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Re: AET (AA - Parody) Hello!

hey man

u left clan without say anything thats means .. lets see u more on server active comunicative and time will tell .. join our discord comunity and we gona pay attention on u

welcome back to server and have fun time will tell

by ETc|g8
26 Mar 2024, 21:51
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: AET (AA - Parody) Hello!
Replies: 5
Views: 7709


welcome to the forums,

iam not really activ at the moment, so i cant tell much. I just can say i have a police phobia :D

g8 helped you with lost etkey? I cant believe :D

Have fun and see you!
by ETc|#.Jay.#
04 Mar 2024, 20:30
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: TheJOKER
Replies: 3
Views: 1740

Re: Hey, i am sorry.

... know exactly why you got banned as I wasn't there and we will have to wait for the admin that banned you or otherwise someone else. but I do wanna say a few things and I'll start from the end. if you ask someone without any confustions if he wants to get pushed and he agree then I don't see a problem ...
20 Nov 2023, 15:05
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 4
Views: 11442

Re: Dammo, Application :)

Hi thank you for your post <--- thats show ur interest to be part of ETc| and i see u alot of active on our server so .. lets say this : cause u play only medic i want to see you to play all class and help server with change teams when some team are stronger* use enginer,soldier,cvdops,fildops...doing ...
by ETc|g8
01 Nov 2023, 15:48
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: .
Replies: 3
Views: 4107

Re: apologies

For me it's no problem to be able to play again in our server with a new name and no tag. You know the rules now.

Half year ago now, I would say unban and play.
by ETc|Luis
11 Oct 2023, 11:41
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: apologies
Replies: 6
Views: 19101

Re: ETc|Speedy muted me without warning or cause

You dont say things like speedys ass to veteran high admin bruh
by ETc|AdmiralPitka
23 Sep 2023, 12:02
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ETc|Speedy muted me without warning or cause
Replies: 5
Views: 18073

Request for a Map

... to everything. But there must be some kind of function that you have the statistics displayed like who gets a millionaire. If my grammar sucks, say it quietly, I've become calmer by now. Greetz ETc|Madde the abuser
by ETc|Madde
30 Jul 2023, 02:22
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Request for a Map
Replies: 0
Views: 20008

Re: Abusive Kick

... thinks they can do whatever they want. we as admins are not respected like g8 and not a sucker who cries at jay, darkness or g8 i say and act directly as i think. You all don't respect that like the rule that you should respect higher admins, so I hope they'll be back soon and ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 19:51
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 29523

Re: Abusive Kick

... After that i went to cover ops, even PSYKOGRASM said it on his post. So is he lying too ? I have no interest to lie, otherways i would have say I was already a cover ops the first try to get obj... I admit that I made a mistake, admit yours too. * What is that argument with D4rkness ? He ...
by Rageahr
02 Jul 2023, 18:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 29523

Re: Abusive Kick

I was there against you and can pretty much confirm what you say here about what happened. You did TJ the objective at first and was splatted for it, I saw you kicked after taking again and quick finish - I saw you was covert op (no idea if you took a ...
22 Jun 2023, 23:18
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 29523

Re: Just Wanted to Apologize


I am glad ur ok now.. and thank you for ur post and apologize .. i always say nobady is perfect and we all do mistakes.
From my side apologize its accepted.

Thank you for ur Post!

by ETc|g8
05 Feb 2023, 09:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just Wanted to Apologize
Replies: 1
Views: 8523

Just Wanted to Apologize

... feel the best I have in the last several years. So I began to miss ET, and the clan that I allowed myself to lose. I just wanted to apologize and say I'm sorry I let the clan down by failing to represent what ETc stands for - I have always loved the clan and this server, and always will. Thanks ...
by ETc|Vengeance|=
05 Feb 2023, 01:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just Wanted to Apologize
Replies: 1
Views: 8523

Re: I just want say hello ;).

Have fun and welcome to forum!
31 Dec 2022, 16:18
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: I just want say hello ;).
Replies: 2
Views: 7257

Re: I just want say hello ;).


Thx for ur msg :) have fun and cya on server

by ETc|g8
29 Dec 2022, 00:00
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: I just want say hello ;).
Replies: 2
Views: 7257

I just want say hello ;).

Hi everyone ;)

I just want say hello ;), i'm Kuba from Poland and i'm 28. I came back to the game after a few years. i have to practice and have fun :D.

see you in ET :)!
by loverr33
28 Dec 2022, 18:07
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: I just want say hello ;).
Replies: 2
Views: 7257

I love ETc. Barry Bostwick from the USA saying hello

You guys see me online fairly often but I am never here on THIS site. Today I am. I just wanted to say that I love ETc and have enjoyed it for years. Donation incoming.
by Barry Bostwick
18 Dec 2022, 05:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: I love ETc. Barry Bostwick from the USA saying hello
Replies: 3
Views: 9864

Unban please?

Hello, i want to say sorry, i have little problems last time and i know i saying to much.
It would be nice to play with you again.
If not i understand. Take care.
by Zielony
06 Dec 2022, 04:20
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Unban please?
Replies: 1
Views: 7887

Re: Twice

... ago, who still cares about it really? And the fact that you removed those tags shows that you understand our problem and respect it too. I would say we consider your apply, watch how things run for a certain amount of time and then I think and hope to welcome you amongst us in the near future! :w:
by Storch
06 Nov 2022, 08:41
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Twice
Replies: 5
Views: 27558

Re: Basicly me.

Heya! Welcome back (or however) i'd say :w: Seen you recently on server from time to time, and I can confirm that you act always friendly and play for the Team. That's always a good hint for a good character. The fact you also introduce yourself ...
by ETc|cOnFu$3D
28 Oct 2022, 22:54
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Basicly me.
Replies: 4
Views: 20622


... ; |t2x| ; |Ps| SL rating: dunno site doesnt work :) Country / Nationality: Poland Hobbies: Computer Games , Movies , Cycling. Soo not much more to say , just thats its lovely to play here with ya all. :)
by Fus10n
27 Oct 2022, 17:35
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Fu$10n
Replies: 2
Views: 7086

Re: Can't connect to the ETLegacy server.

... to etmain where I have the game itself (with the games pk3's) and now it works with the exact same etkey thankfully. EDIT: Just to clarify, when I say others in the OP I mean other etlegacy servers, I've played on TM:ETL for the past few years with this same game files/setup/keys just fine. Just ...
09 Aug 2022, 16:37
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: [SOLVED] Can't connect to the ETLegacy server.
Replies: 2
Views: 11519


... and I was playing Apex, Overwatch and then Cyberpunk. Now I am BACK and pretty active on ETC. I learned alot of aiming in previous games and can say that I play decent. I just play on ETC because I love the consistent number of players online, the mod (double jump, movement,...) and of course ...
by Zerfallsgesetz
30 May 2022, 17:35
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Zerfallsgesetz
Replies: 1
Views: 14320

Re: Edek:), Application

Zup Ed. Well so. What can i say you are a good guy. You did play medic exclusively but lately i have seen you branching out to other classes. You are good, which honestly we dont need already have the rogans and the kyks and fatcats and ...
by Gecko
21 May 2022, 05:08
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Edek:), Application
Replies: 13
Views: 37570

Re: Ciara

Welcome on our server and the forum Ciara!
From what I've seen so far a quiet but always friendly person playing for obj in various different classes but also always open for a laugh. Exactly what we're looking for I would say.
F1/Yes from me!
by Storch
26 Feb 2022, 23:18
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Ciara
Replies: 12
Views: 24503

Reset of XP Totals

... you had to erase my scores and XP. Did I piss you off somehow? 99% of my visits were to the sniper server. I generally don't chit chat or say hello, just my nature, nothing against you. Let me know, and if you legit just don't like my game play, say so! Be truthful. And I'll never visit ...
by Htos1
07 Oct 2021, 00:18
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Reset of XP Totals
Replies: 11
Views: 43124

Re: Ryuzaki*

i doesnt have much to say..

We know us since other 1 year.. we played often together, you have def. my +1
by keitA.
09 Sep 2021, 00:04
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Ryuzaki*
Replies: 7
Views: 20348

Re: Ryuzaki*

I dont know, maybe i was just understood it wrong yesterday, i think he only want to say "hello" to ETc| so i will "remove" my +1 due missunderstanding.
Sorry for the misstake from my site.

Welcome on Forum Bro, im rlly happy to see you here :)
by keitA.
03 Sep 2021, 18:38
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Ryuzaki*
Replies: 6
Views: 19684

Re: Applikation :)

I know you for a long time now my miss Sandra, we v been playing togheter even in previous clan, i can say only positive things about you,
if my vote counts is F1 from my side, hope you will get accepted. See you on server !
Your Mister :D
by Mae$tro
08 Aug 2021, 23:33
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Applikation :)
Replies: 20
Views: 56418

Re: ???

You mocked people ???" you must have exaggerated a bit because I don't even write very much in the chat.

by yAk
30 Jul 2021, 22:47
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: ???
Replies: 7
Views: 43949

Re: Re-Join Neptun/Ju!c*y

Hi Juicy/Rexxus/Diors ;) We've known each other for a bit longer now since I was in TWC with you for a while and I have to say I've lost track of all the times you changed the clan and also your name in those years. I don't know but to me these repeated name changes seem like an attempt ...
by Storch
21 Jun 2021, 10:35
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Re-Join Neptun/Ju!c*y
Replies: 7
Views: 36843

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