Yes it is. And its gona stay like that idk how long.. many people complain on u and regulars players keep leaving server ,cause of ur rambo ego style and we are not all the time online to stop u with game play u know we have great players in clan , that why u keep pwning ...
This was taken saturday around 12:00 Europe time. At players info you see first the amount of players and the amount of Bots and the amount of slots. How to get more players.... 20 years ago there where no bots. Its Sad to see it
Hello, is it possible to set up a server with ET without any mod. I think it would be fun to see how it all started sometimes and that new players can easy connect without downloading all kind of maps and mods. I remember that when i started playing the first time it was difficult to get it ...
... child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain players. (offensive speech and provocative provocation) 3- There is no job that you know or play ...
... child. I'm listing now; 1- Trying to use admin commands all the time even though you are not an admin. (pants, glow, next....) 2- You treat other players with disrespect, with the exception of certain players. (offensive speech and provocative provocation) 3- There is no job that you know or play ...
... a dedicated active player who: F1) Follows rules correctly; 2) Always friendly; 3) Never whines; 4) Helpful on team; 5) With high rates on top WET players around the world; 6) Active on times when most of us are off to work or a sleep; 7) Person with good manners what could definately teach the ...
First you should read our server rules and i saw you already apologized but it’s not done for now. For me F1 to unban but if you do it again we will perma ban you. All players wants to play objectives wanna have fun and we don’t like guys who push anyone to death or anything.
you was push me alot and other plaers ETc|Betaben was warn you. then you keep push and other players, then he kick you. i know Betaben, He never crossed the red line. he not perfect but ok for me that he admin here on that case i will do the same. and !kick you enough ...
... server start run much is possible.. keep spam ur negative energy... for vnp u can complain, its hard to connect or Gabriel ? :) btw Tom <-- some players wants normal game not jumping around teammates and doing bullshits on server.. that why maybe he react like that to warn u to play normal.. ...
hey Tom i told u before ur unban 1st time.. be nice and ur pushing was keep continue cause u think thats funny at all ..but many players come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc.. there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did many ...
... the situation you take a deep breath and try a different approach? And btw ignoring (\ignore) will solve the problem just for me when other players might get annoyed as well, and it should be obvious that it's part of the job of an Admin to make sure this doesn't happen. Good day, Goku
Hey like i told u before F2 for you to be part of ETc| <-- ETc| is clan with history and to join ETc| we accept loyal respectfull friendly etc... players anyway u got ur chance and u disrespect it .. after couple days u went to F|A :) so ur welcome to play on server there is no problem but to be ...
I don't know you that well to give F1 or F2, but it's an interesting point for ETc| that your skill rank can give ETc| a boost in getting new players in server. I'm curious what others think of this point.
... any wishes in the way, can you? It is also not a spam message if you ask 30x which card should be played. I mean we also have to show the other players that we are open to everything. But there must be some kind of function that you have the statistics displayed like who gets a millionaire. ...
... team when i see. but its a bit difficult to see when i need to change of team lol. I try to chill against beginners and play hard against good players. i respect rules of clan. my english is verrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy bad, i know. I like the atmosphere of the clan and messing around with its members ...
... mouse and keyboard (in native linux chroot environment and arm64 -> x86_64 emulation): - 1-5 fps in bigger spaces with lot of details, textures or players - 5-15 fps in smaller rooms with few players - 200 ms average ping in game - 200-300 kB/s download speeds Conclusion: the game is practically ...
... Since then, I've been playing ET on and off. Last weekend I reinstalled the new version and discovered your fantastic server : great maps, skilled players, great samples and fast adrenaline recharge (adre heaven for everyone ! :w: ). So I played a lot last weekend, recorded most of my gameplay ...
... it still worked! Everything was the same as in 2013 and nostalgia hit hard. Same maps and I even remembered a lot of playernames from ETC. Some players even remembered my name from 2013 lol. But then COVID hit and I was playing Apex, Overwatch and then Cyberpunk. Now I am BACK and pretty active ...
... some already told you please stop it on an empty server. if the server is empty, your play style can be annoying and can take away the fun of some players. if the server is full i have no problem with it but not if there are just few players online. if the server is empty, most of them just play ...
Thank you for your POST ... btw we do not serach only good players with 1000 kilss and 0 dead... we are looking for good personality to .. friendly,comunicative,teamworkplayer...etc...
Because some players try to pretend that I am another player (and that’s stupid, I don’t see the point), I represent myself. :lool: Aline, deaf, anorexic, a little depressed, but still married with a nice husband and 4 children. ...
... on the server but actively engaging in conversation and goofing around helps us stick together and be an attractive server to new and other players. F1 for me.
thx ! I think I understand the spirit of the team and I like the rules that have been set. Most players respect them (I don’t expect perfection either). Thank you for your answers, it’s already that!!!!::)
Hi! I love your waiter and I would like to stay there! I’ve been playing here for 1 or 2 months I think and I find some players super nice! I hope you are for equal opportunities (male/female, white/not white, etc.)... So thank you for giving me an extra chance:)
... ETe| ETo|) is also not allowed. 18. Try to use english language on mainchat and teamchat! German language is allowed too. 19. Respect other players! 20. Always follow the rules! 21. Spawnkilling is allowed! 22. Spawncamping is allowed! 23. Have fun! All Rules for all servers It’s just you ...
... Admins and leaders work hard to keep the server full of people who play fair and have fun. If every time you join the server another 4 or 5 players leave, you are the one who stays out. You broke my balls. Even the g8 asked you not to do it again. Either you change your attitude or I, personally, ...
... : hard rock, hard rock café, jazz, etc. I’ve been playing ET for 10 years and I’ve become addicted :lool: @Darkness I like your server, rules, players, i like the ambiance. I love U all (except those who push and insult :slap: ) perso.jpg This is the photo of my Curriculum Vitae. Usually I'm ...