... and we are not all the time online to stop u with game play u know we have great players in clan , that why u keep pwning regulars players wich they are not good players and that actions make them leav and u dont care for server and players wich i understand but we care I CARE , do not take ...
hello dawid3rx is sad to hear that you got ban cuz vpn They put a script that filters the blacklist of ISPs known as VPN. You are not the only guy that got banned because you used a VPN. I saw a lot of that message when I played that banned people for ...
... That software sometimes makes mistakes (bugs). That issue is known. I don't know if you use hacks or not. It is considered by admins to decide if they will unban you or not. If you are clean from hack, so I wish you good luck on that issues
hello dawid3rx is sad to hear that you got ban cuz vpn They put a script that filters the blacklist of ISPs known as VPN. You are not the only guy that got banned because you used a VPN. I saw a lot of that message when I played that banned people for ...
... future set him to level 8. Let him wait years for lvl There are some good ETc admins that have been playing here for years who are not abusers and they have not got high levels. But Mr. CaV!aR got level 11 too fast, and that is a mistake of the guy that set him level too quickly. It's not fair ...
... be happy to contribute to this clan with donations or contributing to the team however I can, to keep it alive. I don't have kids yet, but once they are old enough, I want them to have at least one server where they could play ET. :P 4) I want to join ETc clan, because I haven't applied to FA ...
... you explain me one thing? Why you disconnect when i connect to server? I noticed this now 10 times. And some other members told me that too, when they connect, you disconnect. I know you hide something. Your a person, wich is allready banned on our server. I know more than you think :) And ofc ...
... freez him. cuz his own rules he dont care that on that clan Spawn killing is allowed from years.... I don't know if it's related or not but since they blocked VPN here. The server strting to dying, SAD..................................................................................................................... ...
... a little hard to catch the ones that can see through walls. but i know exactly how to test suspect that use it. by funny ways lol And 2nd they have free vpn that not stable. or payment vpn that some of them do the job will, and some not good enough. dependent it varies from region to region. ...
... a little hard to catch the ones that can see through walls. but i know exactly how to test suspect that use it. by funny ways lol And 2nd they have free vpn that not stable. or payment vpn that some of them do the job will, and some not good enough. dependent it varies from region to region. ...
... pepole here use VPN, Their flag changes. like XPEHAPE3 that have over a million xp. sometimes flag changes to ETc|BoSKoV and more.. so that mean they use cheat for sure? of course not. Still That's is not a Justified reason to give me ban. if you r not sure and dont have Evidence, so you should ...
... to record demo on each of them, and researching his gameplay, his cursor moving, etc. I will ask higher admins to take attention on this topic and they will make a decision on you. If you did not use any cheat or something, then big sorry from me, but only in that case. We live in difficult times...
... one guy who likes to play with me like that and we do really have fun with this. But i want to be sure that no admin would ever ban me again if they watching me pushing him as well as he is pushing me (also to death), OF COURSE WITH THE EXCEPTION if he tells me to stop or making a break if he ...
... unban 1st time.. be nice and ur pushing was keep continue cause u think thats funny at all ..but many players come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc.. there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did many many times ,after unban and i ...
... a job wich makes possible for me to play this game a lot Im a little bit ashamed doing this idk if it will work but, i really llike the comunity, they all seem really nice and i've always wanted to be part of a big and funny group and be part of a clan, since i play this around 2009 and so.
... that being said you have to pay attention to people attidute, most people if not all don't like to get pushed and thats why we forbide it unless they are blocking and it's best to avoid it all together, trying to get around etc.. And even if someone agreed to being pushed he can change his mind ...
... and me. We were playing around by pushing each other and everybody had fun about it. There were also admins etc. But nobody said something because they knew we were just playing and everything is cool... So by the next time, when i ask somebody (publicly) if he wants to play around by pushing, ...
There is absolutely a reason to make a post. Instead of talking to me like a man and telling me they didn't find it funny and/or wanted me to stop, they just go straight to mute?
... point when experimenting. Anyway, instead of being asked to change it. I was muted for 6 minutes. I changed my config and then told Crack that they could have just asked me to change it whereupon he/she just said "no". So this doesn't sit well with me and then I was accused of harassing ...
... that i think we need them because the air on the server isn't as fresh as it used to be. we need the word of power that not everyone thinks they can do whatever they want. we as admins are not respected like g8 and darkness.im not a sucker who cries at jay, darkness or g8 i say and act directly ...
... again and I kicked you. as a member you should know the rules and not break them. I kicked you because it gets on my nerves that everyone thinks they can do whatever they want since darkness and g8 aren't there that often anymore. we need someone who bang on the table. i hope they come back soon.
... ? Play alone, only with the tank, and get chain kill by him and other ? The allies were all on the tank, with nobody on the right side of the map, they have to defend both side, not my fault if they didnt. I think that people know me, I always play for obj and Im always cool. I even follow some ...
... from the mid 90's (the golden age of pinball machines, with excellent voice acting). I have also added a cool sample from the 1988 movie "They Live". I have divided the samples in two categories : Male and Female. I've also realised most of the samples fall into these subcategories ...
Thanks for taking the time to make and post these, I really enjoyed them!
I posted them to the splash damage forum to hopefully get few more views (the forums there are pretty dead these days though), they are good advertisement for the server )
... from the mid 90's (the golden age of pinball machines, with excellent voice acting). I have also added a cool sample from the 1988 movie "They Live". I have divided the samples in two categories : Male and Female. I've also realised most of the samples fall into these subcategories ...
... watch football previous clans: TWC, G!X, fun and some old clans i dont remember. current xp: 11k I like to play all classes and help my team. If they need smoke support i will be a covert ops, or if they need a medic I will jump in like a crazy to revive them :P. Some of you already seen me and ...
Seems to be a little better, I think the biggest problem is the shorts make everyone look very similar. It could just be me getting old and my eyes bad, they seem to contrast a little more now anyway which is an improvement, ty.
... bugs. You should cleanup your config from useless cvars. For example you can delete all cvars wich begin with b_ etj_ sv_ g_ vote_allow pb_ they are not needed for nitmod. You should have not more than 600 cvars in your cfg. arround 500 are standart. To delete them quickly, you can use notepad++ ...
... a little depressed, but still married with a nice husband and 4 children. :w: If it amuses some to spread false rumours, that is their problem. If they have nothing else to do, it is too bad. If they’re paid to do this, they should explain to me how. I don’t have much to add except that I like ...