Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Everything about our W:ET servers. New ideas, wishes are welcome.
N!tmod, Trickjump, Jaymod, Sniper N!tmod, Headshot ETPro.

Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 11 Sep 2016, 11:20


Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960

Before we begin: This Topic is for ideas and feedback.
The level system from 1-10 and 999 will stay forever.
Dont ask for new levels please.

What you will find here:
-> 1.The Levels in short
-> 2.The Level Database
-> 3.The Commands in short
-> 4.The Commands Description


-> 1. The Levels in short:

New mates and friends:
(If you are not a member you get from time to time a higher level by a automatic script. It depends on your xp.)
Level 0 xp = 0 - 999
Level 1 xp = 1.000
Level 2 xp = 25.000
Level 3 xp = 75.000
Level 4 xp = 200.000
Level 5 xp = 500.000
Level 6 xp = 1.000.000

Members and Admins:
(this levels can be set only by leaders.)
Level 7 - 10

Level 999

-> 2. The Level Database:

level = 0
levelname = Guest
commands = time help

level = 1
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend I
commands = time help admintest

level = 2
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend II
commands = time records help admintest

level = 3
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend III
commands = time records help admintest about

level = 4
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend IV
commands = time records help admintest about spec stats

level = 5
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend V
commands = time records help admintest about spec stats

level = 6
levelname = ETc|ClanFriend VI
commands = time records help admintest about spec stats

level = 7
levelname = ETc|Member
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about stats

level = 8
levelname = ETc|TrustedMember
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about put spec stats kick setnextmap

level = 9
levelname = ETc|ADMIN
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about kick mute unmute ban unban put adminchat spec warn fling orient disorient records showbans cancelvote passvote spec999 shuffle rename splat slap burn warn lock unlock pip pop restart reset fling throw launch pants finger uptime glow freeze unfreeze blind unblind stats userinfo seen ss botspec kickallbots beer setnextmap map

level = 10
levelname = ETc|Oldschool Member
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about kick mute unmute ban unban put adminchat spec warn sniperwar panzerwar fling orient disorient pause unpause records showbans cancelvote passvote spec999 shuffle rename splat slap burn warn lock unlock pip pop restart reset fling throw launch pants finger uptime glow freeze unfreeze blind unblind stats userinfo seen crazygravity ss maxbots botspec kickallbots beer setnextmap map

level = 999
levelname = ~Leader~
commands = all

-> 3. The Commands in short:

readconfig time setlevel
kick ban unban put
pause unpause listplayers
records mute unmute
showbans help gibme
admintest cancelvote passvote
spec999 shuffle rename
splat splata slap
burn warn news
lock unlock nade
pip pop restart
reset fling throw
launch disorient orient
resetxp resetmyxp nextmap
swap swap_restart revive
panzerwar sniperwar disguise
poison ammopack medpack
pants give finger
uptime glow freeze
unfreeze blind unblind
about stats levedit
levinfo levlist spec
banguid userlist useredit
userinfo seen delrecords
dbsave userdelete levdelete
levadd crazygravity ss
maxbots addbot kickbot
kickallbots timelimit beer
rcon map devmap
ms rs holyshit
setnextmap gravity dynamite
headshot botr botb laser

-> 4. The full Commands Description:

Type !help [command] for help with a specific command.

!help readconfig
Function: Reloads levels and commands database files (levels.db and commands.db)
Syntax: !readconfig

!help time
Function: displays server's local time
Syntax: !time

!help setlevel
Function: sets the admin level of a player
Syntax: !setlevel [name|slot#] [level]

!help kick
Function: kick a player with an optional reason
Syntax: !kick [name|slot#] (reason)

!help ban
Function: ban a player by IP NGUID and MAC Address with an optional expiration time (seconds) and reason
Syntax: !ban [name|slot#] (time) (reason)

!help unban
Function: unbans a player specified ban number as seen in !showbans
Syntax: !unban [ban#]

!help put
Function: move a player to a specified team
Syntax: !put [name|slot#] [r|b|s]

!help pause
Function: pauses the game for all players
Syntax: !pause

!help unpause
Function: unpauses the game if it had been paused by !pause
Syntax: !unpause

!help listplayers
Function: display a list of connected players, their slot numbers as well as their admin levels
Syntax: !listplayers

!help records
Function: display spree and frag records of the current map
Syntax: !records

!help mute
Function: mutes a player
Syntax: !mute [name|slot#]

!help unmute
Function: unmutes a muted player
Syntax: !unmute [name|slot#]

!help showbans
Function: display a (partial) list of active bans
Syntax: !showbans (start at ban#) ((banner) (banner's name)) ((find) (banned player)) ((reason) (reason for ban))

!help help
Function: display commands available to you or help on a specific command
Syntax: !help (command)

!help gibme
Function: Instagib yourself, funny alternative to /kill
Syntax: !gibme

!help admintest
Function: display your current admin level
Syntax: !admintest

!help cancelvote
Function: cancels the vote currently taking place
Syntax: !cancelvote

!help passvote
Function: passes the vote currently taking place
Syntax: !passvote

!help spec999
Function: moves 999 pingers to the spectator team
Syntax: !spec999

!help shuffle
Function: shuffle the teams to try and even them
Syntax: !shuffle

!help rename
Function: renames a player
Syntax: !rename [name|slot#] [new name]

!help splat
Function: insantly gibs a player
Syntax: !splat [name|slot#]

!help splata
Function: insantly gibs every player
Syntax: !splata

!help slap
Function: give a player a specified amount of damage
Syntax: !slap [name|slot#] (damage)

!help burn
Function: burns a player taking some of his health
Syntax: !burn [name|slot#]

!help warn
Function: warns a player by displaying the reason
Syntax: !warn [name|slot#] [reason]

!help news
Function: play the map's news reel or another map's news reel if specified
Syntax: !news (mapname)

!help lock
Function: lock one or all of the teams from players joining
Syntax: !lock [r|b|s|all]

!help unlock
Function: unlock one or all locked teams
Syntax: !unlock [r|b|s|all]

!help nade
Function: makes a player drop a bunch of grenades or all players
Syntax: !nade [name|slot#|-1] (grenades)

!help pip
Function: show sparks around a player or all players
Syntax: !pip [name|slot#|-1]

!help pop
Function: pops the helmets of a player or all players
Syntax: !pop [name|slot#|-1]

!help restart
Function: restarts the current map
Syntax: !restart

!help reset
Function: resets the current match
Syntax: !reset

!help fling
Function: flings a player or all players (if none specified) in a random direction
Syntax: !fling (name|slot#)

!help throw
Function: throws a player or all players (if none specified) forward
Syntax: !throw (name|slot#)

!help launch
Function: launch a player or all players (if none specified) vertically
Syntax: !launch (name|slot#)

!help disorient
Function: flips a player's view
Syntax: !disorient [name|slot#]

!help orient
Function: unflips a disoriented player's view
Syntax: !orient [name|slot#]

!help resetxp
Function: reset a player's XP
Syntax: !resetxp [name|slot#] (reason)

!help resetmyxp
Function: resets your own XP
Syntax: !resetmyxp

!help nextmap
Function: loads the next map
Syntax: !nextmap

!help swap
Function: swap teams
Syntax: !swap

!help swap_restart
Function: swap teams and restart the map
Syntax: !swap_restart

!help revive
Function: revives player
Syntax: !revive [name|slot#]

!help panzerwar
Function: enable/disable panzerwar
Syntax: !panzerwar (1|on|0|off)

!help sniperwar
Function: enable/disable sniperwar
Syntax: !sniperwar (1|on|0|off)

!help disguise
Function: gives a player a disguise of the specified class
Syntax: !disguise [name|slot#] (class letter/number)

!help poison
Function: poisons a player
Syntax: !poison [name|slot#]

!help ammopack
Function: an ammo pack will spawn out of the player if they have enough chargebar
Syntax: !ammopack [name|slot#]

!help medpack
Function: a health pack will spawn out of the player if they have enough chargebar
Syntax: !medpack [name|slot#]

!help pants
Function: removes a player's pants!
Syntax: !pants (name|slot#)

!help give
Function: gives a player something...
Syntax: !give [name|slot#] [item/thing]

!help finger
Function: gives specific information about a player
Syntax: !finger [name|slot#]

!help uptime
Function: displays server uptime
Syntax: !uptime

!help glow
Function: makes player(s) glow
Syntax: !glow [name|slot#|-1]

!help freeze
Function: freezes player(s) move
Syntax: !freeze [name|slot#|-1]

!help unfreeze
Function: makes player(s) moving again
Syntax: !unfreeze [name|slot#|-1]

!help blind
Function: makes a player blind
Syntax: !blind [name|slot#|-1]

!help unblind
Function: unblind a player
Syntax: !unblind [name|slot#|-1]

!help about
Function: Prints informations about the Server mod
Syntax: !about

!help stats
Function: Displays stats for connected players (SMG only)
Syntax: !stats

!help levedit
Function: Allow to modify levels
Syntax: !levedit ([level] [grant|revoke|name|gtext|gsound] [arguments]

!help levinfo
Function: Displays informations of the specicied level
Syntax: !levinfo [level]

!help levlist
Function: Displays a list of the levels
Syntax: !levlist

!help spec
Function: Move to spectators and start following the specified player
Syntax: !spec [name|slot#]

!help banguid
Function: Ban a player using his 8 last NGUID characters (UserID)
Syntax: !banguid [UserID]

!help userlist
Function: List users
Syntax: !userlist [name|level] [argument] [page]
Syntax: !userlist [page]

!help userinfo
Function: Display user details
Syntax: !userinfo [UserID]

!help seen
Function: Display last time the user was on this server
Syntax: !seen [UserID]

!help ss
Description: Takes screenshot from selected player. This is only to detect cheaters!!!NO FUN COMMAND!
Syntax: !ss

!help maxbots
Description: Sets the maximum number of bots on the server
Syntax: !maxbots

!help botspec
Description: Sets the minimum number of bots on the server
Syntax: !botspec

!help addbot
Description: Adds 1 bot !addbot <Time> <classe> <name>.
Syntax: !addbot

!help kickbot
Description: Kicks a bot. !kickbot <name or id>.
Syntax: !kickbot

!help kickallbots
Description: removes all bots.
Syntax: !kickallbots

!help timelimit
Description: Sets the timelimit
Syntax: !timelimit

!help beer
Description: Say beer
Syntax: !beer

!help rcon
Description: dont use, just for jay!
Syntax: !rcon

!help map
Description: choose a map with !map mapname
Syntax: !map

!help devmap
Description: it loads the map with cheats enabled like /god /noclip /give all. Choose a map with !devmap mapname
Syntax: !devmap

!help ms
Description: Login to the Shoutcaster with !ms <playername or id>
Syntax: !ms

!help rs
Description: Logout from the Shoutcaster with !rs <playername or id>
Syntax: !rs

!help holyshit
Description: Plays HOLY SHIT! sound
Syntax: !holyshit

!help setnextmap
Description: Set next map. The running map will not change.
Syntax: !setnextmap [mapname]

!help gravity
Description: Set Gravity, default is 790, changes self back to default on new map
Syntax: !gravity [1 - 99999]

!help dynamite
Description: use milliseconds, default is 25000, changes self back to default on new map
Syntax: !dynamite 25000

!help headshot
Description: 1 on 0 off, Only headshot counts, default 0. changes self back to default on new map
Syntax: !headshot [0|1]

!help botr
Description: all bots to red team
Syntax: !botr

!help botb
Description: all bots to blue team
Syntax: !botb

!help laser
Description: enable laser bullets, !laser 0 off, 1 laser, 2 hitbox, 3 laser and hitbox
Syntax: !laser [0|1|2|3]


!!This Post isnt finished yet!!
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby ETc|Maverick » 12 Sep 2016, 21:19

Very very good job JAY :yeah: !
Sometimes i forget some commands!!! ;)
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 01 Dec 2016, 12:45

the bot commands i will remove on evening or at weekend. I see you add the bots for own fun. This morning was 0 bots. last time was 40 bots in morning. I warned members allready in pm if you leave then put back to 6 or 8 bots. And i see some members dont care at all. So i dont care with removing it.
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 01 Dec 2016, 22:55

yes you did say that.hmmhm I know who did it.shhh 4 now next time plz put back!!!
ETc|4ever/ Black Sabbath and Metallifknca ALWAYS/ 4ever :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :w:
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 05 Dec 2016, 12:08

i tought i wait with removing it. Today till now 20 bots again. I have no access at work to set back to 6 or 8 bots.
This evening i finally remove the bot commands!
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby M.I.T. » 05 Dec 2016, 18:32

level = 8
levelname = ETc|TrustedMember
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about put spec stats kick setnextmap

I have no command function !setnextmap
:shock: :roll: :?:
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Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSave

Postby M.I.T. » 08 Dec 2016, 19:22

ETc|M.I.T wrote:level = 8
levelname = ETc|TrustedMember
commands = time listplayers records help gibme admintest about put spec stats kick setnextmap

I have no command function !setnextmap
:shock: :roll: :?:

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Re: Levelsystem for server - clan-etc.de:27960 ETc|Clan,XPSa

Postby woyhh » 13 Dec 2017, 08:20

This is really good ''short'' help desk for new players in server and also for new clan members, who hasn't used commands so much so far. :yeah:
Thank you for this! See you guys in the server.
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