comebacks1_bold -> "I call that bold talk,for a one eyed fat man! hihi!"
comebacks1_cant -> "You cant,you cant give in, YOU CANT GIVE IN!"
comebacks1_care -> "I dont give a crap if you covered yourself in peanut butter & had a 15 hooker Gangbang!"
comebacks1_fuk -> "Fuck!"
comebacks1_givesfuk -> "Who gives a fuck?!"
comebacks1_harsh -> "What the hell are we supposed to use man harsh language?"
comebacks1_problem -> "What the fuck is your problem!?"
comebacks1_shut -> "you'd keep your mouth shut if you knew what was good for ya buddie!"
comebacks1_shutup_bp -> "Will you please...SHUT UP!"
comebacks2_2outof3 -> "Erm best 2 out of 3 !"
comebacks2_advice -> "Good advice!"
comebacks2_cyring -> "You kids shouldnt play so rough,somebody's gonna start crying."
comebacks2_goaway -> "Please go away!"
comebacks2_hadenuf -> "Ive had enough of you pushing me around

comebacks2_liar -> "are you calling me a liar?"
comebacks2_mmmk -> "mmmk ?"
comebacks2_playagain -> "You MUST play me again!"
comebacks2_tiger -> "It is better to die like a tiger,than to live like a pussy."
comebacks2_timeout -> "erm..maybe you need a time-out ?"
comebacks3_crazy -> "Your crazy!!"
comebacks3_good -> "soooound good !"
comebacks3_know -> "so Now you know!"
comebacks3_neardeath -> "Tell me,do you get a kick out of near death experiences?"
comebacks3_point -> "whenya,telling this little stories,heres a good idea,have a point,it makes it so much interesting for the listener!"
comebacks3_ugly -> "what an ugly thing to say!"
comebacks3_weird -> "that is the wierdest thing you have ever said!"
comebacks3_Whatever -> "maybe,who knows,i dont know,i dont care,whatever!"
comebacks3_whois -> "Who is that guy?!"
comebacks3_whoopet -> "Im just a little anxious to whoop ET's ass,thats all"
comebacks4_feel -> "yes!!!! oh yeah!,can you feel that BUDDY! Huh?! Huh?! huh?!"
comebacks4_hammer -> "Lets say i want a Hammer.Do you know what a hammer is?"
comebacks4_idea -> "wait a minute..ive got it!, we'll hide rudolfs nose !!"
comebacks4_men -> "Those MEN! wanted to have sex with me!!"
comebacks4_think -> "Im tryin to think but nothing happens.."
comebacks4_throwbone -> "Throw me a frickin bone here!"
comebacks4_tinybrain -> "How can you have such a big head, n such a tiny brain!!?"
comebacks4_wiseass -> "you damn right wise ass!"
comebacks4_wrong -> "theres something ..Wrong with us,something Very Very Wro0o0ng with us!"
comebacks4_www -> "yeah maan i tell you what that dang ole internet maan you just go on there and point and click ??? ?? ?"
farts_fart1 -> "!!!"
farts_fart10 -> "awwh! That is Nasty!!"
farts_fart2 -> "!!!"
farts_fart3 -> "iiiii Fart in your general direction!!"
farts_fart4 -> "!!!"
farts_fart5 -> "!!!"
farts_fart6 -> "!!!"
farts_fart7 -> "!!!"
farts_fart8 -> "!!!"
farts_fart9 -> "!!!"
hi_or_bye1_adios -> "adios amigos"
hi_or_bye1_beautiful -> "Well hello beautiful !"
hi_or_bye1_comeback -> "well yall come back now ya hear!"
hi_or_bye1_howdoin -> "how ya doing?!"
hi_or_bye1_howdoing -> "hey

hi_or_bye1_howdy -> "hoooooowdyyyy !!"
hi_or_bye1_morninladies -> "morning ladies!"
hi_or_bye1_mountainface -> "Take it easy mountainface !"
hi_or_bye1_pissoff -> "pissoff !"
hi_or_bye1_wazaaap -> "Wuzaaaap"
hi_or_bye2_beback -> "ill be back!"
hi_or_bye2_brb -> "hey hang on you guys ill be right back!"
hi_or_bye2_gtg -> "ah No gotta go!..goodbye !"
hi_or_bye2_hieverybody -> "Hi Everybody!"
hi_or_bye2_imback -> "Booom! .hihihihi... Im back

hi_or_bye2_imoutta -> "Im outta here!"
hi_or_bye2_takecare -> "Take care now,byebye then."
hi_or_bye2_welcomeback1 -> "Welcome back weener lovers!"
hi_or_bye2_welcomeback2 -> "Welcome back welcome back welcome baaaack

insults1_2shitheads -> "Look at those two shitheads!"
insults1_7words -> "**** **** **** **** ********** ************ And ****."
insults1_ballbag -> "you couldn't hit your own ballbag with your own wrinkled cock."
insults1_cocksucker -> "cocksucker !! *******!!!"
insults1_gay -> "alright ! Gay .."
insults1_jogon -> "...............................................Jog on."
insults1_losers -> "losers!"
insults1_meathead -> "You are a meat head!"
insults1_mtfs -> "You god damn mtf,s"
insults1_slut -> "Keep Running you vulgar slut!"
insults2_dorks -> "What a bunch of dumbass stupid dorks hihii

insults2_ignorant -> "you stupid ignorant son of bitch dumb Bastard!!"
insults2_makepuke -> "Your type Really makes me puke,you vacuous,Coffee nosed, malodorant pervert!"
insults2_next -> "fuk u! fuk u!.. and fuk u! (whos next

insults2_sheshutup -> "id give real money if she'd shudup."
insults2_starin -> "What the hell are YOU starin at?!"
insults2_ugly -> "You are Ugly when your angry"
insults2_uglystick -> "If that is a woman it does look like she was beaten with an ugly stick!"
insults2_vile -> "Youuuuu Vile little girl!"
insults2_zipit -> "YOOOOOOO Mouth Boy !! .. Zip It."
laughs1_ha1 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha10 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha2 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha3 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha4 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha5 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha6 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha7 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha8 -> ":D"
laughs1_ha9 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha11 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha12 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha13 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha14 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha15 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha16 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha17 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha18 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha19 -> ":D"
laughs2_ha20 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha21 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha22 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha23 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha24 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha25 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha26 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha27 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha28 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha29 -> ":D"
laughs3_ha30 -> ":D"
misc1_arse -> "Your arse is Awsome!"
misc1_breast -> "aaah,sorry i..i didnt near you i was staring at your breasts."
misc1_imasshole -> "I Am an Ass Hole!!"
misc1_love1 -> "love..its a mtf huh?"
misc1_love2 -> "looks like love at first sight to me"
misc1_love3 -> "And love <3, true love

misc1_love4 -> "I love her Maaaan !!!"
misc1_nogreat -> "Shes No Great Piece of ass!"
misc1_prostitute -> "You need a prostitute!"
misc1_respectwomen -> "..i respect woman i love woman,i respect them so much that i completley stay away from em."
misc2_behave -> "Oh behave

misc2_bluffing -> "i knew it,i Knew you were bluffing. I knew he was bluffing

misc2_crowd -> "!!!!! Applause !!!!!"
misc2_dying -> "Ladies and Gentlemen ..Boys and Girls...... Dying time's here >:)"
misc2_grayskull1 -> "by the power of grayskull...."
misc2_grayskull2 -> "by the power of grayskull...."
misc2_intel -> "intel inside?"
misc2_invincible -> "Yessss! i am Invincible !"
misc2_noprob -> "ok no problem."
misc2_wierdy -> "He looks like a wierdy.."
misc3_bullyshot -> "wohoo some bully shot! that was 400 yards at least!"
misc3_fault -> "Its not my fault!"
misc3_growl -> "Grrrr!"
misc3_grumpy -> "whats the matter with everybody?everybody so grumpy every morning around here!"
misc3_howl1 -> "Howl!!!!"
misc3_howl2 -> "Howl!! !!"
misc3_meow -> "Meow!"
misc3_nothing -> "I know nothing , NOTHING!"
misc3_ohhgermans -> "Oooooh the germans are mad at me im so scared! OHhhh the Gerrmaans!!"
misc3_stfu -> "SHUT UP!!!!!! S.T.F.U."
music1_behave1 -> "Behave!"
music1_behave2 -> "Behave!!"
music1_funny -> "Funny time."
music1_havesomefun1 -> "Have some fun!"
music1_havesomefun2 -> "Have some fun!"
music1_limecoconut -> "lime in the coconut?"
music1_onetwo -> "!"
music1_rockaround -> "Rock around the clock!"
music1_songoftheffs -> "!!!!!

music1_vai -> "q( {o}{o} )p "
music2_bad1 -> "Bad ?"
music2_bad2 -> "Bad !!!"
music2_convicted -> ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
music2_diemtf -> "<-<- fighting the war single handed!"
music2_one1 -> "Darkness!"
music2_one2 -> "Landmines!"
music2_pistolgrip -> "We're Family ,We got your back! >:)"
music2_sandman -> "<-<- Just kicked some ass! >:)"
music2_thisiswar -> "This is War!"
music2_walk -> "<-<- Just keeps on kickin ass!"
omgwtf1_alive -> "shes Alive!! ALIVE !!!"
omgwtf1_augh -> "Aaauuugh??"
omgwtf1_drumroll -> "Drum Roll."
omgwtf1_gibberish -> ":D"
omgwtf1_help -> "HeEeEEEeelp!!"
omgwtf1_ohbehave -> "Oh behave huhehah yeaaah

omgwtf1_pissmeoff -> "Dammit this is startin to piss me off."
omgwtf1_takingit -> "I Are Not Taking It No MORE !"
omgwtf1_urfault -> "This is all your fauuuuult!!"
omgwtf1_whywhy -> "why why why why why why would they do this?"
omgwtf2_allabout -> "What the fuck is this all about?"
omgwtf2_assholes -> "How many assholes we got on this ship anyhow?"
omgwtf2_canthappen -> "No no no NO! This Cant HAPPEN !!?"
omgwtf2_extreme -> "ooh maan that was so fucking Extreme!"
omgwtf2_genius -> "Who is this genuis? >"
omgwtf2_insanity -> "Is there a history of insanity in your family?"
omgwtf2_littleguy -> "There are already so many big men fighting this war,maybe what we need now is a little guy."
omgwtf2_lucky -> "Lucky!"
omgwtf2_quietplace -> "I need to go to my quiet place!"
omgwtf2_realbullets -> "OH GREAT :S (REAL) Bullets!!! :X"
omgwtf3_goingon -> "!!!!What The Fuck Is going ON!!!!!"
omgwtf3_huh -> "Huh?"
omgwtf3_inconceivable -> "Inconceivable !"
omgwtf3_needhug -> "I think i need a hug

omgwtf3_nein -> "Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein!"
omgwtf3_notagain -> "Gosh! ...Not agaaain..."
omgwtf3_ohshit -> "Ohhh shit!"
omgwtf3_ufuker -> "...awwwghhh you fucker!.. awwgh.."
omgwtf3_whatin -> "What in the Hell?.."
omgwtf3_wheream -> "..where am i?..."
screams1_aah1 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah10 -> "oohhooho yeah! when a woman screams i just feel the need, to be there

screams1_aah2 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah3 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah4 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah5 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah6 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah7 -> "!!!!"
screams1_aah8 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah11 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah12 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah13 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah14 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah15 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah16 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah17 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah18 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah19 -> "!!!!"
screams2_aah20 -> "!!!!"
silly_chair -> "Grrrrr Get outta my CHAIR!"
silly_dude -> "I know who i Am!!, a dude (playing a dude) disguised as another dude!"
silly_foodfite -> "!!!!!FOOOOOD FIIIIIIGHT!!!!!"
silly_mad2 -> "Blood's gonna come outta ya head!!! & theres nothin you can do about it,coz im a MAAADMAAN!!"
silly_madness -> "OK!!! goodluck with The.. slow decent into madness.

silly_shoe -> "!!Give me Your shoe !!

silly_spam1 -> "I dont want any spam."
silly_spam2 -> "I Dont like Spam ! ."
silly_spam3 -> "!! I DONT LIKE SPAM !!"
taunts_bitelegs -> "ill Bite your legs off!!"
taunts_care -> "doesnt anybody care that i have a finely crafted gun pointed at this boys head?"
taunts_chicken -> "! chicken

taunts_kickurass -> "im afraid im gonna have to kick your ass."
taunts_lookatme -> "Dont look at me like that i will eat your shit."
taunts_nametag -> "check out the nametag > ETc| < your in my world now Grandma."
taunts_sissygun -> "You wanna die with a maaaan's gun,not a little sissy gun like this!"
taunts_thehell -> "Who the Hell do you think you are?"
taunts_thinkimfunny -> "You think im funny boy?"
taunts_trouble -> "your in big trouble now pal."
war1_arme -> ".Lock N Load."
war1_armed -> "ok hHh ..erm..Im angry..and im armed."
war1_army -> "Great! they got a small army,whada we got? , four and a half men :s"
war1_badfeeling -> "I got a baaad feeling about this...."
war1_hawkdown -> "<we got a blackhawk down,we got a blackhawk down>"
war1_letsparty -> "ok..........Lets Party. !"
war1_mission -> "you here with a mission sir?"
war1_play -> "Lets play ! >:)"
war1_promotion -> "You would need 3 promotions to get to be an asshole."
war1_readywar -> "!!!ARE YA READY FOR A WAAAAARR?!!!"
war2_comehere -> "come here boy!"
war2_comeon -> "come on get a move on!"
war2_helpme -> "Help me!"
war2_letsgo -> "Lets Go!"
war2_nicework -> "nice working with ya!"
war2_seconds -> "...Just hold them off for a few seconds...."
war2_thanku -> "Thank you Very much."
war2_waithere -> "we're just gonna wait here for a little while untill things quiet down if you dont mind."
war2_waiting -> "Im Waiting!!!!!!"
war2_whoswithme -> "Who's With me? !"
war3_asyouwish -> "As you wish."
war3_bloodbath -> "Do you realise you could of caused a serious accident here perhaps even a bloodbath?"
war3_gonnadie -> "....We are gonna die.."
war3_incoming -> "<Incoming Aircraft>"
war3_incoming2 -> "<Incoming Aircraft>"
war3_march -> "<Left Right Left Right Left Right Left>"
war3_marines -> "Alright Marines!! ... Eyes FRONT !!!"
war3_sense1 -> "It doesn't make any sense!..Any Fucking sense."
war3_sense2 -> "That actually makes sense.!"
war3_WarHorn -> "< ! War Horn ! >"
woman1_activity -> "This activity is truely unproductive."
woman1_catchinon -> "ahhhhh

woman1_crowded -> "its gettin very very Crowded!"
woman1_dofirst -> "So.... what would you little maniacs like to do first?"
woman1_dramaking -> "ooooh stop being such a drama king."
woman1_girlongirl -> "there's nothin like a bit of girl on girl ha"
woman1_gogirl -> "you go girl!"
woman1_shorts -> "maybe you should put some shorts on or something if you wanna keep fighting evil today."
woman1_waitwait -> "Wait Wait Wait! come back! ..on no

woman1_yougotspam -> "you've got spam!"
woman2_dick -> "Get your dick back in here!"
woman2_dirty -> "Is that dirty enough for you?"
woman2_experiment -> "well theres nothing like experimenting

woman2_getaway -> "Get away from her you Bitch!"
woman2_meover -> "You are gonna Fuck me over aren't you?"
woman2_monster -> "come over here you Hot monster!

woman2_naughtyparts -> "Well i guess that makes our naughty parts tingle."
woman2_suck -> "Suck my Dick!"
woman2_wanker -> "why do you have to be such a wanker?"
woman2_what -> "WHAT!?!?!?"
woman3_cantgoon -> "Noooo! ...i cant go on !"
woman3_doinnothin -> "ye there's lazy ass mtf's back there in the back doin nothin as usual."
woman3_fat -> "eeehhww!! You Fat Piece of Shit!!"
woman3_heck -> "Get the heck out of here."
woman3_hello -> "Hello!"
woman3_mmmno -> "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no?!"
woman3_mmmok -> "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok

woman3_outtahere -> "Im outta here

woman3_whatdone -> "what have i done to deserve this?"
woman3_whatwrong -> "what is wrong with you people?"