I want to say that I am sometimes frag player at ET when i have stable ping. i got here some frags. and admins never ban/kick me, Except nick that think that i m cheater..
I never test cheat. just seen some videos at youtube how it looks like A real cheater
i got banned by nick..
he started blame me for cheat, and cant see ss, and more... that was too annoying, cuze he keep that spam alot, map after map.
In this whole situation I didn't say a word. so when next map come, i was use comand ---> /ignore nick
then his answer was quickly !ban gabriel goodbye.
now i want you nick tell us exactly in your report Evidence/demos etc..
At what time do you exactly see that I'm cheating?
It seems at first you don't sure yoursalf if that was a cheat or not. but after next map i /ignore you, then you ban me. You are here to follow the ETc rules?
or do whatever you want and be a exception of the rules, and allow yourself to act like a personal, cuz you donates here? that mean you bought the clan?
sad that admin like you here.... How many people have you already given not necessary a personal bans nick?
i hope someone give attention at this situation. cuz i m sure if it hapen to you, you will be getting angry