Hello, you already know me, legion, former member of funclan, I had the opportunity to be co-leader on funclan from 2008 to 2015, clan, which unfortunately closed, just like most of the former members of funclan who are now with you, I am thinking in particular of Ave, storchel, peanut, operations, maverick, devil etc... I would like to have the community's opinion on my application, I would like to migrate to this clan on which I connected in 2014 and after a big break ,
Just like some former member of Funclan I would like to come here in my turn, if the opinion is favorable to me, cordially
A big shout out to Dreddi, Nicki, G8, Jay, Ruby, Coyote, Akira ,uncle bob , garus, jinzer, serbirus , scarface etc. etc... and many others