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Postby ETc|HooK » 19 Apr 2024, 20:55

Posts: 1
Joined: 19 Apr 2024, 18:51

Re: Lock

Postby ETc|#.Jay.# » 20 Apr 2024, 12:08

Code: Select all
12:37:35 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: nah its good :P
12:38:23 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: i really liek this one
13:27:05 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc,: im basicly holding back for axis to go to obj room
13:27:28 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: ETc: im holding back axis to go to obj room
13:27:47 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: dont think its all about u guys
13:34:40 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: this map can be easily be defended by axis if the team is working, if there are people who think only about theirself its not going to work.
13:35:21 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: the team works mutually if there is help and understandment between the teamplayers
13:36:04 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: well im afk now, going to gym
13:36:42 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: I rather do what i want.
13:38:03 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Health is important, not the explosive. You use ur brain as a weapon not the body.
13:38:33 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: if you know how to use ur brain as a weapon, other will do the body work for you. Think outside of the box.
13:39:38 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and then the guy who does mma gets shitass broke and is not able to earn any money because he tryed to outsmart the guy above him with his muscles :D
13:40:18 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: i spent 3 years out of given 9 in prison, was also kind of useful :)
13:41:12 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: nah i sent it over to belgium.
13:42:12 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: happiness: is in your head. Reality is around you :)
13:42:57 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: happiness is in your head, reality is around you, ET is inside computer, and drugs are running the politics :)
13:44:00 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: weedness, what makes you smoke your name?
13:44:26 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: is it happyness that u smoke it for
13:44:50 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and what made you stop
13:45:49 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: but why did you start?
13:46:17 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: thats not what i asked
13:47:02 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and how did it make u feel
13:47:26 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: how did it make u feel?
13:47:49 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: did you do it to gain happiness?
13:48:08 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: thats not what i asked
13:48:30 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: so if you have the power of will to smoke weed it made you happy?
13:49:56 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: the reason why im asking you these things is that your not straight with your answers. Since ive learned psychology in university, it shows that you have complexes with ur personality.
13:50:17 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: no harm meant by that
13:51:29 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and what might be good or evil for you might not be the same for everyone ealce :)
13:53:01 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: if some1 gives you their pizza for example is it good for you or good for himher
13:53:55 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: maybe he doesnt want to give it but hes doing it for the greater good to make some changes inside himher
13:55:17 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: The reason behind this is that, there is a reason against someones behaviour, why some1s acting or doing smthing.
13:55:42 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Now find the reason why this chat between us started :)
13:56:04 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: im off to gym currently, the creatine is losing its effect already
13:56:23 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Yea :)
13:57:18 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Im happy if I was helpful :)
13:59:42 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: I have german roots btw, so nothing disrespectful was anywhere. Just got to let you know :)
14:00:30 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: saying this because, maybe you thought a little too much after this :D
14:00:50 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: ja
14:49:16 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Hook why u keep harrassing PLAY ? :D
14:49:34 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: explain?
14:49:59 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: im doing at home today, 2 more series to go
14:50:47 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: pushing  PLAY  while he snipering :D
14:51:01 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i didnt push nobody
14:51:07 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and yeah i saw wut u did there :)
14:51:13 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: u have a mistake sir
14:51:29 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: he sat on the box next to u atm
14:51:41 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and i was on the river swimming
14:52:06 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: ... wutever makes you feel better :)
14:52:17 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: caviar stop annoying me please
14:52:44 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: i quess someones having a bad day :)
14:53:06 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: yea caviar, bad day its ok just keep go to the gym
14:53:18 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i promise you will be happier :)
14:53:52 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Hook just dont push others around. :)
14:54:00 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i never pushed anybody
14:54:09 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: idk why you are imagine this things
14:54:11 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: you even tryed to push me around atm haha
14:54:25 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: but its fine, i can understand you when u have no skills at all :(
14:54:57 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: Are you acting like this because ur country is at war?
14:55:10 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: are u sure u start talk politics?
14:55:12 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: or is there some other reason?
14:55:21 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: or u just jeallous on my moves?
14:55:34 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: ill tell darkness about it
14:55:36 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: im just against liers.
14:55:48 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: you do what you have to do :)
14:55:49 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: oh ok, thank you for the racism :)
14:56:00 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i hope all your family will burn in hell today :)
14:56:08 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and i hope your mom will die today as well
14:56:16 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: you racist
14:56:23 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: demn you are a positive person :O
14:56:46 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i stop talking to racist people
14:56:55 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and what made me racist=?
14:57:03 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and yea when u talk about israel war ill talk about your dead mom :)
14:57:25 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: i was talking about the reason behind of your behaviour
14:57:37 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: no1 was taling about war
14:57:40 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and i was talking about the reason about your racism words
14:57:50 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: you can go up on the chat and look what did u write
14:57:56 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and what were the words that were racist for you ?
14:58:00 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and stop bothering me please
14:58:15 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: you are a real idiot
14:58:20 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: big one
14:58:25 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i wish u all besty
14:58:33 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: hes behaviour is so childish atm and hes denieng hes behaviour against PLAY while gameplay
14:59:23 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i stop reading what u type, you are a big idiot man, and i hope your country will never happen what happened in israel
14:59:43 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and now i stop talk, you can continue, but im gonna tell about that racism to the manager
14:59:46 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and also hes furtheron behaviour against me atm is even more worse..
14:59:54 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: just shut up
14:59:59 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and stop talking to me
15:00:22 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: whatever makes you feel better hook.
15:00:27 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: same about you
15:00:37 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: wish your day will be better now
15:00:50 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: if you feel better by using bad words about my mother then that basicly shows ur education :)
15:01:10 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: carry on :)
15:01:25 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: if you feel better usuing bad words about my country and our war so i hope you will burn in hell immideitly
15:01:32 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: btw i love hell
15:01:39 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: noone even used bad words about ur country...
15:01:49 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: i got a screenshot of that lol
15:01:54 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: you are a real idiot
15:01:57 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and now read it again
15:02:01 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: you said we are liers? right?
15:02:06 privmsg: ^0ETc|^EHooK^0': etc: and more
15:04:07 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: allright
15:04:37 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: just kind of sad behaviour from him
15:05:23 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: i saw what he did to PLAy and he even kept on denieng it lol
15:05:58 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: and later on blamed me for being racist of asking him whats behind his act of behaviour :/
15:06:48 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: I did ask if its thats behind of his behaviour yes
15:07:39 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: the reason i did that was why he cannot accept what he did or explain :/
15:08:02 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: etc: to say the truth, there is no reason i got to explain it tho :)
15:39:56 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: gouki: i will come to discord after gym i can explain the situation
15:40:34 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: gouki: unfortunately i didnt record the spectation of hook and his behaviour tho.
15:41:26 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: gouki: so i just further on muted myself so he cant do anything further on with reversed behaviour.
16:48:31 privmsg: ^3ETc^0|^4Ca^0v!^7aR: ETC: ow i got the sounds
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