This was taken saturday around 12:00 Europe time. At players info you see first the amount of players and the amount of Bots and the amount of slots. How to get more players.... 20 years ago there where no bots. Its Sad to see it
Bro we all have our ups and downs,stay with us and enjoy the game,I have also smoked for years and have stopped for a few years now,ETc is a disease that is not easy to get rid of,I hope you stay with us,wish you the best in your life take care my friend
Guten Tag I would like to let you know that I am leaving the clan. The past two years have been fun to be part of ETc, but it is time to close the chapter. I’ve been clean from smoking hash for over three months now, which was an hell of a journey because I was ...
... game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins a lot. (Actually I know the reason for this) I have been a member of this clan for 13 years, I have never had an argument with anyone, please be careful with your behavior. I am writing from translation, if I used wrong sentence, please ...
... game, That's why I muted you) 6- You suck up to the admins a lot. (Actually I know the reason for this) I have been a member of this clan for 13 years, I have never had an argument with anyone, please be careful with your behavior. I am writing from translation, if I used wrong sentence, please ...
... calm down by at least removing his level. Then see how his behavior in time passing, and maybe in the future set him to level 8. Let him wait years for lvl There are some good ETc admins that have been playing here for years who are not abusers and they have not got high levels. But Mr. CaV!aR ...
Hello Goku I know you are a good admin too for years, and I’m comfortable that you are admin here because you are a good guy. But you must understand that the negative energy you see here is because that admin is poisoning us with that "negative ...
... if he did that, Mr CaV!aR, the new admin, should first talk to him about that and not !splat him! Speedy is a good admin at ETC. I know him for a years as a good admin. Now Mr CaV!aR got his level 11, I think a couple of days ago, and he showed his disrespect to old admins in ETC. It bothered ...
Hey NoAmmo, i have seen u know for years on the Server and i think u would make a good addition for our little Family and the most important thing: that u share our love for the Game which u prove by playing active on the Server consistently. ...
... manul and vanessa. Thanks for your attention! And for accepting my mindless behaviour :twisted: I started playing ET when I was 14 - that's 15 years ago, hehe.
... / Nationality: Poland Hobbies: motoring, spending time with friends and I like making pizza because I am a pizza person How old are you: I'm 24 years old
... >>LuBaN I found your server quite by accident, but I like it very much and I want to stay with you and play with you as much as possible :D I'm 24 years old. Nice to meet you all and I hope we will get along well and have a nice time on the server :D
ok gabriel the guy who keep getting baned by admins ok ETc|g8 the guy who was keep getting baneds by leaders from years ago you yourself was said to us that you was got a lot of bands. ban banana ha ha :) but when i was got ban. iit was Mistake by nick. that why i got unban but ...
... to stop Spawn killing, then he starting abuse somone by freez him. cuz his own rules he dont care that on that clan Spawn killing is allowed from years.... I don't know if it's related or not but since they blocked VPN here. The server strting to dying, SAD..................................................................................................................... ...
TOPIC TITLE: Vanessa Ingame Name: Vanessa, Str4nger._ Time: Since May 2023 Optional -> Your real name: Vanessa 27 years Clans I was in: i've never been in one (promise) Country / Nationality: Chile, i can only speak English and Spanish Hobbies: I like to play a lot online, usually ...
Hello everyone! Been long 13 years that i havent been much active anywhere. Been travelling the world and also spent a little time behind walls in Hungary. The server has changed to NITMOD i see now and a few more changes have been changed ...
Hello everyone! Been long 13 years that i havent been much active anywhere. Been travelling the world and also spent a little time behind walls in Hungary. The server has changed to NITMOD i see now and a few more changes have been changed ...
... a very familial clan and that was not welcomed either. I can understand that I made some people quite upset at the time. However, I am now a few years older, and I would like to think that I have gained some maturity over the years. I would love to be a part of this community again, I always ...
Hi guys :) I belive we already met in game, so now I need to anounce that I am part of the clan! I was playing ET when it came out for couple years.. maybe 3-4, then I stopped, and now I am playing it again. As you noticed I am a bit rusty, but I am trying. I am having fun with you even if my ...
hi i ' m friend of Wolverine. he don't know english well, so i ' m here to try help him. With yours help he playing here few years since 2018, he got banned message, he want to know why? After all he is not cheating or something like that
... ET since 2007 now, and just like Ruby, storchel, operations, peanut, and others who came to ETC, knowing that the clan closed its doors almost 10 years ago, it's time me too to switch to ETc, I don't have discords, and I've been playing XPsave for a few months now, kind regards :biggrin:
Hi everyone, I'm coming back after 3 years to relaunch my application :)), I've been playing the game again for a while and I'm really enjoying playing, so I'm relaunching the application, you never know if it can even pass 3 years later ^^, ...
Got to tip my hat to my fellow Yank! MikeHunt is a good player and been on the server for years. He always plays for obj, usually several different classes and will switch teams to help balance. Definitely a big +1 from me! Good luck!
... a few weeks ago, have been recovering (no, I was not transitioning to a different gender...) and I feel the best I have in the last several years. So I began to miss ET, and the clan that I allowed myself to lose. I just wanted to apologize and say I'm sorry I let the clan down by failing ...
Hello, my name is Benjamin, i was ETc member from 2 years, but i play on ETc server before 2012. Im 30 years old, i live in France (Lyon). I am an inspector for a control office specializing in lifting and protective equipment, I am also a referent ...
You guys see me online fairly often but I am never here on THIS site. Today I am. I just wanted to say that I love ETc and have enjoyed it for years. Donation incoming. Cheers!!!