Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

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Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|EnTr4Xx » 24 Mar 2011, 13:55

Hi all, I've got a little questions : I ask myself about "how Trackbase get the ppm to have a biggest ratting ?!" And we've got a discussion in our forum about this ...

So, I saw on TB that all the best member get there ratting on F|A Server, and yet I have the answer about that ... There on F|A 1 you get Xp when you hit anybody and when you kill so your ppm session are more positif =/ On other server only kill a player give Xp so at the end you get less Xp ... and so less ppm and a smallest ratting ...
Is it True ???
So if it is :

Can be the ETc Server like that ???

Positif points : - Lot of players play for ratting and then they can play on ETc where is a lot of Fun to get there Ratting up, so maybe more player on ETc
Negatif points : - The Xp get up speedly

But I think is a good suggestion, maybe is a bad idea and maybe is my thinking false, so you need to speak about that =)

Thx for reading

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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|EnTr4Xx » 25 Mar 2011, 13:00

No Reply =s
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby *0P*.! » 25 Mar 2011, 14:27

Some players play for rate in clan. Somebody jay, darkness, exx, dudd, lucky,pojjo, kikoss, oniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or
somebody who know more about it post something :D
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby Endgegner » 25 Mar 2011, 15:01 not a Member of ETc anymore but i will try to give a small reply We the Dr. Clan (and many other Gamers)recoinize the same that ur rating is more higher on F|A than on all other Servers....and yes we try to ask them what they do to have a higher rating...the simple answer was there are more skilled players on other server than on F|A (Bullshit for me but ok) pretty sure they change something on the Server settings....but noone knows what they do....and they will never share the infos about this.

you will run against walls because F|A buy all with there Money or have Admins on the Rating sides so this isnt fair to all other Server owners....also not fair against ETc|

Thats my Opinion about this Guys.

My simply Proposission : Dont play on F|A.
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|EnTr4Xx » 25 Mar 2011, 15:50

Thx for answer =)

And I never play on F|A xD Don't like that Server !

Solution is that when you play on F|A you get xp when you hit somebody and on ETc only when you kill ! That is the changement ...
And F|A had a lot of new player who never play =/

Why not do the same on ETc server ???

Actually is difficult for my member who play a lot on ETc because map who be dl is really not for frag thats why all my member play a little more on ETc =s They have Fun but only Fun =/

And its difficult for ratting player to get the same ratting like F|A players and that is boring for them =/

Plz Jay we need that you found a solution ;D
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby $haTerHanD » 25 Mar 2011, 16:55

Endgegner wrote:you will run against walls because F|A buy all with there Money or have Admins on the Rating sides so this isnt fair to all other Server owners

well said Endy .. 100% .. btw in my eyes are splatta and tb not independent (both) .. look only on the stats from top 50 players there ... 40-60% cheaterz/hackers/bot´ers ....but only my opinion // 2cents

if u want to play for stats like rating .. use an other game
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby olddirty » 29 Apr 2011, 16:09

The reason is because the Hitboxes are different, so you need different skills, the hitboxes on ETc give almost everyone a chance to kill some one.
The FA hitboxes are different, you can kill faster, so people whit a good aim can kill 5-10 people atleast every minute. try the servers so you can see the different.

I prefer ETc, because those hitboxes are awsome, you will have more duels, so u need more skills to win, also there are more players from the same skill niveau :) Thats why rating goes slow!

PS: jay! I am still a member :P
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby BossHK » 05 May 2011, 10:21

The basic reason why people are getting more + rating on FA servers is because players there have higher rating on average which gives a little boost to your rating when you play well, but it also brings your rating more down if you play bad. So it's like a multiplier for your rating. If you see your session from TB, see the Average PPM: x.xx. The higher it is, the more plus/minus rating you are able to get.

"SL calculates every player's ppm related to player's current rating and then compares the efficiency with other players - that's the basic. The sessions are not the same or static, so if you make 100 kills / 10 deaths you may get +0.10 or -0.30. All depends on other players... For example, if all the players of session have 20.00 rating and same ppm -> everyone will get +0.00. But if one of the players have lower rating and same ppm he will get + but others -."
TB works same way i suppose.

And the XP system on FA1 is based on damage, not kills, which is better imo. So when you make ~50dmg you get 1xp. This is more fair than that you get just 3/5 xp when killing someone. Why? Just think about it, some guy is making 130dmg and then another guy just comes and "steals" the kill by making 10-20dmg and gets 3xp, while the guy who made 130dmg gets 0xp, not so fair right?

Also it affects how well you can stay alive, since you get XP via battle sense every 30sec:
Battle sense in 30 sec intervals:

Action XP/30sec

no combat ---------------------------> 0
Receiving damage --------------------> 2
Receiving&giving damage ------------->5
Killing&receiving damage ------------> 8

It's the most important factor.

Also if you want, check this video:

Also try to google some information, check TB forums etc.
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|*H*E*L*L* » 03 Aug 2011, 00:20

entschuldige wenn ich hier mal was dazu sage

Auch wenn mich keiner mag ^^ hat man mir gesagt

ich bin ganz der Meinung von Endgegner. Ich habe es mit ein paar Leuten beobachtet und haben festgestellt, auch wenn auf ETc Spieler mit gutem rating spielen , bekommen sie meist ein minus. schon seltsam oder ? ^^
Habe das auch mal in TB Forum angesprochen und hab nur immer das selbe zu hören bekommen......das da bessere Spieler sind...........höheres durchschnitsrating ..........falsche einstellungen ^^ ich hab echt alles probiert und musste feststellen das ich oder auch andere Server nie so ein rating haben wie naja der benannte Server .

Und zur Info ^^ SL gehört auch zu F|A :P
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|*H*E*L*L* » 03 Aug 2011, 01:01

rating = viele Spieler = höher in der TB und SL Liste = mehr normale Spieler dazu ^^

dazu noch die Zeitverschiebung von 6 Stunden oder so ist alles perfect ^^

nur........laggt es nicht ein bissl mit 150 ping ?? ^^

weiß nicht was bei denen so gut ist ^^

Sounds sind kacke......ETc oder T.C haben zB bessere........server laufen eigentlich ruhig so wie meiner auch....

Keine Ahnung ^^ und am Menu alein kann es ja nicht liegen denk ich mal ^^
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 03 Aug 2011, 10:58

ich scheisse voll und ganz auf das Rating :)
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|*H*E*L*L* » 03 Aug 2011, 12:12

naja aber auch wenn du mich nicht mehr leiden kannst ^^

sei doch mal geht den Spielern....zumindest den besseren doch nur um die rating Rangliste.....

ich scheiss auch drauf ^^ 5 hab ich gerade xD

aber ich scheiss nicht auf Spieler die zu uns aufm Server kommen

Du auch nicht

wenn ihr zeit habt schaut mal am Nachmittag auf diesen server zB

die specs haben ping .......aber wenn man connectet is keiner im spec ^^

wenn man wüsste wie die es machen Ping anzeigen zu lassen würde man F|A eins auswichen ^^
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 03 Aug 2011, 12:31

wie ich mitbekommen habe, funktioniert das bei nq mit den bots im spec mit ping.
ich hab nen 8ter rating :P bin besser hihi

das mit dem Rating solle man eh anders machen, die ziemlich wenig rating haben sollten viel schneller nach oben kommen, ich zock auch nur noch ein paar stunden in der woche, wie soll ich da sonst höher kommen.
Wenn ich schon sehe das das Rating bis auf 30 ist bei manchen spielern. *kotz*
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Re: Get your ratting up on TB with ETc

Postby ETc|*H*E*L*L* » 03 Aug 2011, 13:18

Hab den NQ noch laufen aber es geht nur bei der RTCW omnibot 0.81 version einen FakePing zu setzen aber naja ^^
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