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Mr CaV!aR !splat Speedy

hi Before some days, I saw that CaV!aR !splat Speedy because someone said that he was wj for flag. I don't know if he did that or not, but even if he did that, Mr CaV!aR, the new admin, should first talk to him about that and not !splat him! Speedy is a good ...
by ET|#.Gabriel.#
19 Nov 2024, 12:57
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Mr CaV!aR !splat Speedy
Replies: 5
Views: 973


... my real nickname in ET: D1M_ (im FA beginners2 regular). therefore, i hope for cooperation and that i will be unbanned. also, Ivan said something about "logs" and the fact that my pb is disabled. well, yes, it was disabled, but i didn't know about it myself lol. i dont ...
by D1M_
16 Aug 2024, 13:53
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: unban?
Replies: 3
Views: 2413

Re: S!lentKiller abuses his adminrights

ok gabriel the guy who keep getting baned by admins ok ETc|g8 the guy who was keep getting baneds by leaders from years ago you yourself was said to us that you was got a lot of bands. ban banana ha ha :) but when i was got ban. iit was Mistake by nick. that why i got unban but when the leaders ...
by Gabriel1
28 Jun 2024, 07:36
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: S!lentKiller abuses his adminrights
Replies: 5
Views: 10409

Re: S!lentKiller abuses his adminrights

... normal.. but i bealive all problems can be fixet with no problem. and silentkiller is oldschool member who wasnt online long long time... like i said always all rules are same for everyone if anyone use admin power on anyone like happen to TOM <-- MAYBE ? .. with no reason. thats not allowed ...
by ETc|g8
27 Jun 2024, 18:09
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: S!lentKiller abuses his adminrights
Replies: 5
Views: 10409

Re: nick abuse

... loser, shame. and worst then that innocent people are losing his game thanks for your post. Looks like i can close the topic now. Everything is said.
by ETc|#.Jay.#
04 Jun 2024, 07:45
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 18495

Re: nick abuse

... that time, I had no doubt that you were using cheats. And you did not answered on any of my questions in chat. Btw if you are not cheater u might said that or just anything. Instead - you just did /ignore nick. When we see some player which reconnects so crazy many times it is so hard to record ...
by ETc|nick
02 Jun 2024, 13:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 18495

More admin abuse... Looking at you, Gokuuu Son.

... about "can't take this any more" or something like that. I hate, yes HATE, people who get off on any authority so I stepped in and said something to the effect of "how about maybe asking him to quit or giving a warning before doing straight to the mute button like a dick". ...
by mikehunt
12 Apr 2024, 23:16
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: More admin abuse... Looking at you, Gokuuu Son.
Replies: 1
Views: 10651

Re: Legion recruitement from FRANCE

Hey legion, as g8 said lets see you play more classes and show teamplay and trust me people will automatically recognize you, in the past and even today I know many clans medic was good enough for them, it's a little different here as you may see

keep faith, cheers and good luck!
28 Dec 2023, 21:27
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Legion recruitement from FRANCE
Replies: 3
Views: 13953

Re: Hey, i am sorry.

... from the end. if you ask someone without any confustions if he wants to get pushed and he agree then I don't see a problem with it, that being said you have to pay attention to people attidute, most people if not all don't like to get pushed and thats why we forbide it unless they are blocking ...
20 Nov 2023, 15:05
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 6
Views: 32769

Hey, i am sorry.

... been 4 or 5 teammates and me. We were playing around by pushing each other and everybody had fun about it. There were also admins etc. But nobody said something because they knew we were just playing and everything is cool... So by the next time, when i ask somebody (publicly) if he wants to play ...
by TomTuckerGF
19 Nov 2023, 21:31
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 6
Views: 32769

Re: uMad|MikeHunt

... clan or not. It's also important to be versitle in chat regarding vsays content and frequency and keep it mostly clean and none blunt. That being said I will keep watching you around and wish you good luck!
22 Oct 2023, 15:29
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: uMad|MikeHunt
Replies: 11
Views: 26385

Re: apologies

... clan down. I'm sorry for that. But I didn't do it for no reason.. & I also had my reasons.: I was inactive when I left the clan & it was said that it would stay that way because a lot of things had changed privately... I just had no head and no desire for ET anymore.. Shortly afterwards ...
by keitA.
06 Oct 2023, 23:42
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: apologies
Replies: 6
Views: 30140

ETc|Crack muting without justification

... it. I was muted for 6 minutes. I changed my config and then told Crack that they could have just asked me to change it whereupon he/she just said "no". So this doesn't sit well with me and then I was accused of harassing him/her and was threatened with a ban. All I'm saying is that ...
by mikehunt
12 Jul 2023, 20:40
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ETc|Crack muting without justification
Replies: 0
Views: 15570

Re: Abusive Kick

you did tj for the obj then i splat you and said no tj for the obj. your reaction to that was it wasnt tj. my answer to that was don't play dumb. then you did it again and I kicked you. you may have been covert on the second try but i'm 100% sure ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 19:51
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 43871

Re: Abusive Kick

So im lying ? Hahaha All you said aren't true. First, i said on my post that I did not knew that jumping from that window was a trickjump. On multiple server i've been on, it's just another way to get the obj. But nevermind, I said on my ...
by Rageahr
02 Jul 2023, 18:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 43871

Re: Abusive Kick

... understand why you lie but do what you want. when you did it the first time i splat you and asked why you are doing trickjump as a member. you said it wasn't trick jump i jumped from the window to the obj which is trick jump. then you did it again and I kicked you. as a member you should know ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 18:31
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 43871

Re: apologies

... give u chance to be part of GREAT CLAN ETc| <--- and u throw that away .. many people had no chance to be part of ETc| and u had chance and like i said u throw it away :) but ok u leav it and join it to other clan np for that but later u came back and being disrespectfull with smartass style sure ...
by ETc|g8
01 May 2023, 19:33
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: apologies
Replies: 6
Views: 30140

Re: Niculai

Hello Niculai,

I remember your application from last summer. As g8 said last time.

We would like to see you more often on our server and use all classes. cooperative, missions, etc.

Stay more active and communicative with everyone.

Best regards, Frossl***
by ETc|Frossl***
18 Apr 2023, 14:37
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Niculai
Replies: 2
Views: 14362

Re: Twice


U got recruit by ur friend on ETc| server wich is not alloweda and apsolutly forbiden.. u was before ETc| u said ... why did u leav ?
from my side F2 <--

thats it .. good luck and have fun

by ETc|g8
29 Oct 2022, 00:44
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Twice
Replies: 5
Views: 40365


heya guys i used to play on etc a long time ago but a friend of mine said to give it a go so i did and i love it

my name is bigbro and i am from south west england

u will be seeing me more on the server

look forward to fragging with u
by bigbro
30 May 2022, 10:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: hey
Replies: 11
Views: 20690

Re: Leaving

... have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of them. as I said, i don't know what happened, but leaving the clan is childish in my oppinion. see you on the server :) 100% Agree
26 May 2022, 21:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 21135

Re: Leaving

... have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of them. as I said, i don't know what happened, but leaving the clan is childish in my oppinion. see you on the server :)
by ETc|WeednesS
22 May 2022, 01:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 21135

Edek:), Application

... ESL),Global Offensive. I know there is a responsibility with wearing a Clan Tag on the Server and the behavior connected to it. With all that said, its up to you dear Members to F1 me and start my Journey with you guys or not. I wish u all Happy Fragging and a great Summer! MfG Danny the Edek:)
by edek003
05 May 2022, 21:33
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Edek:), Application
Replies: 13
Views: 51679

Re: Introduction

Thanks to visit our forum lili ,goodluck you and URA ! now like i said be patient for any replies, now we know you here on the forum and the server and maybe discord - - Already you are part of this community and Very welcome to ...
01 Jan 2022, 19:17
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Introduction
Replies: 9
Views: 30461

Re: Let me introduce myself

... this the greatest of servers in the greatest of games with the greatest of people (and me). Enjoy your stay, have fun and be well. Gecko, she just said she's a woman and posted a picture and you call her mister XD :mrgreen: Anyway.. welcome to forum Aline, I play the guitar aswell, we have quite ...
28 Nov 2021, 10:22
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 70820

Re: Let me introduce myself

... this the greatest of servers in the greatest of games with the greatest of people (and me). Enjoy your stay, have fun and be well. Gecko, she just said she's a woman and posted a picture and you call her mister XD :mrgreen: Anyway.. welcome to forum Aline, I play the guitar aswell, we have quite ...
by M.I.T.
27 Nov 2021, 18:22
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 70820

Re: Let me introduce myself

... this the greatest of servers in the greatest of games with the greatest of people (and me). Enjoy your stay, have fun and be well. Gecko, she just said she's a woman and posted a picture and you call her mister XD :mrgreen: Anyway.. welcome to forum Aline, I play the guitar aswell, we have quite ...
12 Aug 2021, 22:10
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 70820

Re: cReed

... enjoy it anymore, no friends, no fun, and the thing why I was offline is because I cutted myself at work.... I wasn't able to play and I also said that on discord... Thank you for good time, we might see each other in the future, but not for sure. Cheers, Vlad.
by ETc|cReed_
08 Apr 2021, 18:51
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: cReed
Replies: 16
Views: 99261

Re: Iam asking to be back in the clan

ETc|SON GOKUUUU wrote:Hello danso, What did you do and said?

Short story he pretty much was a dick towards Matt both in public and also in private
by Rogan
20 Feb 2021, 14:38
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: Iam asking to be back in the clan
Replies: 7
Views: 35551

Re: Iam asking to be back in the clan

Hello danso, What did you do and said?
20 Feb 2021, 05:13
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: Iam asking to be back in the clan
Replies: 7
Views: 35551

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