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Re: Banned

... with game play u know we have great players in clan , that why u keep pwning regulars players wich they are not good players and that actions make them leav and u dont care for server and players wich i understand but we care I CARE , do not take that personal but we exist since 2005 and we spend ...
by ETc|g8
10 Feb 2025, 02:42
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Banned
Replies: 1
Views: 155

Basic ET (classic)

... playing the first time it was difficult to get it working. Mayby with a "NO DOWNLOAD" server people wil connect faster and can talk to them to get to other servers and be patient to download on other servers. Before ET is a BOT only game.
25 Jan 2025, 10:11
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Basic ET (classic)
Replies: 0
Views: 370

Re: Mr CaV!aR !splat Speedy

... Torah that GOD commands you to "destroy the evil from your midst" For more info, just Google it. Deuteronomy 20:17 17 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your God has commanded you. Look what happens to your country ...
by ET|#.Gabriel.#
20 Nov 2024, 15:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Mr CaV!aR !splat Speedy
Replies: 5
Views: 3521

Re: NoAmmo - Recruit me pls

... this clan with donations or contributing to the team however I can, to keep it alive. I don't have kids yet, but once they are old enough, I want them to have at least one server where they could play ET. :P 4) I want to join ETc clan, because I haven't applied to FA yet. Actually just really ...
by p6rand
12 Oct 2024, 00:52
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: </ crypt!c > | Recruitment application
Replies: 11
Views: 6505

Re: nick abuse

... Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only makes ur internet **even worse**, because ur traffic still goes through ur provider. ...
by ETc|#.Jay.#
04 Jun 2024, 07:45
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 23614

Re: nick abuse

... Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only makes ur internet **even worse**, because ur traffic still goes through ur provider. ...
by Gabriel
04 Jun 2024, 07:38
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 23614

Re: nick abuse

... Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only makes ur internet **even worse**, because ur traffic still goes through ur provider. ...
03 Jun 2024, 19:17
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 23614

Re: nick abuse

... Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only makes ur internet **even worse**, because ur traffic still goes through ur provider.
by ETc|nick
03 Jun 2024, 18:30
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 23614

Re: nick abuse

... Instead - you just did /ignore nick. When we see some player which reconnects so crazy many times it is so hard to record demo on each of them, and researching his gameplay, his cursor moving, etc. I will ask higher admins to take attention on this topic and they will make a decision on ...
by ETc|nick
02 Jun 2024, 13:48
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: nick abuse
Replies: 11
Views: 23614

Re: Recruitment

For me F1, nice friendly player, I never see anything bad from them. Good luck!
04 May 2024, 19:45
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Recruitment
Replies: 6
Views: 9359

Re: [Recruitment]Just asking, since i was told to, once.

... on forums and well, I would like to have my name "^0ETc^2|^4Ca^0V!^7aR" back again ;) Hit me up with questions, i l try to answer them atleast in English/Estonian/Russian/Hungarian, also speak a little German. Im quite sure none of you remember me, most likely a few oldies still ...
by Caviar
26 Mar 2024, 21:51
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: [Recruitment]Just asking, since i was told to, once.
Replies: 27
Views: 64488

Re: AET (AA - Parody) Hello!

... on forums and well, I would like to have my name "^0ETc^2|^4Ca^0V!^7aR" back again ;) Hit me up with questions, i l try to answer them atleast in English/Estonian/Russian/Hungarian, also speak a little German. Im quite sure none of you remember me, most likely a few oldies still ...
by Caviar
26 Mar 2024, 21:49
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: AET (AA - Parody) Hello!
Replies: 5
Views: 20409

Re: Legion recruitement from FRANCE

Hey legion, as g8 said lets see you play more classes and show teamplay and trust me people will automatically recognize you, in the past and even today I know many clans medic was good enough for them, it's a little different here as you may see

keep faith, cheers and good luck!
28 Dec 2023, 21:27
Forum: Recruitment (!!!!!Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post!!!!!)
Topic: Legion recruitement from FRANCE
Replies: 3
Views: 14856

Re: Hey, i am sorry.

... pushing, be respectful, talk nice, make concessions, don't taunt people too much, don't need to say vsay of killing someone every time you kill them, its anoying, maybe it's fun to you but it's anoying to most people. as I said, everything need to be done in taste, thats life. Take that in mind ...
20 Nov 2023, 15:05
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Hey, i am sorry.
Replies: 6
Views: 36512

Re: Abusive Kick

... and even if you were covert, maps shouldn't be rushed. It was 4v4 or 5v5 at the time. about darkness and g8 i said in general that i think we need them because the air on the server isn't as fresh as it used to be. we need the word of power that not everyone thinks they can do whatever they want. ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 19:51
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 45848

Re: Abusive Kick

... jumped from the window to the obj which is trick jump. then you did it again and I kicked you. as a member you should know the rules and not break them. I kicked you because it gets on my nerves that everyone thinks they can do whatever they want since darkness and g8 aren't there that often anymore. ...
by ETc|WeednesS
02 Jul 2023, 18:31
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Abusive Kick
Replies: 4
Views: 45848

Re: Unban please?


We accept that -- but nextime just to let u know -- Racisem or Nacionalist shits are perma ban with NO WARN <--
Pleas RESPECT ETc|Clan Rules and Follow them.. thank you

Ur Unbaned

Topic close

by ETc|g8
06 Dec 2022, 18:39
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: Unban please?
Replies: 1
Views: 12697

Re: New ET sound samples

... you -You're welcome -Compliment -Taunt -Oops -Shut up -Hurry -Misc/Funny Instead of creating a V*** chat entry for each samples (there's 50 of them !) I suggest using the male and female category then just the subcategories. A random sample will then be played belonging to the selected subcategory. ...
by ETc|#.Jay.#
17 Nov 2022, 18:49
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: New ET sound samples
Replies: 4
Views: 29993

Re: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags

Thanks ! I'm glad you enjoyed the frag videos and it was a great idea to post them on the Splash Damage forum, just in time for the Halloween Special :D
by Ariovistus
27 Oct 2022, 20:39
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags
Replies: 12
Views: 50278

Re: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags

Thanks for taking the time to make and post these, I really enjoyed them!

I posted them to the splash damage forum to hopefully get few more views (the forums there are pretty dead these days though), they are good advertisement for the server :))
27 Oct 2022, 20:15
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags
Replies: 12
Views: 50278

New ET sound samples

... you -You're welcome -Compliment -Taunt -Oops -Shut up -Hurry -Misc/Funny Instead of creating a V*** chat entry for each samples (there's 50 of them !) I suggest using the male and female category then just the subcategories. A random sample will then be played belonging to the selected subcategory. ...
by Ariovistus
24 Oct 2022, 17:43
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: New ET sound samples
Replies: 4
Views: 29993

ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags

... I played a lot last weekend, recorded most of my gameplay on the ETc servers and I've just uploaded a 20+ min 100% frag video. I'll make more of them ! Thank you all for keeping this legendary game alive !! Here's the video. Let me know if you like it or if you're one of the happy victims :slap: ...
by Ariovistus
17 Oct 2022, 18:59
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: ET Fragfest video 1 - 100% frags
Replies: 12
Views: 50278

Basicly me.

... all classes and help my team. If they need smoke support i will be a covert ops, or if they need a medic I will jump in like a crazy to revive them :P. Some of you already seen me and I like to play here on your server! :xx: I wrote this 6 years ago :D Had a massive break with ET, but I build ...
by Freddie.Fiesta
16 Oct 2022, 09:49
Forum: Introduce yourself
Topic: Basicly me.
Replies: 4
Views: 30698

Re: Summer Skin Pack

Even if not perfect sometimes, thank you guys for adding and trying out new features. Keep them coming, I'm always ready for some change :D
by Reefermadness
18 Aug 2022, 11:35
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Summer Skin Pack
Replies: 5
Views: 21265

Re: Leaving

... some have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of them. as I said, i don't know what happened, but leaving the clan is childish in my oppinion. see you on the server :) 100% Agree
26 May 2022, 21:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 21902

Re: Leaving

... some have mutated into karens and complain about every little thing. if it wasn't one of the leaders who warned you then just talk to one of them. as I said, i don't know what happened, but leaving the clan is childish in my oppinion. see you on the server :)
by ETc|WeednesS
22 May 2022, 01:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Leaving
Replies: 4
Views: 21902

Re: cool ban for someone, check it out.

... fun of some players. if the server is full i have no problem with it but not if there are just few players online. if the server is empty, most of them just play for fun, you have to accept and respect that. :)
by ETc|WeednesS
03 May 2022, 01:42
Forum: Kicks & Bans
Topic: cool ban for someone, check it out.
Replies: 3
Views: 27894

Refresh of brightness bug. Here´s the solution.

... sv_ g_ vote_allow pb_ they are not needed for nitmod. You should have not more than 600 cvars in your cfg. arround 500 are standart. To delete them quickly, you can use notepad++ Go to Search tab on top of notpad++. Select Mark tab. Write in search box ...
by ETc|#.Jay.#
13 Feb 2022, 00:10
Forum: Enemy Territory
Topic: Refresh of brightness bug. Here´s the solution.
Replies: 0
Views: 12598

Re: Let me introduce myself

... to add except that I like this server and admins as well as a lot of players who enjoy playing. Now if some people still doubt, do I have to show them my ass? :babam: :fu:
26 Nov 2021, 16:36
Forum: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Topic: Let me introduce myself
Replies: 17
Views: 73306

Re: What if this was possible in Wolfenstein ET?

Unfortunately, I think these are lost forever. Unless the maker reuploads them. Thanks for putting this topic up again, I almost forgot it :lolsign:
by Reefermadness
07 Oct 2021, 12:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: What if this was possible in Wolfenstein ET?
Replies: 62
Views: 94044

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