AssA wrote:I doubt that Adri read this
sastasior wrote:Ello
Rules are outdated
add to rules
"Dont ask adming to reset your xp "PERMANENT BAN""
huh? xD
ETc|SON GOKUUUU wrote:Can we add rules 13 to the server? I think u added it recently but its gone now
sastasior wrote:Ello
Rules are outdated
add to rules
"Dont ask adming to reset your xp "PERMANENT BAN""
huh? xD
AssA wrote:don't tell me about the rules the members break first
pushers with no any reason
H.K.aus U.
shit admining
all poleks as one-acute diagnosis of Russophobia, not treated
esstonian gamers-acute diagnosis of Russophobia, not treated
moron gaming dark
ETc|Pete. wrote:ruby, weed, and debozz mentioned 2 times each, hahahah, do you push twice as much?
Seriously, i'd like to interview AssA before I die
boskov_thc wrote:talking about rules you talk over rules ....... you know rules all of them?
remember rule 14
14. No intentional grenade throws under your teammates! Include artillery, airstrike, riflegrenade and panzerfaust.
i see you throw a nade under you teammate and after go to spec for get a kill that is a really bad behavior
and will be punished if i see you again do it
ETc|nick wrote:Hello. I have a question about possible allied trickjump on eagles_2ways_b3. Will a distant jump from the mountain of the first spawn to the flag be considered a violation of the rules? Attached a photo of the mountain on which I stand, of which I speak. From it, the allies jump to the flag immediately 30 seconds after the start of the game, which is practically of no interest to the axis to defend their first positions...
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