Banned - once again :)

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Banned - once again :)

Postby ETc|Janek » 11 Oct 2009, 22:25

Its like 8th or 9th times, I don't know, honestly I lost count... But this time it was really pinful, because the reason was cheat (WH to be exact), which is truthless. I'm not here to ask for unban, or to prove myself. How could I? As far as I know, there was no demo recorded or whatsoever, so there is no way to prove anything, it was just an admin decision. Whitch was fals, of course. But I'm really not here to prove anything, who know me, just laughing on this, as me as well. Not back then, just by now. When this happened, I was so mad, angry, sad, disappointed and fustrated at the same time... Now I had time to calm down and I just take this as a compliment, and smileing on it.

We were talked about this with Jay. It seemd he wont change his mind, but You know, its ok... I understand this. I really do. If there is any chance that admins banning ppl who not deserved it, that would bring up many more questionable case, and who wants that? In fact, I have something to admit. I really did cheat. Well, I tired at least :) It was like 3 or 4 years ago, I can't remember... I was member back then, and I saw admins banning ppl who were just good fighter, and they thought he cheat... Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like they banned half of the server, but it really happened sometimes. So I was going to make a cheater demo, to show an example of a real cheater. I failed, PB kicked me instantly, I couldn't even join a team with that shit :) So I gave up with this project and tired to talk with them instead, to be more careful with that !ban command... It was long time ago, I think all of them left the clan by now, but You see my point.

I could stay quiet and pass over in silence with this, but I have nothing to hide, I was always a honest man and a fair player, and I always will be. So I don't really care who will know about this, or what they will think about me after this thing. All I wanted to say with this topic is, that You, admins, be more careful with banning ppl, believe me, not everyone a cheater who You think.

See You guys on the battlefield, be good,

Re: Banned - once again :)

Postby ETc|Janek » 11 Oct 2009, 22:36

Oops, I forget to mention that I was playing as Papo. Its not relevant at all, and this name have a story, whith is not relevant, too. I just telling this to inform ppl who was there, what I'm talking about...

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