ruffianism by Boskov

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ruffianism by Boskov

Postby Kylo-Ren » 29 Dec 2020, 07:55

boskov say no pres botons on the secret room mlb map and Threatening that he wiil kick me if i do

when i was in secret room he say let me help you. and !splat me

i know and sure that MLB Maps are allowed to go up in sky in "ETc server" and other servers. That no bug, that a feature
whay aggressive ruffianism hpen in ETc server when is not necessary?
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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby ETc|Pete. » 29 Dec 2020, 20:56

Hello Kylo, Boskov is a really fair player, who always wants everyone to have fun in the server, secret rooms are not allowed, but it is true, are a feature of the maps MLB. Just because they are there doesn't mean that you need to use them. Happy holidays, see you in the server.
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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby Kylo-Ren » 30 Dec 2020, 06:44

many players included admins use that room on that server and other clans for years
that is not break any rules of the ETc|clan

ETc|Server Rules

even Jay Wrote that
MLB Maps are allowed to go up in sky. Thats no bug, thats a feature

when some of people get power They exaggerate with this power
Like the behavior of Boskov

i was admin in 3 Clans. And that's what I think from my experience
he should consult with other admins before act like a maniac
and careful with Threatenings and commands admins
or Wrote on the main chet FUCKER evrey few seconds cuz he was have a dialogue With hacker
the other players not Should feel the atmosphere of something negative At this level during the game When they play

so he break that rule number--> 5. No insults! Any player .

i will continue use that room if i need to
or post here if you have a proof like you say secret rooms are not allowed

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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby ETc|BoSKoV_ThC » 11 Jan 2021, 22:31

i was wrong over it i just can say sorry and a cheater is not a player and that rule i never broke maybe you have any against me i dont know when you see me insult a real player put pic here and over abuse of admin commands put pic again here i wish you see your pics soon talking over me thx
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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby Kylo-Ren » 18 Jan 2021, 04:25

all what i was write about you jay can find that in history of the index from that linux server
by search Key word or all what you write all that day.
(that Event was two days before i was open that post)

if i lie they can ban me

any way since you write that you wrong and sorry about it
i forgive you
i have nothing against you anymore
good day
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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby ETc|Luis » 18 Jan 2021, 10:28

Enough said, Boskov replied and both are hopefully all good now. Good you made a topic about it Kylo. No need to discuss further about it, see eachother in server.

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Re: ruffianism by Boskov

Postby ETc|Madde » 18 Jan 2021, 17:48

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