by ETc|Pl0p » 27 Jan 2018, 13:11
Hi M0nsuta and everyone else,
Well, so far, I've seen everyone has wished ya good luck for your application and, besides an old member and leaders, nobody has expressed their opinion about you (and as you see in my 1st answer at the beginning of the thread, me neither). The whole point of an application thread is, imo, to share what you think about an applicant, good points and bad ones and ending with a F1 or F2 answer. Once someone is refused into the clan, it's too late to say "hey I liked that guy cause blablabla, could you think back about it?". It works also with people getting into the clan and later ends up with "Omg, why is he in the clan ? He's a prick, I don't want him anymore, why didn't I vote to his application!?"
Whatever, you got my point, so here is what I think about your application, M0nsuta.
When you were playing as a FRA member, you were a nice player. I mean, you had a good behaviour, even if you always played as a rambo nab medic, which was your right, I don't think I've ever been mad at you for not respecting the rules.
But here you go, you apply here and don't change your behaviour before someone told ya to (see Sexy's answer). Even now, you almost always play for kills, to show your skills. I don't think you're playing to make the server enjoyable for everyone, but only for you and showing off. That's the first point.
My second point is about your attitude, not as a player, but as a person. Basically, an application should be posted and, well, wait and see, play as you normally do without anything else. The matter is that you're trying too hard to get sympathy from members. Here, on the website, most replies I read are excuses "sorry I haven't been around lately", "sorry, I changed classes cause I was told so". On the server, I speak for me, but I guess for some other members, you kept sending pms to gain attention and sometimes, to ask how your application was going. I saw it pissed off leaders, but it pissed some of normal members too.
For your defence, I'd add you sometimes talk normally on discord and that's a good point.
Finally, you left FRA and you applied to ETc right away. Okay, you have the xp, you're an active player, but I wonder if you really understand what a clan is. To me, a clan is a community and a bit like a family. You can't leave one family to go into another one in a day. What tells us you would stay here and not leave in 2 months cause you found another clan ? The only reason you gave to be part of the clan is "I wanna be with my friend Naps". Sorry, I don't think that's enough.
All this post may sound a bit harsh and I admit it is. But it only reflects MY opinion about you and not everyone's. As you guessed, my final vote is F2, a definitive one, unless some clan members share the bright side I haven't seen so far.
Good luck nonetheless.