Is it not time we reduced the amount of ammo given to Mortars? 999 to much and is just encouraging players to sit and mortar spawns, ammo cabs even working out angles to fire into buildings and tunnels ect. For me this is just ruining the server playability and game enjoyment. I would like to see it put back to default 15 I would of created a POLL but I dont have forum rights to do so. If anyone else cares to create one they got my vote.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy it's my time to whine Anyway mortars are just dumb as they are, they do nothing but camp the whole game so I'm forward in nerfing them. But far worse than mortars is the arty spamming. It breaks the game and takes a lot of fun away, specially since SK is allowed. Make it so that field ops (seriously if you play field ops there's a special place in hell for you) have to wait like 15-30 seconds between calling airstrikes and dropping those turd bombs to blast the map without doing anything, this way they can't chain the arty in an ever lasting array of unskilled brain dead way. Rant mode off.
I really don't care about any of that. I just like the game and would play with whatever settings I guess. Just want to say thanks to Jay for listening to players and trying to make the server as balanced as possible. Great leader
I'll play regardless too but why not tweak it and make it even better? Specially since I play in the server so often I start to get very complainy and annoying. Anyway thanks Jay for making the changes, I really appreciate you taking our feedback into account!
Can you reactivate the mortar cam please ? It's really fun that way and that's why we're all here, to have fun right ? I know mortars can be a pain in the ass but the trick is to avoid targeted area, use another exits or wait between shots to pass.
I played with mortar yesterday andd i think 15 ammo is not enough, but we have field ops who can charge us all of the time so i dont see problem with playin with 15 ammo .