally and you hate me for what? that the map ran out quickly? then eat if allies lose? Yes? think and stop banning me because I'm fine, please justify the ban because this misunderstanding ...
by yAk
30 Jul 2021, 22:18
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ???
Replies: 7
Views: 54815

ruffianism by Boskov

hi. boskov say no pres botons on the secret room mlb map and Threatening that he wiil kick me if i do when i was in secret room he say let me help you. and !splat me i know and sure that MLB Maps are allowed to go up in sky in "ETc server" ...
by Kylo-Ren
29 Dec 2020, 07:55
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ruffianism by Boskov
Replies: 6
Views: 39893

Re: This

greyhour_fp fuck it but map name is not greyhour_fp :o :roll: :babam:
by M.I.T.
07 Nov 2020, 15:40
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: This
Replies: 8
Views: 19528

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