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Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2019, 17:24
by Jens Geutebrueck

Re: Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2019, 18:29
by Barnz
I wasn't there when this happened... but I don't believe you for a second.

You've lied to my face before about not trickjumping when I had been speccing you and saw you do it. Your word cannot be trusted.

If I had caught you agian it'd have been hell of a lot longer than 6 days.


Re: Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2019, 18:50
by ETc|Pl0p
I totally agree with Barnz. I wasn't there either, but each time there's a tj, you're the one who does it, Geutebrueck. Think about your actions and read the rules before coming back.

Ich stimme Barnz vollkommen zu. Ich war auch nicht da, aber jedes Mal, wenn es einen TJ gibt, bist du derjenige, der es macht, Geutebrück. Denke über deine Handlungen nach und lies die Regeln, bevor du zurückkommst (broken german, sorry).

Re: Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2019, 20:18
by ETc|Germania
Ich bin auch eurer meinung. Barnh seiner. Und plop seiner

Und plop dein deutsch ist sehr gut

Re: Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2019, 08:57
by keitA.

wir hatten schon oefters kleine auseinandersetzungen deshalb Geutbrueck, auch schon früher auf anderen servern.
Bitte denk drüber nach, denn dies ist wirklich auch unangenehm für die anderen spieler wenn es darum geht das Game feeling gut zu gestalten / empfinden.



Ps: nice german pl0p

Re: Herr Geutebrueck

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2019, 17:01
by ETc|$uLt@n
hello Herr,
personally I have never seen you rude, but I know that several times, I saw the admins te! warn about the objectives, you often rush the objectives, which is one of the first rules of this server which contains 5 minutes minimum by map, and that being said, it is also for the pleasure of the players that a map continue, even if the goal is easily achievable.

I think if you just listen to this admonition of our admins, you'll be quiet for your game and so everyone's.

See you soon Herr