Bitflag to control various weapon options
1 : Knife can get headshots
2 : Throwing knife can get headshots
4 : Level 5 Engineers will spawn with a Bomb. - Looks like a red smoke bomb, but does as much damage as a dynamite and explodes in 4 seconds. Only 1 per life
8 : Level 5 Engineers' landmines inflict +15% damage
16 : Allow Engineer's "Bomb" to damage movers (trucks, tanks, etc.)
32 : Disable Sten overheating
64 : Disable Mobile MG42 overheating
128: Allow headshots with Mobile MG42
256 : Allow players to fire while leaning (1st person view and 3rd person animation are modified if this option is enabled)
512 : Allow Medics and Engineers to pick Sten in limbo1024 : Enable fast shooting for MP40, Thompson and Sten (delay between rounds lowered from 150ms to 110ms)
2048 : Throwing knives will poison targets
4096 : Fire underwater (except flamers, panzers, rifle grenades, mortars and MG42)
8192 : Enable poison gas canisters
16384 : Enable poison gas landmines
32768 : Enable tripmines
Maybe not our mod but on nitmod seems u can disable