... server ,cause of ur rambo ego style and we are not all the time online to stop u with game play u know we have great players in clan , that why u keep pwning regulars players wich they are not good players and that actions make them leav and u dont care for server and players wich i understand ...
... the players in the game that you use many unnecessary sentences in the correspondence area. (You are not the only one playing this game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins a lot. (Actually I know the reason for this) I have been a member of this clan for 13 years, I have never ...
... the players in the game that you use many unnecessary sentences in the correspondence area. (You are not the only one playing this game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins a lot. (Actually I know the reason for this) I have been a member of this clan for 13 years, I have never ...
... videoya gnderecegim, arkadasim Darkness ve Jay'e 22:08:28 say: ^0^*ETc^1|^0^*FD-Good: !mute valek 999 okey thats second mute. You wonder why you got muted. Me not... 22:32:14 privmsg: VALEKV^d://DDOS: hermaj: i have a probleme with a admin, FD Good, he mute me 5 x time for not reason ...
... his level 11, I think a couple of days ago, and he showed his disrespect to old admins in ETC. It bothered me to see what happened here, so that's why I'm writing here. When CaV!aR was level 9, he used his !commands against me sometimes, something that I don't like (3 or 4 times on different days). ...
Can you explain me one thing? Why you disconnect when i connect to server? I noticed this now 10 times. And some other members told me that too, when they connect, you disconnect. I know you hide something. Your a person, wich is allready ...
... years ago you yourself was said to us that you was got a lot of bands. ban banana ha ha :) but when i was got ban. iit was Mistake by nick. that why i got unban but when the leaders bans you. it is cuz your disgusting ways to handle many cases... This is one of the differences between us. So ...
... its hard to connect or Gabriel ? :) btw Tom <-- some players wants normal game not jumping around teammates and doing bullshits on server.. that why maybe he react like that to warn u to play normal.. but i bealive all problems can be fixet with no problem. and silentkiller is oldschool member ...
... using any type of vpn is no more allowed in ETc servers, this is new rule in clan. Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only ...
... using any type of vpn is no more allowed in ETc servers, this is new rule in clan. Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only ...
... using any type of vpn is no more allowed in ETc servers, this is new rule in clan. Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only ...
... using any type of vpn is no more allowed in ETc servers, this is new rule in clan. Incoming vpn connections are automatically blocked by server. Why - because lots of cheaters abuse it for playing on our server, too hard to ban them. And 2nd fyi: VPN is technically (in total most cases) only ...
when we play all that time xposed_ndt. te_escape2. etl_supply. you was seen my xp, it enough xp that prove that i m play here for period, so why ignore from my xp and ban me? when you ban somone you ban his netkey too, that inclodet his xp, It was easy to you to catch the cheater that reconnected ...
... seemd like you were that cheater. And ur gameplay was so so suspicious, i speced you for so long. Can you answer main question, just interesting - why are you using VPN for game? I checked it and it is exactly a VPN. It is so strange. VPN is used by 95% users only for cheating. Why to hide ur real ...
... each other to death sometimes while playing. We would like to do it for fun. On the 17th of may he started pushing me to death and was wondering why i stopped also doing so. I told him about my last ban and that i dont even have the balls anymore to do it for fun because i dont want to get banned ...
... told me u keep doing that and regular players complain its was not only that time ,now u got baned ofc now is mistake this that wthere etc.. WHY U DIDNT ASK ? i asked u before 10 000 stop man and NO man u can be now innocent however u want but there are rules for all same ,cause u keep pushing ...
hello i accept ur apologize lets see in future if thats apologize is 100procent sure from u :) U ARE UNBANED ! :admin: Hey g8, why are u not asking first, if my push was intentionally, or just reflexively? When i was on top of the corner (next to the bridge of the tank way (goldrush-ga-map), ...
... the clan to join another one only to come back wasn't the right way to go. I was still quite young back then and to be honest I have no idea why I left the clan back then. I actually always felt very comfortable with you. I know that etc| is a very familial clan and that was not welcomed ...
hi i ' m friend of Wolverine. he don't know english well, so i ' m here to try help him. With yours help he playing here few years since 2018, he got banned message, he want to know why? After all he is not cheating or something like that
Hey Tom, I don't know exactly why you got banned as I wasn't there and we will have to wait for the admin that banned you or otherwise someone else. but I do wanna say a few things and I'll start from the end. if you ask someone without ...
you weren't a covert, you were an engineer. I don't understand why you lie but do what you want. when you did it the first time i splat you and asked why you are doing trickjump as a member. you said it wasn't trick jump i jumped from the window to the ...
... I know it's been a while But I want to be honest. I miss playing with you a lot. I was banned at the time (to be honest, I don't know exactly why..?). If it was because I chose another clan after my break, I'm sorry. Nevertheless, I would really like to be able to play on your server again, ...
U got recruit by ur friend on ETc| server wich is not alloweda and apsolutly forbiden.. u was before ETc| u said ... why did u leav ? from my side F2 <--
... to music and playing games. Age: 18 and a half I've started playing on this server again 5 weeks ago after a rather long break from this game. Why on this server you may ask? Well, mainly for nostalgia's sake. I've first started playing on this server back in 2014-2015, but I did not have any ...
... and you have not, from what i can tell shown any real interest in joining the clan butt recently it seems very urgent to do so. I sort of wonder why that is? BUTT! I just like butts. Not butt serioustly. For me I will F1 you. Where am I....
hi why etc the clan has incompetent administrators (maybe speedy?). why did I get a permanent ban rush if "ei8ht" finished adlernest.? if you can not check who finished the map only "yak" then we have nothing ...