... 2005 and we spend alot of time on ET and ETc| server to let see players unhappy cause of 1 person , its 2025 and server and game still live and we want to keep like that.. :admin:
... priorities/opportunities in life, I’ve decided to delete Wolfenstein for good. I know not everyone was the biggest fan of me, but I still want to thank the ETc|community as a whole for all the great moments on the server. Credits to G8 for inviting me into the clan and to everyone who ...
I would like to close my apply request because I got told if I want to get in I have to play different styles like engineer cover ops etc... I would say I play as I like not as some 1 wants. If that is the clan joining requirement then I don't want to join. ...
... At Trackbase, my highest is 19, and currently, I have 15. Country / Nationality: Estonia Hobbies: My kids are my hobbies :D [any other things you want to write] Like your server the speed of it and people who play it.
... Mr. CaV!aR got level 11 too fast, and that is a mistake of the guy that set him level too quickly. It's not fair justice what's going on here. i want to know if There is someone here who disagrees with me??
... to this clan with donations or contributing to the team however I can, to keep it alive. I don't have kids yet, but once they are old enough, I want them to have at least one server where they could play ET. :P 4) I want to join ETc clan, because I haven't applied to FA yet. Actually just really ...
Hello, my name is David. I come from Poland, My in-game nickname is: >>LuBaN I found your server quite by accident, but I like it very much and I want to stay with you and play with you as much as possible :D I'm 24 years old. Nice to meet you all and I hope we will get along well and have a nice ...
... are you Pidas VIP ? you piece of joke Maybe lower your nose a bit? you have shit personality Yes, I'm not somone important to you. And I don't want to be. so.. ------> https://youtu.be/9qOZ-Q6Tbus?t=11 and calling me tough guy np man I was tried to be a little gentle and called you a tough ...
Hey guys, 5 minutes ago i got kicked by him without getting explained by the reason. We, that are nick, tigon and many other collegues didnt want to play objective so we were just playing around like throwing knifes and grenades. SIlentkiller told me to stop that. I should play for objective ...
heya I want to say that I am sometimes frag player at ET when i have stable ping. i got here some frags. and admins never ban/kick me, Except nick that think that i m cheater.. I never test cheat. just seen some videos at youtube ...
Hey guys, i just want to ask u if it is ok for u all admins, if Coyote and i would push each other to death sometimes while playing. We would like to do it for fun. On the 17th of may he started pushing me to death and was wondering ...
... 1st time.. be nice and ur pushing was keep continue cause u think thats funny at all ..but many players come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc.. there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did many many times ,after unban and i was like ...
... Hobbies: watching films, chilling outside with some friends, "I'm trying to raise my child fairly well - :=) " Any other things you want to write?: of course - I know that I did a lot of shit back then and leaving the clan to join another one only to come back wasn't the right way ...
hi i ' m friend of Wolverine. he don't know english well, so i ' m here to try help him. With yours help he playing here few years since 2018, he got banned message, he want to know why? After all he is not cheating or something like that
... you or otherwise someone else. but I do wanna say a few things and I'll start from the end. if you ask someone without any confustions if he wants to get pushed and he agree then I don't see a problem with it, that being said you have to pay attention to people attidute, most people if not ...
Hey Guys, yeah its true, i was a jerk because i pushed teammates to many times. But listen, i am not doing this because i want somebody to harm or annoy (except of johnny (the pink buddy from netherlands), but thats another topic and i dont want to talk about it here, its to long and ...
... your post <--- thats show ur interest to be part of ETc| and i see u alot of active on our server so .. lets say this : cause u play only medic i want to see you to play all class and help server with change teams when some team are stronger* use enginer,soldier,cvdops,fildops...doing objective... ...
... now 31 ^^ i was often offline because i don't have Pc.. I gonna collect some money now for a gaming pc I'm happy to be back in the clan.. I also want to apologize for my behavior in the past, i had several times psychosis.. i'm in the hopital now and everything is going good now.. :D Well see ...
... I agreed to it.. Since I had already officially left the clan, I thought it would be okay to join the clan without informing you again. I didn't want the ETc| clan in any way insult with it... I really appreciated the opportunity(s) the clan gave me. I don't ask for forgiveness... I just wanted ...
... them because the air on the server isn't as fresh as it used to be. we need the word of power that not everyone thinks they can do whatever they want. we as admins are not respected like g8 and darkness.im not a sucker who cries at jay, darkness or g8 i say and act directly as i think. You all ...
you weren't a covert, you were an engineer. I don't understand why you lie but do what you want. when you did it the first time i splat you and asked why you are doing trickjump as a member. you said it wasn't trick jump i jumped from the window to the obj which is trick ...
Hello ETc|, I know it's been a while But I want to be honest. I miss playing with you a lot. I was banned at the time (to be honest, I don't know exactly why..?). If it was because I chose another clan after my break, I'm sorry. Nevertheless, ...
... to MDC too, im not sure :D i used blender-2.80rc3 or 2.91 Some Import Addons are disabled by default in blender, and if you dont find what you want, there are several ones available online. Btw. if you have missing Triangles after Export ingame, make sure the models are Triangulated.
Hello, i want to say sorry, i have little problems last time and i know i saying to much. It would be nice to play with you again. If not i understand. Take care. Zielony
... etc. good atmosphere. 4. kill sandra XD. 5.I play a lot so I try to improve myself all the time. 6. I am married and I have 2 children. 7. if you want to know something else do not hesitate to ask me I would be happy to answer you.