
Wanna join ETc? Read the rules and write an application here!
Forum rules
!!! Recruitment is open but only -> Over 18+ only, if your under then dont post !!!

1. You have to play on our server for at least 4 weeks and your rating time here (from splatterladder) must be greater than 40 hours.
2. You should speak english (but if you speak german only, it's ok).
3. Multiclanning is NOT ALLOWED and will end in a hardware ban.
4. Respect other players - don't insult them.
5. Don't ask for joining the clan on the servers! If you are special in any way, we will notice you.

6. You have to join our discord channel ->

7. When you fill the bill, you can write a topic with your application.

Your application should look like this (please copy it into your post):

TOPIC TITLE: [one of your ingame names]

Ingame Name: [put here all names you use on our server]
Time: [how long you have been playing on the server]

Optional ->
Your real name: [name]
Clans I was in: [clan names you were in]
SL rating: [(best) overall rating from splatterladder] (btw. we dont care for rating)
Country / Nationality: [where are you from, what's your nationality]
Hobbies: [your hobbies, things you do in a spare time]

[any other things you want to write]


Postby shane11 » 04 Aug 2013, 21:51

Hey Guys, I'm Shane and im playing on etc server since 1 1/2 years. I was an old member of ETc, but my profile got deleted and i had a break of 1 year. Now my SL rating and my exp got reseted so dont wonder.
My real name is Bastian but u can call me Basti. I was in T.C. and some other small clans. My SL Rating atm is 5.53984, but it getting higher every time because i only have 9 hours play time with this profile.
I'm from Germany and my Nationality is German. My Hobbies are football and i'm doing much with my friends. Im 21 years old and it would be awesome if i could get again a part of ETc. Maybe someone remembers ETc | Shane*

Your Basti :)
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Aug 2013, 23:11

Re: Shane*

Postby AdigE » 04 Aug 2013, 22:06

F.U. self man..first learn respectfull to others.

..and i dont remember any old Shane or Basti.
Posts: 244
Joined: 10 Aug 2010, 21:28

Re: Shane*

Postby ETc|Pete. » 04 Aug 2013, 22:17

mhmmmmm, i will wait until other members answer before giving an opinion, and i'll see you in the server.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2012, 02:11
Location: Llubí - Mallorca

Re: Shane*

Postby shane11 » 04 Aug 2013, 22:55

if i said fu one time. its just a joke. sry if u took it serious. i will stop it. im not flaming or raging :)
Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Aug 2013, 23:11

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