... time it was difficult to get it working. Mayby with a "NO DOWNLOAD" server people wil connect faster and can talk to them to get to other servers and be patient to download on other servers. Before ET is a BOT only game.
... my Nkey back. However, the game doesn’t feel the same as it did when I was smoking daily. To avoid falling back into old habits and because of other important priorities/opportunities in life, I’ve decided to delete Wolfenstein for good. I know not everyone was the biggest fan of me, but I ...
... child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain players. (offensive speech and provocative provocation) 3- There is no job that you know ...
... overall was 17. At Trackbase, my highest is 19, and currently, I have 15. Country / Nationality: Estonia Hobbies: My kids are my hobbies :D [any other things you want to write] Like your server the speed of it and people who play it.
... child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain players. (offensive speech and provocative provocation) 3- There is no job that you know ...
... Hello, this message is for Jay, or G8, Darkness, four or five times, the player FDgood mutate me for no reason simply because I chat with other people, he is probably offended that I frag him, so he writes shut up, and when I answer he mutates me for 999 seconds, it's been several times ...
... taking some time to answer this. So i was playing a lot on Your server and i enjoy it. One day after joining i got kicked with message that VPN or other programs to hide my IP are not allowed and the kick was short for some time. I reconnected few times and then i got banned permanent by admin. ...
... see eye to eye with him right now but maybe try from now on to release the negative energy you maybe have so we can all enjoy our stay with each other
... taking some time to answer this. So i was playing a lot on Your server and i enjoy it. One day after joining i got kicked with message that VPN or other programs to hide my IP are not allowed and the kick was short for some time. I reconnected few times and then i got banned permanent by admin. ...
I have bad connection, other player also mention severe lags, I attach video of netgraph so you can see. I didn't play on the server for a while but last time I did, it was completely fine. The other ETc servers connection is fine also.
... at least I can connect to the etc server. Trying to play as an administrator didn't work and it wasn't wifi connection problems. I could log in to other servers. Thx for the help and see u online. Ownage ps could some1 reinstall my rank (lv5) and possible my xp >800.000. that would be wonderfull. ...
you was push me alot and other plaers ETc|Betaben was warn you. then you keep push and other players, then he kick you. i know Betaben, He never crossed the red line. he not perfect but ok for me that he admin here on that case i will ...
Can you explain me one thing? Why you disconnect when i connect to server? I noticed this now 10 times. And some other members told me that too, when they connect, you disconnect. I know you hide something. Your a person, wich is allready banned on our server. I know more than ...
Hey guys, 5 minutes ago i got kicked by him without getting explained by the reason. We, that are nick, tigon and many other collegues didnt want to play objective so we were just playing around like throwing knifes and grenades. SIlentkiller told me to stop that. I should play for ...
... i was test that, no more block Messages :P your script no block that :) the result of your act. is It costs to me more money but i keep play ET . other pepole here are blocks, sad. Not smart move, you kill the game for some pepole, Live with it, then.. Please stop Your soldier to makes shit. Thanks. ...
... i was test that, no more block Messages :P your script no block that :) the result of your act. is It costs to me more money but i keep play ET . other pepole here are blocks, sad. Not smart move, you kill the game for some pepole, Live with it, then.. Please stop Your soldier to makes shit. Thanks. ...
Hey guys, i just want to ask u if it is ok for u all admins, if Coyote and i would push each other to death sometimes while playing. We would like to do it for fun. On the 17th of may he started pushing me to death and was wondering why i stopped also doing so. I told ...
... in this server when you have an issue then you have a few options: talk respectfully to try and solve it out, go to discord, go to forum, go to other admin\leader. You did neither and instead you immediately decided to offend me by comparing me to a dick which I did not appreciate. You proceeded ...
... Nationality: Germany Hobbies: watching films, chilling outside with some friends, "I'm trying to raise my child fairly well - :=) " Any other things you want to write?: of course - I know that I did a lot of shit back then and leaving the clan to join another one only to come back wasn't ...
it take time to understand how to change mac, i did it. this is not show me etc server list, at favorite list. again cannot connect.. even to show ban message.. the same results on other laptop, when it clean instal
... times. But listen, i am not doing this because i want somebody to harm or annoy (except of johnny (the pink buddy from netherlands), but thats another topic and i dont want to talk about it here, its to long and he is not cooperative anyway). The pushing of teammates, what i am doing sometimes, ...
... put any wishes in the way, can you? It is also not a spam message if you ask 30x which card should be played. I mean we also have to show the other players that we are open to everything. But there must be some kind of function that you have the statistics displayed like who gets a millionaire. ...
... as an engineer, building bridge, repairing tank and stuff. After trying for 5/10 min, but alone in my team doing so, I decided to do the obj in an other way. I first try jumping from the window, it seems that it was trickjumping (?), thought it was to easy to be called trickjumping.. Anyway, i ...
hi community i public my map toxic fabric V2 FINALE,i ported from quake3 to other idtech games warfork/wolfet/xonotic/world of padman The Vadrigar Arena God give me order to transform my filthy fabric into a arena i must obbey the order of the Arena God,i placed ...
... that away .. many people had no chance to be part of ETc| and u had chance and like i said u throw it away :) but ok u leav it and join it to other clan np for that but later u came back and being disrespectfull with smartass style sure u will get baned :) and its gona stay like that at the ...
... I don't know how to proof that I'm not cheating. I've played on almost clean version of ET Legacy (just a few more mods and maps from other servers and copied old etkey, profiles).
... that recruitment thing, but in my opinion, given the current state of the clan and this game in general we can be glad to still have one or the other person applying to join every few months or so. From what I've seen of you in the last months or even years you always were a nice, funny and ...
... am Focus and I play since january in the server:D Before the forum break down I had made already a introduce myself post. but this is a new one so other members reconize me. Real name: Yaron age: 19 country: the Netherlands profession: student, learning for social work Hobby's: gaming, play football ...