recuiting ownage

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Can Ownage join the clan?

i dont care
Total votes : 28

Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|efrasiyab » 10 Nov 2012, 23:23

f1 for me too
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby 7-2-1900 » 10 Nov 2012, 23:33

guys my brother doesn't want to come in the clan anymore

he was mad on the etc clan about something and he quit w:et

i had to say to m4 (don't know who he means) greets

i'm sorry guys but my brother is done with w:et and etc clan
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|Pete. » 11 Nov 2012, 04:18

so, we can close the topic, i guess..
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby 7-2-1900 » 11 Nov 2012, 18:14

yes and the poll is also not need anymore
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|Sparky » 11 Nov 2012, 23:05

/topic closed
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 16 Nov 2012, 18:13

so this is how a leader react when they aren't agreeing with you
hiding behind your level and think you have the right to act like that

ok fuck you then g8 (and jay. don't always defend you co leaders. thats weak)

i have nothing against etc but to some ppl i hate very much

so because i won't talk again to you here is a list from the ppl that i not like because they are or act like complete idiots

g8 :x :x :x
ilsa :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
henkiie :x

that's all and i tell you why

-henkiie because i called some1 ass a joke a bad name and without warning this crybaby mutes me and then that fucking asshole leaves the server. that retarded asssface
-g8 because i actually don't know why he hated me and if i wanted to talk he acts to be afk. and when my brother ask him nicely to react on the post (ownage to g8) he says like a crying vagina ''don't spam'' so that's how an leader should act
-en then we get to the bitch ilsa. idk in the first that you were a girl that acts mad ass a joke so i'm sorry for that i tokk literly whhat you said (i am angry but i have to say that was my mistake) but then abuse your power to mute me when you say mean thin and i do also is just hiding like a little girl behind your high level (so that's why i was so very happy when mafia was very angry on you but you didn't know that i was laughing my ass off at my computer :D ) but still after that i wanted not to be mad anymore and act nice to eachother but you were the girl who cuoldn't sleep because off this :) . serioulsly don't you forgive anybody for a mistake or argument. (this is in dutch) dus jij moet mij echt niet kinderachtig noemen want jouw gedrag is als een menstuerend 5 jarig meisje

so i ask anybody who hated me before this message (so for sure lisa and g8 and maybe henkiie if that idiot didn't forget how he acted) to reply on this message and tell what you thought of me , i won't comment but only read
ooh and ppl who don't like what i have written here pls don't comment if you want to say ooh now that's very childish open a new fucking topic called ownage's reaction or something but don't do like i asked at the forum ownage to g8 write something while i asked just tell g8 but don't comment because no hard feelings to who reacted because i had nothing against them but i think if you react when some1 asked not to. you are a retard

ooh ja tau jij mag ook schrijven wat je van mij vondt want jij was ook niet erg aardig de laaste tijd toen ik nog speelde

so bye to all off you
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 16 Nov 2012, 18:17

ooh almost forgot. leaders don't close this topic because i want this ones and forever to be over
so don't think ooh no that's not nice just close so nobody can reacted and they leave it allone

so i hope this can be the goodbye (so just let the ppl who hated me comment and then this can be the end)
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby Hans Gunsche » 16 Nov 2012, 23:09

Sad to see that you are unable to change your behaviour..

On a sidenote: Tau, for what i know, was never behaving in a bad way to you. He only tried to let you see that your behaviour is the main cause, in a polite way.
And your little message to Ilsa is childish and impossible :P
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 17 Nov 2012, 01:24

hans ten eerst je kent mij niet. dus hou eens je keer je bek over mij
ten tweede jij hoeft je hier niet mee te bemoeien
en ten derde ken jij wel engels wat in mijn lange berich zei ik ga maar een topic open waar je over mijn reactie praat en huilt ,maar jij ben een debiele idioot want ik schreef reageer alleeen als je all iets tegen me had, maar jij bent weer een te achterlijke mongool die geen engels snapt en toch reageert
en dat maakt jou de een met mentaal achterlijke ramdebbiel

dus als jj dit wil en KAN vertalen doe maar wat je wilt ,maar hou je eigen KUT mening voor je dagboek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 17 Nov 2012, 01:57

ilsa trouwens wou ik alleen maar met g8 praten wat hij tegen mij had ,of ik in de clan kwam boeide me niet
dat deed ik alleen maar ,omdat iemand van etc clan mij dat vroeg
van mij hoefde ik niet eens worden toegelaten, en wou ik alleen op de server spelen voor de lol
maar als ik dit dan doe wil ik wel iets terug horen, en als ik dan hoor dat hij het niet wil dan respecteer ik dat, maar will ik alleen weten waarom
en als je dan me negeert en zegt tegen me broer die netje vroeg om te reageren, dat je hem mute als hij doorgaat, dan is dat zielig, om achter een een hoog level te schuilen, zoals jij dat goed kan :D :) :D

ps: mafia houd nog van je hahahahhahahahaha :) :D domme hoer die je bent
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|Sparky » 17 Nov 2012, 02:38

t ownage wrote:so this is how a leader react when they aren't agreeing with you
hiding behind your level and think you have the right to act like that

ok fuck you then g8 (and jay. don't always defend you co leaders. thats weak)

i have nothing against etc but to some ppl i hate very much

so because i won't talk again to you here is a list from the ppl that i not like because they are or act like complete idiots

g8 :x :x :x
ilsa :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
henkiie :x

that's all and i tell you why

-henkiie because i called some1 ass a joke a bad name and without warning this crybaby mutes me and then that fucking asshole leaves the server. that retarded asssface
-g8 because i actually don't know why he hated me and if i wanted to talk he acts to be afk. and when my brother ask him nicely to react on the post (ownage to g8) he says like a crying vagina ''don't spam'' so that's how an leader should act
-en then we get to the bitch ilsa. idk in the first that you were a girl that acts mad ass a joke so i'm sorry for that i tokk literly whhat you said (i am angry but i have to say that was my mistake) but then abuse your power to mute me when you say mean thin and i do also is just hiding like a little girl behind your high level (so that's why i was so very happy when mafia was very angry on you but you didn't know that i was laughing my ass off at my computer :D ) but still after that i wanted not to be mad anymore and act nice to eachother but you were the girl who cuoldn't sleep because off this :) . serioulsly don't you forgive anybody for a mistake or argument. (this is in dutch) dus jij moet mij echt niet kinderachtig noemen want jouw gedrag is als een menstuerend 5 jarig meisje

so i ask anybody who hated me before this message (so for sure lisa and g8 and maybe henkiie if that idiot didn't forget how he acted) to reply on this message and tell what you thought of me , i won't comment but only read
ooh and ppl who don't like what i have written here pls don't comment if you want to say ooh now that's very childish open a new fucking topic called ownage's reaction or something but don't do like i asked at the forum ownage to g8 write something while i asked just tell g8 but don't comment because no hard feelings to who reacted because i had nothing against them but i think if you react when some1 asked not to. you are a retard

ooh ja tau jij mag ook schrijven wat je van mij vondt want jij was ook niet erg aardig de laaste tijd toen ik nog speelde

so bye to all off you

Err first asked for the topic to be i closed it...second....If u have a problem with a member...then i suggest you take it up with the person in p.m and not show yourself up on a public forum trying to act like a keyboard gangster 3/ you had my vote to come i thought u where ok..but acting like this on the forum...u have made me change my its a no from me...
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 17 Nov 2012, 02:50

yeah pm will work because i tried it sometimes but no reaction and i knew when he was active so don't give me te crap excuses because this "leader" if you can call him that ignored me and mine end is when these ppl say honest what they fellt from me be4 these messages

so if g8 takes his responsebility he will and already ould because he had time enough to just explain the why and then i find i just fine but ignoring me common is here scared or what?

so let the ppl who theres oppinion cares to me respond and just watch as public if you are not involved and sorry spark but you can be a leader but this is even before i saw you for the first time so is nor really anything to do with you

no hard feelings against you sparky
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby Hans Gunsche » 17 Nov 2012, 02:52

t ownage wrote:hans ten eerst je kent mij niet. dus hou eens je keer je bek over mij
ten tweede jij hoeft je hier niet mee te bemoeien
en ten derde ken jij wel engels wat in mijn lange berich zei ik ga maar een topic open waar je over mijn reactie praat en huilt ,maar jij ben een debiele idioot want ik schreef reageer alleeen als je all iets tegen me had, maar jij bent weer een te achterlijke mongool die geen engels snapt en toch reageert
en dat maakt jou de een met mentaal achterlijke ramdebbiel

dus als jj dit wil en KAN vertalen doe maar wat je wilt ,maar hou je eigen KUT mening voor je dagboek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waarom al die frustratie en haat? Ik heb je nooit zo aangevallen zoals jij dat nu doet. Is alles goed met je? Als er iets anders speelt dan hoor ik het graag. Ik kan dan nog begrip tonen voor de manier waarop je je gedraagt. Nu kom je alleen over als een dorpsgek. En natuurlijk begreep ik je post, maar ik reageer gewoon. Jij bepaalt niet wat ik wel en niet doe. Gelukkig maar, anders was ik zeer beperkt geraakt in mijn denkvermogen.
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby t ownage » 17 Nov 2012, 03:12

serieus hans heb ik nou te maken met een downie
dommer dan dit dacht ik niet dat jij kon worden

ik zeg dit omdat je een met je eigen zaken moet bemoeien en je me erg irriteerd met je achterlijk zijn
t ownage
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|b4b0o|wtf. » 17 Nov 2012, 17:00

omg really...sparky,jay or dark,pls close this topic...onwage,you want to have a private chat with every etc member???xD...seems so, dont want to play anylonger,so wtf are you doing here?!

for me its only spaming waste,if you stop playing.AND now you use other language?xD...what do you want here?...ask for xifire on pm,but dont spam on forums with your personal problems!...this topic wont give any solution!!!!!
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Re: recuiting ownage

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 17 Nov 2012, 18:09

closed, and if you wanna still whine here then i ban your account.
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