Hey, i am sorry.

If you were kicked or banned you can talk about it here.
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Hey, i am sorry.

Postby TomTuckerGF » 19 Nov 2023, 21:31

Hey Guys,
yeah its true, i was a jerk because i pushed teammates to many times.
But listen, i am not doing this because i want somebody to harm or annoy (except of johnny (the pink buddy from netherlands), but thats another topic and i dont want to talk about it here, its to long and he is not cooperative anyway).

The pushing of teammates, what i am doing sometimes, i something very funny. A way to funny to be honest. The unexpected push and the sound on the ground, when its getting destroyed in parts, is something where i do really laugh loud. I am also laughing about it when somebody is doing the same to me. For example in Minastirith, there have been 4 or 5 teammates and me. We were playing around by pushing each other and everybody had fun about it. There were also admins etc. But nobody said something because they knew we were just playing and everything is cool...

So by the next time, when i ask somebody (publicly) if he wants to play around by pushing, and he also wants it by accepting it publicly, is it ok to do so than?

Again, i am sorry.
And yea i admit, i feel to much connected to this server.

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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby ETc|SON GOKUUUU » 20 Nov 2023, 15:05

Hey Tom, I don't know exactly why you got banned as I wasn't there and we will have to wait for the admin that banned you or otherwise someone else. but I do wanna say a few things and I'll start from the end. if you ask someone without any confustions if he wants to get pushed and he agree then I don't see a problem with it, that being said you have to pay attention to people attidute, most people if not all don't like to get pushed and thats why we forbide it unless they are blocking and it's best to avoid it all together, trying to get around etc.. And even if someone agreed to being pushed he can change his mind really quick and you don't need to keep doing it even if he agreed you understand what I mean? some things need to be done in taste. I sometime push my clan mates but when I do it I do it rarely very rarely.

I do want to talk a bit about Johnny, even if he push you or did something you don't need to take revenge, if it annoy you just say something to admin in private and he will take care of it. Johnny is a regular in the server and ye I've seen him push sometimes but mostly he's quite and respectful. Stop issues with him from now on and we will make sure he don't start any with you.

To sammarize it's better you avoid pushing, be respectful, talk nice, make concessions, don't taunt people too much, don't need to say vsay of killing someone every time you kill them, its anoying, maybe it's fun to you but it's anoying to most people. as I said, everything need to be done in taste, thats life. Take that in mind and Good luck
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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby TomTuckerGF » 20 Nov 2023, 17:49

Hey Goku,

yea i see what u are trying to tell me. Its all normal. Thank u for your words.

Maybe one day, we all can play togeter in a map, where the use of weapons is not allowed and we all have to push the enemy, or at least in combination with the using of knifes :D
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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby ETc|g8 » 20 Nov 2023, 20:42


i accept ur apologize lets see in future if thats apologize is 100procent sure from u :)


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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby ETc|PSYKOGRASM » 21 Nov 2023, 10:00

TomTuckerGF wrote:The unexpected push and the sound on the ground, when its getting destroyed in parts, is something where i do really laugh loud.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Best apology I ever seen on forum :lol:
You must exercise some self control, hope to see you back on server again!
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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby TomTuckerGF » 12 May 2024, 00:28

ETc|g8 wrote:hello

i accept ur apologize lets see in future if thats apologize is 100procent sure from u :)



Hey g8,

why are u not asking first, if my push was intentionally, or just reflexively? When i was on top of the corner (next to the bridge of the tank way (goldrush-ga-map), i made the push reflexively because i was not sure who is in front of me. Its a bit difficult in that narrow corner to realize immediately if there is a enemy soldier directly in front of u on the same narrow corner or not, while its especially not easy to walk on that narrow corner. U can also check the protocoll on the day of my ban in goldrush-map, how often i fell dead while trying to walk on that corner (maybe 10 times).

Since i got banned for the first time, i am generally suspected. I know its my own fault. But in this way there can occur misunderstandings and even abusing from another members. Yesterday in the same map, same time, and same place (the narrow corner above the bridge), a canadian guy named coyoute (teammate) pushed me to death. I mean, i really died. U can also see that in protocoll. But i didnt complain about that, because i thought it wasnt intentionally but reflexively. I was even happy, that i didnt get kicked or banned because his pushing/killing me, even i knew i was completely innocent in that situation. I have never seen this guy before therefore i swear i have never pushed him. Cav!ar and Alcatraz even laughed in that situation. But i was really not fucked up it was ok for me. In one case, about 1-2 months ago, i have even got kicked from some admin because some teammate pushed me to death, even i did nothing. That is the general suspicion what i am talking about. I try to get along with this.

And (on the day of ban) after i realized it was WilhelmIII who get pushed away from me from the the narrow corner, (and he didnt die) i even had no oppurtunity to say sorry. I saw u immediately complaining like WilhelmIII and typing "list!" so i knew u are gonna ban me again. I was just waiting and hoping it is not gonna happen.

So please decide if u are gonna unban me or not, so i can also decide for me about deleting my account here and never connect to this server again.
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Re: Hey, i am sorry.

Postby ETc|g8 » 12 May 2024, 20:46

hey Tom

i told u before ur unban 1st time.. be nice and ur pushing was keep continue cause u think thats funny at all ..but many players come to have fun not fun in ur way they want shot ,doing missions all class etc..

there is always limit of bullshits.. its not only this time u did many many times ,after unban and i was like IGNORE .. and many admins told me u keep doing that and regular players complain its was not only that time ,now u got baned ofc now is mistake this that wthere etc.. WHY U DIDNT ASK ? i asked u before 10 000 stop man and NO man u can be now innocent however u want but there are rules for all same ,cause u keep pushing players down of that walls and its fun for u <-- i will unban u but nextime if i see u push again cause u have fun, to others teammates in same time make die in game i will remove u from server and even from website u dont need to delete nothing... idk why is so hard to respect rules ? i know when mistakes happen or push happen by mistake .. dont tell me .. but u love to push people and people complain about u. i was ingore ur bullshits ..but not anymore this is my first and last warn for you take it or leav it its ur own choice! . if there is idk 5 vs 5 and all doing jokes and fun then is no problem.. but u use jokes with that push on wrong time and place.


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