Admin Abuse Complaint

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Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 11:24

Hello I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have a complaint about the following admins: ETc|Patulacci, ETc|G0DN3$$?, ETc|LaWy3R!

I was simply trying to play the game and as a result I was blinded, splatted and then muted without even saying so much as a word.
The leader ETc|Jay joined to warn that the server is being restarted. I PMed the leader to let him know that I'd like to make this complaint but he probably didn't see my PM. Then Patulacci muted me for 360 seconds.
I feel this type of behaviour is not acceptable for an admin in a game that is slowly dying as it just encourages people to stop playing.
Here are 2 demos that show of the admin abuse and a few screenshots that show the insults directed at me. They also refused to even the teams when it was just me and 10Lott10 on axis.
Maybe my response to their admin abuse wasn't perfect but this shouldn't be happening to new players on your servers and hopefully this puts a stop to this behaviour.

Thank you to ETc|*Suicide* for giving me the forum website. ... rostbitev5

I will be happy to answer any questions.
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blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla

Postby ETc|Patulacci » 06 Mar 2019, 11:32

blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla blablabla bla blablabla blabla blabla bla blablabla
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 11:33

Here's what happened when Patulacci found out I made the report.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 11:53

Here we go again..
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|LaWy3R » 06 Mar 2019, 11:56

Good Morning,

The place is right and thanks for Your post !

First of all, lets start with one thing. Yes, the game is dying a bit but not on Our server. We ALL need to focus how to gather how many players as we can. That's why I fool around most of the time and believe me raping all the players since 9 AM will not help... Think about that coz I see You many times raping everybody.

You are a good player - I can admit that and to be honest I don't have anything against it. You can rape ME as much as You can coz I dont care about scores. But when You see ppl fooling arround while the server is empty belive me such behaviour (raping) makes that all the players will leave and that's why this game is dying.... - what is the worst thing can happen. Even killing all the time regular ETc players and admins which play with flamer or luger and shotting in the air will not help the situation. You saw exactly that I blinded You once and splated You once to stop raping our ass and told Ya that we have fun in the first 5 minutes of the map - while having fun and fooling in spawn and checking sth with G0dness. You don't play this game for a week, so You can stop for a while and take a peek "what the hell are they doing". NOPE. Better way is to stand, camp and kill over and over again. Well, everybody gets pleasure somehow. That's why this game dies. Think mate about it for future. Mine goal is not to have rampage, or most HS on everymap even if I could do that. That's why I care about server and ppl who play here for FUN :-)

And to end up ? Belive me I rather see on the server 20 newbies that don't know what to do, than one player playing and raping everyone over and over and over again - especially when the server is nearly empty. And quess what strange thing had just happen, while posting my anwset You started to play normal :) ? woaaah ! I am proud dude that You can. Sad is that some shit had to happen to draw conculsions... :hungry:
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 12:07

Now I've been kicked and banned for 15 minutes..
kick.jpg (261.04 KiB) Viewed 112893 times

In response to Lawyer: Thanks for the mature reply, it's a shame it took this report for you to make one. Your post seems to imply that I'm somehow one of the best 100 that play the game. This is far from true, there are hundreds of people that play this game better than me, I'm not some professional ET player.

Nothing I did was against the rules. There's no rule saying "Don't kill people that are messing about in spawn trying to break revive spree records" nor is there a rule that says "Don't be good at the game when there's below x number of players". Frankly I find it appalling that I to resort to making an admin abuse complaint and even STILL I'm being insulted and splatted constantly in game and then banned for 15 minutes.

I have no idea what you mean when you say 'I've decided to play normal' as I've been playing the same way I have the entire time. My idea of fun in a first person shooter game is the shooting part not the sitting in spawn using commands on people that are actually having fun.

Thank you.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|LaWy3R » 06 Mar 2019, 12:16

I have unbanned You - To be honest I dont know why this happened but leave it for admins to discuss in our group.
For rest I will anwser later ;)
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 12:32

im G0DN3$$ and anyway, the thing i did is saying "stop that, stop rape and etc", becuase if u look my level, i cant warn, kick, splat and the rest, i cant, i can see list, go spec, and some commands, but i cant do something on players, then i want find ur reason for putted me in :D, as lawy3r said stop rape ppl when thereare less players, see ya in game.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby K.o.D » 06 Mar 2019, 12:53

TestMan2 wrote:In response to Lawyer: Thanks for the mature reply, it's a shame it took this report for you to make one. Your post seems to imply that I'm somehow one of the best 100 that play the game. This is far from true, there are hundreds of people that play this game better than me, I'm not some professional ET player.

Nothing I did was against the rules. There's no rule saying "Don't kill people that are messing about in spawn trying to break revive spree records" nor is there a rule that says "Don't be good at the game when there's below x number of players". Frankly I find it appalling that I to resort to making an admin abuse complaint and even STILL I'm being insulted and splatted constantly in game and then banned for 15 minutes.

I have no idea what you mean when you say 'I've decided to play normal' as I've been playing the same way I have the entire time. My idea of fun in a first person shooter game is the shooting part not the sitting in spawn using commands on people that are actually having fun.

Thank you.

Sigh....what happened today is a shame. But I know how to prevent this from happening again. So please read carefully, and read again if you must.

You are a good player, and could become great. Not one of the best, but very good. But you need to work on two things, respect and understanding. Understand what LAwyer said. This game is dying, our clan has been STABLE. Despite a dying game we stay on top, and even get new people time to time. One of our ways that has helped us, is making sure that newbies and poor players have a chance and have fun. Do you see some of the map records set by our people? Just weedness can clear the server on a bad day. So, to prevent new players from quitting we have our "good" 'great' 'pro' players lower their skill for the benefit of the server.

What happened today was you were playing too hardcore, which would have made what little people were there leave. So Lawyer did some admin commands to slow you down, not to punish for anything negative.

We unfortunately had too many voices, that i think the point was lost among the arguments.

But this is what i think needs to be done.

IamTest, you need to learn to control your skill or admins will continue to slow you down in anyway they see fit. By command or otherwise. And if there is another incident such as this, make a post and please do not bring it into the game.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 13:11

@G0dness, the reason I included you in this complaint was due to the constant insults you have given me, see the first 2 screenshots in the imgur link. Unfortunately I don't have screenshots from yesterday but I'm going to start recording every game.

@Suicide thanks for the response. I feel it's a little unjust to be punished for playing well but I'll certainly try and tone it down now that I know it's an issue. When I was first blinded, however, it wasn't because I was playing well it was because I was "ruining their fun". The fun being them sitting in spawn and reviving eachother to beat the revive spree record. Note that when I was blinded on Frostbite I was next to the command post and nowhere near their spawn. It's quite distracting when you keep hearing MULTIREVIVE every 2 seconds when you're trying to play.

You've said that I need to work on respect, I don't think this is the case. I've given respect to every admin and player that deserves it. Who I do not respect are admins using their commands on other players without good reason, constantly insulting them and then threatening to kick/ban a player on their admin abuse report - looking at you Patulacci.

I have shown you the most respect as you're an admin that actually tells players what the issue is such as with the rushing rule. Since you told me it was a rule I haven't rushed a map. Since then I've not broken a single rule and yet I've been targeted by these 3 admins regardless, the worst being Patulacci who splatted and kicked me from the server when I was just trying to play.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 13:12

write the insults like ur comportament is child and ? whatever i said XDD, and if u want to dont hear the multirevive i think if u press v01 or 2 i dont remmeber i will deactive them( im not sure about that)
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 13:16

a thing i forgot, if u want respect, for me is close of we 2, but respect means: iamtest stop rape ppl, ok G0DN3$$ this is respect not ignore them(admins) see u in game
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby K.o.D » 06 Mar 2019, 13:31

TestMan2 wrote:You've said that I need to work on respect, I don't think this is the case. I've given respect to every admin and player that deserves it. Who I do not respect are admins using their commands on other players without good reason, constantly insulting them and then threatening to kick/ban a player on their admin abuse report - looking at you Patulacci.

I have shown you the most respect as you're an admin that actually tells players what the issue is such as with the rushing rule. Since you told me it was a rule I haven't rushed a map. Since then I've not broken a single rule and yet I've been targeted by these 3 admins regardless, the worst being Patulacci who splatted and kicked me from the server when I was just trying to play.

I appreciate the respect given, by players and admins.

But everyone is different. Magik might think that a !kick will help a player learn his mistake. I like to try and give everyone a chance, explain it, talk it out. And tomorrow is another day.

And this goes for respect. Everyone is different on what is respectful. I think helping balance teams is respectful, and LAwyer might think reporting problem players is respectful. Godness thinks helping with Just the obj and not just the kill is respectful.

Every time i get in an argument, i try as hard as i can to step back and look at it from their side. I see a 9, from your side you see a 6.

This is something that has happened, it is now in the past. Let us not forget this moment, but move forward with better knowledge.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 14:27

test sorry man no fault being good.ETc|Patulacci, ETc|G0DN3$$?, ETc|LaWy3R! hmm thx layer for explaining np we can fix now.
ETc|Patulacci, ETc|G0DN3$$,Grrrr ETc|Patulacci,you know better.ETc|G0DN3$$ will you still be god without a clan?? you shouldn't even think of such things,you are to new and inmuture .I already have a tiff with you while matt was there you just kept wanting to piss me off.then darkness came in and told you we'll ban members too np and I said he's heading that way (meaning you) and still you show you don't learn or didn't listen.what to be god act somewhat like it and grow up. we are ETc| and have rose above that.sorry test. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 14:37

magik think about what sorry?
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 14:39

DANGER GOD wrote:magik think about what sorry?

dude WTF does this mean as if I give a shit,but humor me WTF?? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 15:00

Tbh Magik, i cant understand what wrong is already with u, cant understand why im in this discussion, but btw The only wrong thing i did with iamTest is "insulting" like his comportament was like a child, and i said it becuase, after i said to him to stop rape ppl, u will annoy for ur skills he ignored me, i asked to him to try have respect for members, and he said he has respect for who gives, but, is unpolite to say" dont rape ppl or u will annoy"? After his answer( i can
play as i want or smth else) i said "ur comportament is like a child, this happened yesterday, today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do. Because i repeat it, i havent got !warn, !splat, !mute etc. The wrongest thing i do is saying " ur comportament is like a child" to imtest
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|LaWy3R » 06 Mar 2019, 15:08

First of all, no one targeted You. I consider You as a good player – not only by shooting skills but in general coz every player playing this game after so many years is in my opinion good despite scores, but in sequence.

You still don’t get the fact how it is hard to keep people here playing… You cannot imagine how many times I’ve shooed in air to keep ppl playing and not to get confused killed every time. So please chill out a bit a stop teaching admins what to do and what the rules are… coz the whole conversation gives us all a “picture of You”.

“but I'll certainly try and tone it down now that I know it's an issue: - I am happy with that and I think that not only me. I understand it is fun to see to be the best but If possible try to play a bit chilled especially when the server is empty. I don’t give a shit having a score 0/50 but new players ? yeah they do even while 5/10….

„When I was first blinded, however, it wasn't because I was playing well it was because I was "ruining their fun. The fun being them sitting in spawn and reviving each other to beat the revive spree record”. – and ? What fun ? What record ? Even if, then what ? Test it does not matter what we did in the spawn. We could sit there and watch each other by binoculars. Btw You could come and have fun with us all. Nope. Killing. Not the first time. You still do not understand that fun is the key issue. Btw You haven’t been only near CP but later also raping us in spawn with no reaction of mine.
After blinding You for a sec and splating once to tone down – “an admin abuse…” I said it straight – go forum and post and lets have a discussion. You felt offended? No problem I am sorry  Next time I will !warn You and spam msg “plz stop, come plz have fun”. But taking into consideration You instant reaction and whine it would also be considered as abuse…. Frankly I find it also appalling that I have to have half day conversation about explaining to a mature player to calm down and stop playing like Rambo. Dude come on… coz it is really ridiculous.
To be clear dude, I don’t have anything against You, but my reaction was dictated by the fact that I have been watching You for a long time how you play and how you behave. Not only me. I think that it was completely right and I would do it again.

“It's quite distracting when you keep hearing MULTIREVIVE every 2 seconds when you're trying to play.” – I will not comment that… I got distracted while playing by Rambo-Medics, tripmines, mines, arty and random grenades and do I complain ? Be a mature player coz I know You are.

Hmmmm You don’t need to work on respect… well that tells me a lot… coz after toning You down , folling arround and joking we receive an instant abuse post. I my opinion You need to work on respect a bit and chill. Coz like Suicide said I manage to slow u down not to punish You for anything negative so chill out really.

Greetz Law
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 15:15

Wow u said All man congrats
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 16:07

DANGER GOD wrote:Tbh Magik, i cant understand what wrong is already with u, cant understand why im in this discussion, but btw The only wrong thing i did with iamTest is "insulting" like his comportament was like a child, and i said it becuase, after i said to him to stop rape ppl, u will annoy for ur skills he ignored me, i asked to him to try have respect for members, and he said he has respect for who gives, but, is unpolite to say" dont rape ppl or u will annoy"? After his answer( i can
play as i want or smth else) i said "ur comportament is like a child, this happened yesterday, today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do. Because i repeat it, i havent got !warn, !splat, !mute etc. The wrongest thing i do is saying " ur comportament is like a child" to imtest

dude nothing is wrong with me and you but you question everything I say,you all know(or should) the Admin Rules !Warn,!Kick and !Ban. no questions so wtf ? where is the misunderstanding? Right there is none!!!! abuse is not 1 of the rules. a little abuse after a warning I have np.but to do for fun is not what their there for. after !warn you !kick,if they come back(which they do) and do more of the same you then ban and let them beg like matt told you 2 days ago when you question everything I said!!!!!!!!!
8-) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Last edited by ETc|*m4g!cK* on 06 Mar 2019, 16:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 16:11

Ok magik understood, The thing i didnt understand was why u said will u be god without a clan, nothing more, see u in game
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 16:20

DANGER GOD wrote:Ok magik understood, The thing i didnt understand was why u said will u be god without a clan, nothing more, see u in game

dude I have no prob with anyone ask aroundi even like you,and I said that because your heading that why.your to new to be so relax. :w: for sure cya n game :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby TestMan2 » 06 Mar 2019, 16:30

Thanks M4g!ck for the reply. I feel after all of this, the least that should happen is Patulacci's kick and splat commands need to be revoked as after I made this post he continued to abuse his powers.

@Danger God
'today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do.'
This isn't true, I was killing everyone in the Frostbite game. Check the demo I uploaded.
You also said my behaviour was like a child's when I came to kill you (a sniper) on Beach. This happens all the time in normal games, do you also insult other players when they do the same?

'a thing i forgot, if u want respect, for me is close of we 2, but respect means: iamtest stop rape ppl, ok G0DN3$$ this is respect not ignore them(admins) see u in game'
Wow it's so disrespectful of me to not answer someone while I'm trying to play. People demanding my respect and refusing to give me theirs deserve it less in my eyes.

@Lawyer If being splatted and kicked for making an admin abuse complaint isn't being targeted then I don't know what is.

'You still don’t get the fact how it is hard to keep people here playing'
Well yeah I imagine it is that way when people have to resort to making admin reports.

'and ? What fun ? What record ? Even if, then what ? Test it does not matter what we did in the spawn.'
When I join an ET server I join with the expectation of playing a first person shooter game. When I'm blinded and splatted for playing like this it leaves me wondering why. Regardless, let me ask you this, if what you were doing in spawn 'didn't matter' then why did my killing you matter? Why was blinding me an appropriate response to me playing the match properly? I wasn't the only one who was killing you in spawn, 10Lott10 did the exact same thing and he wasn't punished like I was.

'After blinding You for a sec and splating once to tone down – “an admin abuse…” I said it straight – go forum and post and lets have a discussion.'
Which I've done and that's only resulted in dragging out a pointless argument and me taking even more shit from admins.

'Next time I will !warn You and spam msg “plz stop, come plz have fun”. But taking into consideration You instant reaction and whine it would also be considered as abuse….'
So you're saying that my wanting to play the game properly is abuse? If our roles were reversed and you were trying to play the game and I blinded you, how would you react?

'I think that it was completely right and I would do it again. '
This is an issue.

'I got distracted while playing by Rambo-Medics, tripmines, mines, arty and random grenades and do I complain ?'
I'm not sure why you would complain about this to be honest, all of these things are expected when you play the game properly.

'Hmmmm You don’t need to work on respect… well that tells me a lot… coz after toning You down , folling arround and joking we receive an instant abuse post. I my opinion You need to work on respect a bit and chill. Coz like Suicide said I manage to slow u down not to punish You for anything negative so chill out really.'
How can you really tell me to chill out when 3 admins clearly have a problem with the way I play, so much so that they resort to using admin commands against me to ruin my fun. You seem shocked here that I made this abuse post but you said earlier that I should make one? I don't need to work on respect, but I think you do, there's nothing respectful about using admin commands on innocent players. I did nothing wrong today - I played by all the rules of the server.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 16:49

is it me? everyone seem like a child.dude(Godness) I have no prob with anyone ask around i even like you :twisted: ,and I said that because your heading that why.your to new to be so relax.Lawyer and others sorry if i seem to pushy and bossy.,sorry but it took a long time to get the growth of the server to where it is I have been ETc| admin from my start doing the same thing.(that is my job and has been ,this is the first someone questions) . that took order which i try to bring. sorry if it seems bossy but thats what i've always done and that's why i'm here and have been. :w: :w: for sure cya n game :w: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby OnkelBob » 06 Mar 2019, 17:28

i didnt read all, im too lazy :D
Lawyer was right
to all Rambo probably Medic One Man Army
think back
you too, was in past a new player. And if there were a Player who instantly raped you for score you had left the server as fast as you could say headshot.
Its not easy for new players in this times, the differences between good old players and the new ones are huge.
for example, if i kill a new player 3 times in a row and if i see, he has no chance, i let him in peace.

You maybe didnt recognized it, but i v done much in the Background to fill our server, with success, since over a half year the visits are significantly higher than before.

so dont ruin that success, we need new players to survive.

thats all

otherwise you will be banned forever if you cant calm down in such situations

nice day

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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|G0DN3$$? » 06 Mar 2019, 18:23

TestMan2 wrote:Thanks M4g!ck for the reply. I feel after all of this, the least that should happen is Patulacci's kick and splat commands need to be revoked as after I made this post he continued to abuse his powers.

@Danger God
'today me and law were doing The stupids, me selfkilking with flame and hes reviving me, we said pls dont kill us, after iamtest came ONLY for us, thats The wrong thing i do.'
This isn't true, I was killing everyone in the Frostbite game. Check the demo I uploaded.
You also said my behaviour was like a child's when I came to kill you (a sniper) on Beach. This happens all the time in normal games, do you also insult other players when they do the same?

'a thing i forgot, if u want respect, for me is close of we 2, but respect means: iamtest stop rape ppl, ok G0DN3$$ this is respect not ignore them(admins) see u in game'
Wow it's so disrespectful of me to not answer someone while I'm trying to play. People demanding my respect and refusing to give me theirs deserve it less in my eyes.

@Lawyer If being splatted and kicked for making an admin abuse complaint isn't being targeted then I don't know what is.

'You still don’t get the fact how it is hard to keep people here playing'
Well yeah I imagine it is that way when people have to resort to making admin reports.

'and ? What fun ? What record ? Even if, then what ? Test it does not matter what we did in the spawn.'
When I join an ET server I join with the expectation of playing a first person shooter game. When I'm blinded and splatted for playing like this it leaves me wondering why. Regardless, let me ask you this, if what you were doing in spawn 'didn't matter' then why did my killing you matter? Why was blinding me an appropriate response to me playing the match properly? I wasn't the only one who was killing you in spawn, 10Lott10 did the exact same thing and he wasn't punished like I was.

'After blinding You for a sec and splating once to tone down – “an admin abuse…” I said it straight – go forum and post and lets have a discussion.'
Which I've done and that's only resulted in dragging out a pointless argument and me taking even more shit from admins.

'Next time I will !warn You and spam msg “plz stop, come plz have fun”. But taking into consideration You instant reaction and whine it would also be considered as abuse….'
So you're saying that my wanting to play the game properly is abuse? If our roles were reversed and you were trying to play the game and I blinded you, how would you react?

'I think that it was completely right and I would do it again. '
This is an issue.

'I got distracted while playing by Rambo-Medics, tripmines, mines, arty and random grenades and do I complain ?'
I'm not sure why you would complain about this to be honest, all of these things are expected when you play the game properly.

'Hmmmm You don’t need to work on respect… well that tells me a lot… coz after toning You down , folling arround and joking we receive an instant abuse post. I my opinion You need to work on respect a bit and chill. Coz like Suicide said I manage to slow u down not to punish You for anything negative so chill out really.'
How can you really tell me to chill out when 3 admins clearly have a problem with the way I play, so much so that they resort to using admin commands against me to ruin my fun. You seem shocked here that I made this abuse post but you said earlier that I should make one? I don't need to work on respect, but I think you do, there's nothing respectful about using admin commands on innocent players. I did nothing wrong today - I played by all the rules of the server.

i mean u didnt change ur gamestyle too, but before u played with reviving, u didnt play like this morning then i think u understood, see u in game.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|*m4g!cK* » 06 Mar 2019, 18:37

no I sucked then to and I was never a new member I came n with full admin.and have never had to answer to other members because I came with full admin because I try to be just and able to stay many years as me,tryin to keeping order.\m/
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby K.o.D » 06 Mar 2019, 22:32

Ok lets end this back and forth, shall we?

It's a new day for me, as i have just slept. I usually play till like 6am, then sleep.

**So lets clean the slate, ignore all the past, but not forget it. **
Everyone and Test, enough with this back and forth; please.....
We know what was said and done, everything has been recorded and/or documented. And if it REALLY became a problem, Jay or DArkness can look as see what everyone typed, word-for-word.

Everything is logged.

The problem has been identified, on all issues that have surfaced because of this little....scuffle.

Your problem is easy to solve Test.

Tone down your skill when necessary, respect admins in the way that is fitting to them and the situation. End of story, stop with 'he said, she said'. `

The other problems are being taken care of, they will take time so please be patient, kind, and understanding. And in return, *I* will do the same.

I can not speak for all admins, but I will do my best to resolve each dispute kindly, fairly, and impartially. I give my best in this game, maybe not by skillz all the time, but by heart.

So do me one last favor?? Just follow what I said.
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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|Pete. » 07 Mar 2019, 11:18

I've finaly had time to read it all, never gotten complains about Lawyer, and I think he really looks out for the server, we've had many players in the passt coming in and emptying the server, so, as you probably guess, we have to protect the population of it. You'll probably see a lot of players that come in every day, they play for a couple of maps, leave, and come back the following day, and no single problem is caused. So, now my question, what it is that made the problem here? (i dont even want to know).

As Suicide said, topic closed? and see you in server?

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Re: Admin Abuse Complaint

Postby ETc|Pl0p » 07 Mar 2019, 17:20

Let me join and end the party !

Lawyer is a great admin who can spend entire days to set proper maps and make everyone happy. I've read it all and watched one of those demos (the supplydepot one). Lawyer's way looked fine as far as I saw. He even encouraged Test to fill in a complaint on the website.

On the other end, I think Test understood the way ETc works. It seems like I'm just copy-pasting my own posts over and over : I don't appreciate rambo medics, but it's their right to play the way they want unless it comes to breaking a rule. When the server's busy (basically, evening and nights during the week), rambo medics can do whatever they want. There are enough players and anyways, there will always be better players to calm them down. However, acting this way on mornings or anytime the server's empty makes players (and most likely the ones that aren't in european timezones) leave and most likely won't come back a lot. ET is a dying game and it's up to us, ETc, regulars and other players to make it live.
Through all these answers, I'm sure Test is aware of those issues and now understands the reasons that led Lawyer to use his admin status (not gonna comment about the different commands he used, it wasn't a kick or a ban, it was soft and each admin has his way to find the best solution in his eyes).
Even if the situation was complicated, I guess everything is solved now concerning they ''why'' and a bit the ''how''.

Again, I'm gonna copy and paste what I already wrote one day in our private forum. When something occurs on the server and an admin is dealing with someone, especially when he's a high admin, there's no need to try and help him solve the situation. He's a grown-up and adding mess doesn't help at all, just like this thread shows, it just makes it worse.
I have already told him in private, but look at Suicide's reaction. I really appreciated what he did. He didn't get involved before receiving pms. He replied, remained calm, even if he disagreed with test. Props to you again.

Copypastaplop will say something once more : communication is the key. It applies here in this situation, on the internet, in real life. Everywhere. When you communicate, show some respect. Respect given is respect gained (<- this sentence is not from me tho). And respect makes communication easier. And the wheel starts rolling. And... I can't find a good end to that :D

Now, I'm sure it's time to close this topic, unless everyone wants to agree with me and to write it down :D

Plop --> OUT ! :D
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