onwards or outwards

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onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 19 Oct 2015, 16:50

Hello everyone!

ETc has been my passion for many a decade, unfed unpaid and sometimes unappreciated i go onwards in search for the ultimate goal to have the ETc server a place to be everyday!!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 of your leaders are not active, which leads only me to do things,

i am trying as hard as i can to be in and around the server while the other leaders fix there lives,and meanwhile i have 4 children in mine and a silly heart condition (thus far unfixable)

Now, because i am the only active leader this means i have more to do, i have more things to say to people,and i see more problems, ( all Very minor).and i gain more enemies

so its the REACTIONS from people i see of late that's really started to take shape,i have personally seen this pattern repeat itself so often, its really the only truely thing about ET that makes me sad. let me explain..
Confident people. CONFIDENCE ,its really an important attribute as an admin, but when you are found to be (possibly) in the wrong, i expect that This confidence is put aside in replace of ~Experience.
i am a Leader i have to act like one, be like one, let me tell you on a personal level, because of my crazy nature,i Do bend the rules slightly, but Never to favour myself, only to create a moment of crazyness and livelyness that the server's atmosphere could benefit from.
So. When i see members not acting the right way, do i watch them ruin the server as they obliviously think about themselves,or warn them ?"rhetorical"i warn them. If i dont, then i am not a dependable leader and chaos will follow.if i am not being a leader, then this means we currently have No active leaders.
Then Everyone is entitled to act how they please and some will be good, some will be bad, then the good argue with the bad, then there is tension then arguements, then a kick or a ban, Dog eat dog, is this how you want a server?

We have new players not fully understanding how to watch if teams are unfair, OLD members not watching if teams are fair,members not like these members because they are not watching the teams, then they complain to me, then i warn, and then another problem arises, i am informed, then i warn,and the confidence of the admins in game at the time question Me on how i assume,or Say that they act inappropriate.come on!!!!!!
so i am doing all the warning and dictating, and AS USUAL i make enemies along the way, because they think i am PERSONAL when i warn them.

pitka insulted me alot this week yes pitka, the guy i Spotted, Recruited, then promoted, then complimented Many times public about how helpfull a medic he can be, does this stop him from insulting me and calling me gay everytime i kill him, i have reacted these ways as follows > gay (lol) gay (yes sir) gay(come on bro im not gay ) gay( Private message : from me to pitka: why insulting me all the time bro, pitka reply gay is happy)gay( private message again to pitka, from me, Stop insulting man, pitka reply yes but gay means happy too,i am reply well i am 38 i know what all versions of the word mean, why would you call me happy when i kill you, pitka reply, whatever...so i tell him remove his tag, and now he back peddles sorry guys i love you and miss you,and , this story will continue with someone else same fashion.

kourosh insulting EVERYONE NONE STOP for fun? yes. and he will continue to say fuck you to everyone and then mask when he truely means it, old tricks in the book make me sick, and i see all , the last years again<< and with confidence again,i see members rise from level 6 good people to level 555 idiots, who think they are at a safety barrier from anyone telling them how to stop acting inappropriate.Half the server do not know kourosh is insulting his friends, and im sure half his "friends" dont" ,none the less i dont care, insults just create an atmosphere that is truely against what i am trying to accomplish here, and i Wont allow such strong personalities to shine through my admins that will cause damage to others.Making the ETc administration unity a complete shamble.admins swearing "

its sad for me to warn kourosh because i personally like him, but when i warn him he removes tagg and leaves the server, even after i repeated myself 6 times that i Do like him.
Drama. not enough? then go and find a little website here https://primewire.unblocked.la/ great stuff there . then get your fix of whatever drama you like then after you can connect to the war game run by admins ok? and many other admins also acted like this, g8, gouki FRIENDS OF MINE that claim i am playing god, well i am here for all exposed and ready for counters,i will leave and the server will too, or? we can like, not be so proud when we log online and work as a fucking team?.

ET should be a dead game its still alive because of what has been done Thus far, for those people who think ETc is alive by chance you need re-educating.
there is an infrastructure within the walls of this clan,and it has delicate walls sometimes .
how about you never played ET before and cannot kill so your best chance is to have the ability to kill straight away if you can have panzer, which you cannot in ETc because rosebud,kourosh,darkblood,have it
or arty you cant use because assa or scream have it,or the tank has not moved for 20 minutes and noone is making that executive decision to swap teams ,and allies grow smaller
(small problems) but delicate.
So when noone see's the problems and i do, its a leader's job to inform people who can make a difference, any of you guys are welcome to make a poll and kick me from the clan and make another leader lol goodluck with that shit.
i like you to understand also sparky has hit some smoother parts of his life that in my opinion he truely deserves,and jay is atm also has hit a curve in his life that could make a tremendous benefit for him and his health so gooduck to them both!! and lets not let them down, with or without me as leader you guys have there clan in your hands, do as you will.
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby Technobase » 19 Oct 2015, 17:42

First of thank you guys (leaders), speacially you darkness for what you have done for us!!
I didnt know how much you actually care about this and how much thought you guys put in this game. I think you are doing a very good "job" on this! You are always fair and polite to everyone! Even when i would sometimes just kick someone who is just disrespectful and an asshole you are still trying to make everyone happy. Im in ETc for idk how many years already and i never saw you guys do any unreasonable or selfish decision. The people(speacially ETc Member) should think more about the other player (just image how you would feel in their situation), they should be more thankful for beeing able to play this game for free with all the effort that you guys put into it. I think we do all just want to have a good time with this game(which doesnt necessary mean that you are the best player or whatever). Think about what you can do to make other people happy and help eachother to enjoy this game and not to hate or insult one another! For me its one way to have fun, relax and "free my mind". Im not having a good time when i know that other people are offended by what i do! I can image that people are frustrated or whatever with something and just want to let the steam out via this game, it happended and worked for me many times, but that should be rarely be the case. Again just have fun and enjoy this game/community!! Everyone should try to help eachother! https://youtu.be/dX25PDBb708?t=1m2s

I think you are doing an awesome job,Darkness!! You helped me alot when i started playing this game so many years ago and you still care about all this, that really touches me!! For me you are the best Leader!!
Thank you
Have Fun Everyone!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|HellBound » 19 Oct 2015, 19:04

Very nice post of you man. I think loads of people just think about selfs. Only care about there score and stuff. We need people that care about the server. Change a team when its unfair. I use tab like 20 times a game to see how the teams are, and when i see its unfair i change that moment. You have people in clan that wait for others to join that team, why the hell would you wait you are a admin. No they call teamssss. How hard is it to take initiative and put yourself in that team. About the panzer and fieldops. Always the same yes. But what can we do about it? We have to think more for others like techno said. I can play 80% of my games like a rambo killing all people spree after spree. But what do i win with that? Just my rate goes up. But i dont care about that. I care about that the server is full and that people enjoy the game. I dont think they enjoy it if i play like that. So now i play most of the time just for fun and let them kill me. Just to have let them stay. I think its a good idea to have someone at your side darkness. And i mean someone with a higher level. Now there arnt any higher level admins. Only 555 levels. Maybe that should help. Someone that is fair and make the right decisions. Someone they listen to, someone they look up to. LIke you. We need you in the server. We cant without you. When you were gone it was a mess. We have to communicate more. Listen to each other!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|I_Still_Sexy » 19 Oct 2015, 19:59

Humm believe i know how you fell i had many many break but still here... maybe its what you need (lets hope not)
Many players must dont have play anywhere else before ETc if they think you cant make jokes on this server , for me this is the only one that accept a bit of messing and it make the difference !!! Personally i can have fun even if i stay in spec !
I am use to be judge by players that don't even try to know me or be called cheater since many years but with guy like you 1st you chat personally then you jusge someone ,some will never get that and its sad.
Anyway for sure you need time for yourself (family) and you should take it server will still alive enough players have command and i guess the ones that have higher level are really trusted members to handle the forum and server !!!
Running a server by yourself is impossible simply accept it and let your old admin handle it a bit btw since i came back i didnt see any big problem... You could just put skype or wte you guyz use since xfire is off incase there is a big problem so you have peace for a bit!
Stop wreaking your head with one member leaving cause its not the 1st not the last accept it !!! ( i know what i am talking about you know yourself)
There is no perfect server , no perfect admins and will never be as if you are normally constituate not everybody have same mentality and like same things !!!
Relax a bit that what you should do and its why you should be in game and you have the right to say stop pm if you are pissed off of it !!!
You cant leave anyway so stfu and relax everything gonna be fine :fu:

Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 19 Oct 2015, 20:05

not many replies and already VERY happy thanks!

we need unity that is for sure!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby Reefermadness » 19 Oct 2015, 20:39

I've been following ETc since some time now, always respected leaders for what they do, and this won't stop now. I'll just say I will do my best to be an example as an admin. Make the game fair and make the server a good place for all. Not thinking about the fact we are indeed playing a very old game, and that it is still up and running. Shit is actually amazing if you think about it, so why don't we listen to the words of our brother and leader. Many times Matt has been saying the truth and if you can't take critics over your attitude, this can only lead to conflicts. Good now i'll be playing because this game is fucking awesome. I've been saying that since 2003 and if I wanna say that in 5 or 10 years, we gotta put a little effort in it! Peace!
Great shot!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|cOnFu$3D » 19 Oct 2015, 20:51

First, I have to say ... just true words!
You, and ofc the other leaders and some good admins too, have done A LOT (if not, even more :D) to keep the server going on and on. Also the reputation and Image of ETc| in the ET community is very high. That does not happen simply itself!
There's much work behind it!
I can confirm from my personal life that leading is much more than just having another title than others.
Reason why I can say you that: I lead a small section of 12 people in the company I'm working.
So I can also tell you that it's quite stressful to keep them all pleased. And furthermore also that the work is still done in a content way, for both sides, customers and workers.
You seriously have to find the right mixture of beeing fair, calm, balanced and strict (even more things, but you understand). And still you will find people who don't like the way you act, at least in some parts. There is always potential for conflicts as soon as there are more people. And our clan has a lot of people!
It is very hard and serious tough work to keep that game, that server and finally the clan with so many people and different cultures alive!
So all members could help out in an easy way, with beeing at least fair, tolerant, helpful and so on. On the server. That's just good for everyone, also at last for yourself!
Finally our leaders (which have there own privat stuff to deal with) had not to do much more work but also don't need to react with kicks.
I guess it's everyone elses fault if you get kicked out by darkness (or the other leaders). You must have done sth. wrong because they don't just act for their own goals. They think about a large community.
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 19 Oct 2015, 20:52

keep the little minded people be little because that make them feel big.lets change that,little people you know who you are grow the fk up.excessive name and things that make you smaller seem littler (wow that is a proper word,lol) lets grow as we always have.level 6 good people to level 555 idiots is a thing we could have fixed a longtime ago.darkness fk them your a king among princes.talk bad to him or about him makes you one more less friend in me as well as others.so wise up. me as an old fk will and shall uphold or laws.we all remember pete they all thought he was an ass well i was the same in all the clans i've adorned.and now you need me to return to be real.like pete i'll take no more bullshit.pete and i were jockeying who would be first to set down the law(the old days) well i'm back as me,i can be your best friend or the hell you'll dred.matt you keep going what you do because you keep the fun there.a throw here a launch there so what. those of you bitch of such small things keep small and see the change that will come to you.PETE TAG ME BACK IN,the law is and always will be near be near!!!! matt my bro you have an army behind and in front of you,let the little people (crying,whining fks be as the are children).ps level 6 to 555 was to quick for some if not most.beheading comes if king and law are not obeyed.peace and fun for all is our motto.we have a pretty good batch of people,lets keep it that way!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :w: peace :w:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|PSYKOGRASM » 19 Oct 2015, 23:36

>or the tank has not moved for 20 minutes
I'd love to come back at some point, I've finished matches happy having lost with over 70 deaths trying to an move obj when nobody else care much :D
Unfortunately the past 2 years I get a little tired with PC games and have to spend time on more important things, once my PC died start of this year (Feb/May I think) then I came back few months ago only to get constantly trolled and baited (again) by some little shit telling me I suck and should remove game every time I play so I have sour grapes with the game and only play GTA5/BF4 on XB1 these days in free time to keep my sanity ;)

>and noone is making that executive decision to swap teams
Come on people, bind "team a" to something, press it soon as you join and whenever the other team is down on players ;)

Still, to me ETc family is just as good as first time I play on the server back in 08/09 times, some of those still here all this time is real dedication than I am man enough for.
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|Luis » 20 Oct 2015, 00:00

Nice words bro's... !beer you all

Enough said. I readed the posts, very good guys. It's a fact that ETc| is one of the best clans and servers. For years! Remember that.
We all have to do our best, the leaders also do, be carefull with eachother. Help, care, love, be crazy in server. People like it. Why wouldnt we?

Argument of Hell is maybe an option for you to think about, Matt. You can get some help, I could call some names that would be fine admins with a higher level.

Darkness, this is a VERY good chapter for our book. Copyright on that one! Nice to see that ETc| is a way of life for years for so much members. The selfish ones or the ones that aren't polite enough will be picked out soon..

Let's go for the next 10 years dudes!

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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 20 Oct 2015, 02:54

:w: :w: :w:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|LaWy3R » 22 Oct 2015, 21:31

Hi Guys !

It took me some time to go trough all the posts... got a bit scared first lol.... coz I though that Darkness is leaving uffffffff ok so :

I am quite new member, but I played on ETc server since few years. I always wanted to be a part of a good community and especially family clan. That's why I joined ETc. In my opinion we rly should do everything to keep not only the server alive but keep the great atmosphere which was always on the servers. I 100 % agree with u guys and especially Luis - Let's go for the next 10 years dudes! Let's don't give up and do everything what we can :) Due to my profession I don't have so much time as few years ago but I will do my best every time I am playing. I am a new member but U can rely / trust on me, I will try to help every time as I can.

Every person / player / admin has their own lives, families, jobs, duties. So giving some admin levels to other members is not a bad idea. There's always some new blood needed. We have to think about that. In my opinion the older admins/players should undertake this decision.

I thing that I noticed in some time and I would like to share with, is the fact that not everybody keeps the teams fair. Ok maybe the teams are equal in the amount, but sometimes the teams aren't fair in skills of the players. Many times axis or allies get their ass rly kicked by one team and few players which are minded only of fragging and keeping their rating nice.... :fu: More, shuffling teams would be rly good idea ;-)
Let Them hate. Just make sure They spell Your name right.
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 23 Oct 2015, 00:09

great posts guys keep em coming !
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|rosebud » 23 Oct 2015, 22:09

...time for introspection dear ETc members. i'll try to be a sten biatch from now on ... keep in mind 'you can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!'
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby QpiD » 24 Oct 2015, 20:03

Hello everyone,

I get 1 week away and it s a mess :lool:

I support everything that Matt said ! This is a game and we are all here to make it work.
It is our job as ETc member to keep Teams fair ( i made topic about this point many timehttp://www.clan-etc.de/phpBB3/viewt ... =20&t=2151 ).

no more blablablal

Thank you Jay and Darkness for keeping ETc server alive !

like i said in previous post, there are many clannie i would have kick out or deleveled...

Now happy gaming and be ready to die i ll be soon back :cookie:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|SmirGel^+ » 25 Oct 2015, 11:07

or arty you cant use because assa or scream have it,or the tank has not moved for 20 minutes and noone is making that executive decision to swap teams ,and allies grow smaller
(small problems) but delicate.

What you'd suggest doing to players who are ETc| and only play as arty no matter what? For example..Camil? Every once in a while I try to communicate with this dude but his in total ignore mode..dunno if it's the fact he doesn't understand English or just ignoring? I did once use the bug to steal his arty class so he'd play as something else but guess what no..he goes to spec then he joins the other team where field ops is free. Other time when I stole his class he actually just kept stalking me or the other guy who had field ops then stole the class back. What you're suppose to do a member who refuses to play anything else than "I shall camp in the bus with my binoculars and call arty all the time for next 20 minutes?" put him spec? and try to talk to him? but what if he keeps ignoring you?

Also the list of people who most often play as arty

- Cemil
- Oops
- Assa
- Scream

I'm sure there is a lot more I can't remember any more right now but some of these guys are like 3 v 3 no engineer, I go field ops cuz why the hell not right? :roll:

[u]2 of your leaders are not active, which leads only me to do things,[/u]

i am trying as hard as i can to be in and around the server while the other leaders fix there lives,and meanwhile i have 4 children in mine and a silly heart condition (thus far unfixable)

I've only saw you being the most active and responsive leader. I don't know what's personally going on with the two of the others but makes me feel like they're not here and you're the only one who's actually caring and doing stuff like listening to the feedback of members and players.. often think "hmm who I should tell about this :? " then I start looking at my options who can make a difference so let's see.. Jay..almost never here at the server, Sparky haven't seen in LONG TIME Ah only one is Darkness :idea: so yea..Well now there's Hell too cuz now we've at least 2 active leaders on the server daily or regularly which is good.

i like you to understand also sparky has hit some smoother parts of his life that in my opinion he truely deserves,and jay is atm also has hit a curve in his life that could make a tremendous benefit for him and his health so gooduck to them both!! and lets not let them down, with or without me as leader you guys have there clan in your hands, do as you will.

Wish them both luck but it is still good to have active leaders in the clan. :) Would be best if all 4 of you guys could be more or less same active together but guess it is not currently possible we've to work what we've. :D
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|A^DARKNESS) » 26 Oct 2015, 22:41

eye opening to see how much support is here, i could read all your words again in time of doubt

This teamwork here i Do rate highly thanks for your words Everyone

so now maybe other Admins can connect to the forum once in a while and say something

coyote? who is he ??a guy who uses ooooooooehh when you kill him and ? the laugh :D when he kills you,

EVERYONE -------------------------------------- times of change .

Now we will look for leeches, players that never contributes and watched us fall to our knees , as they continue to act humble ,quiet and useless,powerless weak and fragile admins are Not Needed,Mascots are not needed,your country flag is not needed and your vsay skills are not needed,your aim skills are not needed and the 1 slot your fat lazy ass fills in the server is not needed either, that i can get the next time a stranger connects.CONTRIBUTE HOWEVER YOU CAN , DONT SIT THERE AND BE 0 OR YOU ARE 0.
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|I_Still_Sexy » 27 Oct 2015, 18:29

ETc|A^DARKNESS) wrote:


Some can be shy and some other can feel like they are not really apreciate of other players so they keep quiet. But i know you enough to say you wont judge someone until you at list try to have chat with him/her ! Just to say I personaly don't chat to some players cause i know they really don't care about it or do not apreciate me (that doesn't bother me Btw and might only be my imagination btw :lol: ) and might not be the only one feeling like it !

Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 27 Oct 2015, 18:56

hell I don't shut up, :tongue2: again matt hits the nail on the head.a brief hello to all who connect should be a law we want people to fell welcome,not all of us can be assholes we all ready have one. :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: (me). :yeah:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 27 Oct 2015, 18:59

oops, :fu: your a member you have a voice,lets hear it. :w: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|HellBound » 28 Oct 2015, 11:53

ETc|A^DARKNESS) wrote:eye opening to see how much support is here, i could read all your words again in time of doubt

This teamwork here i Do rate highly thanks for your words Everyone

so now maybe other Admins can connect to the forum once in a while and say something

coyote? who is he ??a guy who uses ooooooooehh when you kill him and ? the laugh :D when he kills you,

EVERYONE -------------------------------------- times of change .

Now we will look for leeches, players that never contributes and watched us fall to our knees , as they continue to act humble ,quiet and useless,powerless weak and fragile admins are Not Needed,Mascots are not needed,your country flag is not needed and your vsay skills are not needed,your aim skills are not needed and the 1 slot your fat lazy ass fills in the server is not needed either, that i can get the next time a stranger connects.CONTRIBUTE HOWEVER YOU CAN , DONT SIT THERE AND BE 0 OR YOU ARE 0.

Yesss, communicate is what keeps the clan alive and make a positive vibe. Every member should have a account on the forum. When we recruit new people the first step should be always register on the forum and make a topic. More active people on the forum should be nice!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby BaRbWiRe » 29 Oct 2015, 00:10

i don't really know where to start...

I know being leader is not always confortable, as you said Matt, sometimes u gain friends, sometimes enemies.
I am playing this game for years now and i gained more friends than enemies , hopefully :D and i will continue to connect on the server coz after my day of work, i like to spam with friends, have fun and relax ;)
that's all i need when i connect to ETc,and i know i will enjoy this time.
Thanks for the good job u have done, are doing and will do ;)
It is coz of you, ALL, leaders, admins, friends, that we have great times playing on ETc server ;)
And one last thing, Live, Laugh, Love, life is too short to waste time with stupid things. Time is a thing you will never have back, so enjoy as most as u can!

XXX Your SiS BaRb :w:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|>gc< » 06 Nov 2015, 00:19

Many congratz to Hellbound and thank you, leaders team, for all your time investment and the fun you bring to us!!
I can affirm many of the points above (and hope to resume my own activity and fun soon). Always nice to be part of the team and to know you're not the only crazy one :tongue2:
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby BigKiller » 07 Nov 2015, 19:48

Thank you! We appreciate your continued support and hard work you done with clan.

You are at the centre of everything we do and we will work tirelessly towards ensuring that we meet and exceed your expectations in a fair and responsible way.

Re: onwards or outwards

Postby goldenboy » 09 Nov 2015, 19:46

Yooooo !
I'm not very active anymore , allmost not active but I just read this.
Darkness you are one of the coolest guys I have met , seriously.
I was just like 12 when I played ET and I remember that you all guys were all so nice .Darkness you tought me many things and helped me allways !! You made me realise many things , even tho you were just some strangers on the internet.

Sadly ET in general has become waaaay less active and its kind of normal. I just am happy everytime I come to server and see you guys still play ^^

Congrats to hell also :pp
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby Hans Gunsche » 13 Nov 2015, 17:43

I admire your dedication Matt. Much truth in your opening post. I also know that Jay is very, very important, although we might not see him often in the server. I hope everything goes well with him and Sparky.

We also had our problems, sometimes i just didn't see it in the beginning, but we always managed to talk it through. Thanks for that.

You are a good, fun and crazy leader, keep it up!
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|Ilsa.# » 28 Nov 2015, 19:03

I see nothing has changed :)
I planned to come back but for some reason ET isn't working on my pc and I'm too much idiot to find out why not but, I still come here now and then to read what's up and Matt, from all the guilds, clans, groups i have been part of in my gaming life, you're the best leader. Remember that you can never do it all good in everyone's eyes. Now caressing your ego cause you deserve it and that spirit that you radiate and all the GOOD old school members of ETC is what always makes me want to come back.

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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby BaRbWiRe » 28 Nov 2015, 19:25

ETc|Ilsa.# wrote:I see nothing has changed :)
I planned to come back but for some reason ET isn't working on my pc and I'm too much idiot to find out why not but, I still come here now and then to read what's up and Matt, from all the guilds, clans, groups i have been part of in my gaming life, you're the best leader. Remember that you can never do it all good in everyone's eyes. Now caressing your ego cause you deserve it and that spirit that you radiate and all the GOOD old school members of ETC is what always makes me want to come back.


I miss you Sista! Hope u are doing good ;) Cu soon
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|HaMMeR » 29 Nov 2015, 08:06

Tbh darky you are from my fav. kind of people who always trying to do their best for thier own resposibilties without even giving failure chance and u are really a big part of ETc since long time and almost all of people know since when im here and watching ETc.
I agree with u about all u said , ETc is a big family with same people almost all of us are still here and cant leave cause we are treating ETc not as a random game but a real family by having fun chatting , you know I rarely play and always spectating people chatting trying to welcome new players and trying my best to give them the power to love to stay in our server and having fun in it...
You all know since when I was trying to be part of ETc it was always my dream but my age wasn`t helping and I stopped ET and I came back after I been 18 asap to be part of ETc and im kindly recruited and asked to do application for joining and been in tryout in same second I applied , Yes by you darky.
Im proud to be part of you guys and I will do my best not for levels not for acting god not for anything else , I will just do my best for ETc and tryharding to let our server the most famous server in ET with having full server always by treating and by giving our guests the soul of love of our family and they will always visit us...
Thank you darky :-)
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Re: onwards or outwards

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 29 Nov 2015, 11:35

ETc|Ilsa.# wrote:I see nothing has changed :)
I planned to come back but for some reason ET isn't working on my pc and I'm too much idiot to find out why not but, I still come here now and then to read what's up and Matt, from all the guilds, clans, groups i have been part of in my gaming life, you're the best leader. Remember that you can never do it all good in everyone's eyes. Now caressing your ego cause you deserve it and that spirit that you radiate and all the GOOD old school members of ETC is what always makes me want to come back.


that's where ya went,if you need help pz post. miss ya :w:
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