TestMan2 wrote:In response to Lawyer: Thanks for the mature reply, it's a shame it took this report for you to make one. Your post seems to imply that I'm somehow one of the best 100 that play the game. This is far from true, there are hundreds of people that play this game better than me, I'm not some professional ET player.
Nothing I did was against the rules. There's no rule saying "Don't kill people that are messing about in spawn trying to break revive spree records" nor is there a rule that says "Don't be good at the game when there's below x number of players". Frankly I find it appalling that I to resort to making an admin abuse complaint and even STILL I'm being insulted and splatted constantly in game and then banned for 15 minutes.
I have no idea what you mean when you say 'I've decided to play normal' as I've been playing the same way I have the entire time. My idea of fun in a first person shooter game is the shooting part not the sitting in spawn using commands on people that are actually having fun.
Thank you.
TestMan2 wrote:You've said that I need to work on respect, I don't think this is the case. I've given respect to every admin and player that deserves it. Who I do not respect are admins using their commands on other players without good reason, constantly insulting them and then threatening to kick/ban a player on their admin abuse report - looking at you Patulacci.
I have shown you the most respect as you're an admin that actually tells players what the issue is such as with the rushing rule. Since you told me it was a rule I haven't rushed a map. Since then I've not broken a single rule and yet I've been targeted by these 3 admins regardless, the worst being Patulacci who splatted and kicked me from the server when I was just trying to play.
DANGER GOD wrote:magik think about what sorry?
DANGER GOD wrote:Tbh Magik, i cant understand what wrong is already with u, cant understand why im in this discussion, but btw The only wrong thing i did with iamTest is "insulting" like his comportament was like a child, and i said it becuase, after i said to him to stop rape ppl, u will annoy for ur skills he ignored me, i asked to him to try have respect for members, and he said he has respect for who gives, but, is unpolite to say" dont rape ppl or u will annoy"? After his answer( i can
play as i want or smth else) i said "ur comportament is like a child, this happened yesterday, today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do. Because i repeat it, i havent got !warn, !splat, !mute etc. The wrongest thing i do is saying " ur comportament is like a child" to imtest
DANGER GOD wrote:Ok magik understood, The thing i didnt understand was why u said will u be god without a clan, nothing more, see u in game
TestMan2 wrote:Thanks M4g!ck for the reply. I feel after all of this, the least that should happen is Patulacci's kick and splat commands need to be revoked as after I made this post he continued to abuse his powers.
@Danger God
'today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do.'
This isn't true, I was killing everyone in the Frostbite game. Check the demo I uploaded.
You also said my behaviour was like a child's when I came to kill you (a sniper) on Beach. This happens all the time in normal games, do you also insult other players when they do the same?
'a thing i forgot, if u want respect, for me is close of we 2, but respect means: iamtest stop rape ppl, ok G0DN3$$ this is respect not ignore them(admins) see u in game'
Wow it's so disrespectful of me to not answer someone while I'm trying to play. People demanding my respect and refusing to give me theirs deserve it less in my eyes.
@Lawyer If being splatted and kicked for making an admin abuse complaint isn't being targeted then I don't know what is.
'You still don’t get the fact how it is hard to keep people here playing'
Well yeah I imagine it is that way when people have to resort to making admin reports.
'and ? What fun ? What record ? Even if, then what ? Test it does not matter what we did in the spawn.'
When I join an ET server I join with the expectation of playing a first person shooter game. When I'm blinded and splatted for playing like this it leaves me wondering why. Regardless, let me ask you this, if what you were doing in spawn 'didn't matter' then why did my killing you matter? Why was blinding me an appropriate response to me playing the match properly? I wasn't the only one who was killing you in spawn, 10Lott10 did the exact same thing and he wasn't punished like I was.
'After blinding You for a sec and splating once to tone down – “an admin abuse…” I said it straight – go forum and post and lets have a discussion.'
Which I've done and that's only resulted in dragging out a pointless argument and me taking even more shit from admins.
'Next time I will !warn You and spam msg “plz stop, come plz have fun”. But taking into consideration You instant reaction and whine it would also be considered as abuse….'
So you're saying that my wanting to play the game properly is abuse? If our roles were reversed and you were trying to play the game and I blinded you, how would you react?
'I think that it was completely right and I would do it again. '
This is an issue.
'I got distracted while playing by Rambo-Medics, tripmines, mines, arty and random grenades and do I complain ?'
I'm not sure why you would complain about this to be honest, all of these things are expected when you play the game properly.
'Hmmmm You don’t need to work on respect… well that tells me a lot… coz after toning You down , folling arround and joking we receive an instant abuse post. I my opinion You need to work on respect a bit and chill. Coz like Suicide said I manage to slow u down not to punish You for anything negative so chill out really.'
How can you really tell me to chill out when 3 admins clearly have a problem with the way I play, so much so that they resort to using admin commands against me to ruin my fun. You seem shocked here that I made this abuse post but you said earlier that I should make one? I don't need to work on respect, but I think you do, there's nothing respectful about using admin commands on innocent players. I did nothing wrong today - I played by all the rules of the server.
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