how to make CFG

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how to make CFG

Postby *0P*.! » 15 Nov 2010, 21:23

Mouse acceleration
I strongly recommend turning this off. It just makes it harder to aim. To turn it off, the first thing you should do is go into the console and type:

/cl_mouseaccel 0

Here I'll go through some tweaks that can help boost your FPS (frames per second). A good FPS can make a world of difference; it's just damn hard to shoot enemies if they keep "warping" across your screen.

Your FPS is determined mainly by 3 things:

CPU clock speed (ghz)
Graphics card
Now before you begin tweaking, make sure to add "cg_drawfps 1" to your config, so you can see your frame rate.

set com_maxfps <n>
This lets you cap your FPS to some value. Due to numerical error in the Q3 engine, trickjumps work best at a steady FPS of 43 (good), 76 (great), or 125 (best). So if you want a steady FPS of 76 for example, then try to get your average FPS to be something like 80-90 (set com_maxfps to some really big number while you're doing this so you can see you`r true FPS without capping). Then once you are satisfied with the performance, add "com_maxfpx 125" to your config to cap it.

Ex: set com_maxfps 125

set r_picmip <n>
The bigger n is, the crappier your textures look, but it may improve performance on older video cards. Default value for n is 1. Allowed values are from 0 to 3.
Ex: set r_picmip 3

set r_picmip2 <n>
Similar to r_picmip. The default is already 3, so I don't see any reason to change it. You might be able to get better quality by lowering it, but as far as I can tell, the difference isn't noticeable.

set cg_wolfparticles <n>
This is 1 by default. If you notice your system slows down any time an airstrike goes off, then set this to 0. Besides boosting your FPS, turning off particles will also let you see through airstrikes more easily so you can shoot at people on the other side. The only disadvantage is that, without particles turned on, you might run into artillery strikes more often.

One option is to create a toggle script:

Ex: bind "key" toggle cg_wolfparticles

set cg_atmosphericeffects <n>
Turns on/off effects like rain or snow. There's really No reason why you would ever want this to be on, it just makes it harder to see and lowers your frame rate...

Ex: set cg_atmosphericeffects 0

set r_intensity <n>
Higher values of n make your screen brighter. Default is 1.0, allowed values are from 0 to 1.5
Ex: set r_intensity 1.2

set r_mapoverbrightbits <n>
Higher values of n make the shadowy parts of a map lighter, so you can spot enemies hiding in darker areas. Default is 2, allowed from 1 to 3. Setting it to 3 may help see targets that are hiding in shadows
Ex: set r_mapoverbrightbits 3

set r_dynamiclight <n>
Turns on (n=1) or off (n=0) dynamic light. Dynamic light is used very little in the game. I suggest you leave it on, because it is what makes the "glow" around dynamite, which is very useful to know when dyno has been planted.
Ex: set r_dynamiclight 0

set cg_shadows <n>
Turns on (n=1) or off (n=0) the little circular shadows that appear under your feet. Set this to 0 if you want, although the FPS boost will probably be negligible.
Ex: set cg_shadows 0

set r_finish <n>
Setting this to 1 enables "sync every frame". This is ONLY important if you have some device lag, like mouse or keyboard. (Perhaps if you have a wireless mouse and you find it lags behind your actions). If you don't notice your keyboard or mouse lagging, then set this to 0 to gain a few FPS.
Ex: set r_finish 0

set r_detailtextures <n>
When detail textures are enabled (n=1), it means that basically every object is textured twice to make it look more detailed. Obviously this is slower, so try disabling this (n=0) if you want to get a nice FPS boost.
Ex: set r_detailtextures 0

set r_subdivisions <n>
If you want a little performance boost, set this to 999. Otherwise, set it to 4.
Ex: set r_subdivisions 999

set r_texturemode <n>
This lets you set texture filtering. The most common values are:

(low quality): GL_NEAREST
(good quality): GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST (a.k.a. bilinear filtering)
(great quality): GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR (a.k.a. trilinear filtering)
(good quality): GL_LINEAR

In case you don't know, filtering is somewhat like antialiasing, except for textures. You can see what the game looks like without filtering by setting r_Texturemode to GL_NEAREST. It's pretty ugly, and everything is very "pixelated" or "blocky".

The default is bilinear filtering, and this will give you the best performance, and pretty good quality. For "best" quality you can use trilinear filtering, although there might possibly be some dip in FPS.

There's one problem with bilinear and trilinear filtering; both of them make your crosshair blurry. Personally I like to use a small crosshair, so this really annoys me because when the crosshair is blurred, I can barely see it. So, if this happens with you, then I'd suggest using GL_LINEAR. This mode will filter the textures and looks almost as good as bilinear filtering; yet the crosshair will still appear pretty sharp. BUT, be warned, using GL_LINEAR will likely cause a noticeable decrease in your FPS.

You could even use GL_NEAREST as your filtering mode but I wouldn't recommend it, because it looks like crap. I actually used to use this because, well, I didn't know about GL_LINEAR at the time ;)

Ex: set r_texturemode GL_LINEAR

set r_fastsky <n>
If you set this to 1, it will just draw a solid color for your sky. This may give you a slight improvement in your FPS. It's not much, but then again, who cares how pretty the sky looks?

Ex: set r_fastsky 1

set r_mode -1
set r_customwidth 1600
set r_customheight 1200

If you're having trouble with laggy/slow connections... Well, honestly there's not much you can do! You're pretty much fucked! But, tweaking these settings might help a little

set cl_maxpackets <n>
The bigger n is, the more information your computer sends to the server, so basically your actions will be more accurate. I think the default for this is 20, you can raise it higher if you want but no higher than 100 since this is the max allowed value. Be careful when tweaking this setting, if you set it to high, it may actually make your connection worse.
Ex: set cl_maxpackets 100

set rate <n>
Can be from 2500 to 45000. The faster your connection is, the higher you should set your rate. So for example, a modem might use a rate of 5000, whereas for LAN you would use 45000.
Ex: set rate 45000
And thats all what u need :D

some giys asking what is timenudge so here it is and how to use it

set cl_timenudge <n>
This is a very odd tweak: if you have a lot of lag, then setting this to a negative number will cause some crazy calculations to occur to take your lag into account when determining stuff like where your bullet went. Most people should leave this at 0. If you have serious ping problems, try setting this lower, but no lower than -50. (-50 is the lowest allowed value on most servers). In fact though, in most competitions, cl_timenudge must be zero. So if you play in a clan, don't tweak this...
Ex: set cl_timenudge 0
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 15 Nov 2010, 22:10

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Re: how to make CFG

Postby *0P*.! » 15 Nov 2010, 23:49

yes but u dont need more. I tested allready 100 diferent setting and its just s**** and make u lagy diferent ways. Just dont need any pointles command, but ofc u can but there bind like
/bind f5 vsay greatshot Nice shooting [d]
but its just funn stuff.
I ave old cpu whit new video card thats why i tested dif configs. But i hope i got new cpu this wek so ... maybe somebody have same prob like i had.
But nice u found homepages where i found stuff :D
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 16 Nov 2010, 00:13

Yes but there's a lot of other useful stuff too.
We should have a little training session someday where I could show how to get your mouse sensitivity, pitch and yaw right.

And no point in keeping FPS more than your display refresh rate (usually 60Hz). If the display wont draw the frames, what's the use to calculate them.
Last edited by naQ on 16 Nov 2010, 00:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 16 Nov 2010, 00:15

Here's how I use demos:
Code: Select all
//ETc|naQ's config for recording demos

   set demoon "autorecord; set nextdemo vstr demooff; echo ^2Recording ^7started"
   set demooff "stoprecord; set nextdemo vstr demoon; echo ^7Recording ^1stopped"
   set nextdemo "vstr demoon"
   bind F12 "vstr nextdemo"
This makes F12 start and stop the demo-recording. (like record-stop)

And here how I use my commandmap (really useful with mortar):
Code: Select all
//ETc|naQ's config for commandmap

   set mapout "+mapexpand; +mapexpand; set nextmap vstr mapin"
   set mapin "-mapexpand; -mapexpand; set nextmap vstr mapout"
   set nextmap "vstr mapout"
   bind mouse4 "vstr nextmap"
This makes mouse button 4 expand and close map permanently, so it stays on screen.
Last edited by naQ on 16 Nov 2010, 19:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby markus » 16 Nov 2010, 15:02

Is it possible, to give a training in german? :D
Markus and me want to modify our cfg, we play with the standard one, but this technically stuff is too much for my english *lol*

Perhaps I post my cfg and you can show me, what we can do better or make different? Or perhaps delete, because its useless?
Because I already think, that we aren't as good as you all, because we have a bad cfg :(

// generated by ET, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind , "mapzoomout"
bind - "zoomout"
bind . "mapzoomin"
bind 0 "weaponbank 10"
bind 1 "weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
bind 8 "weaponbank 8"
bind 9 "weaponbank 9"
bind = "zoomin"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "+zoom"
bind c "vstr tog_fov"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+leanright"
bind f "+activate"
bind g "+mapexpand"
bind l "openlimbomenu"
bind m "mvactivate"
bind q "+leanleft"
bind r "+reload"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "messagemode3"
bind v "mp_quickmessage"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "+prone"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "mp_fireteammsg"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind CAPSLOCK "+speed"
bind ALT "+stats"
bind CTRL "+topshots"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "ready"
bind F4 "notready"
bind F5 "vsay hi ^ch@llo!; vstr reset_quick"
bind F6 "vsay bye ^ggood ^hbye!; vstr reset_quick"
bind F7 "vsay_team fthe@lme ^3gib mir die spritze, aber schnell!"
bind F8 "vsay_team needbackup ^1need ^bbackup; vstr reset_quick"
bind F9 "vsay music_bennyhill"
bind F10 "stoprecord"
bind F11 "autoscreenshot"
bind F12 "autorecord"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "selectbuddy 3"
bind KP_5 "selectbuddy 4"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "selectbuddy 5"
bind KP_END "selectbuddy 0"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "selectbuddy 1"
bind KP_PGDN "selectbuddy 2"
bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"
bind KP_INS "selectbuddy -2"
bind KP_DEL "selectbuddy -1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt; +movedown"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
seta r_smp "0" unsafe
seta r_mode "4" unsafe
seta r_depthbits "0" unsafe
seta r_stencilbits "0" unsafe
seta r_stereo "0" unsafe
seta r_colorbits "0" unsafe
seta r_texturebits "0" unsafe
seta r_clampToEdge "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" unsafe
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" unsafe
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0" unsafe
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" unsafe
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "1" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_tess "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0" unsafe
seta r_glIgnoreWicked3D "0" unsafe
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_multitexture "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" unsafe
seta r_allowExtensions "1" unsafe
seta r_glDriver "opengl32" unsafe
seta ui_r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta ui_r_detailtextures "0"
seta ui_r_dynamiclight "1"
seta ui_r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
seta ui_r_depthbits "0"
seta ui_r_texturebits "0"
seta ui_r_picmip "1"
seta ui_r_subdivisions "12"
seta ui_r_lodbias "0"
seta ui_r_colorbits "0"
seta joy_threshold "0.15"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_midi "0"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta com_recommended "1"
seta ui_autoredirect "0"
seta ui_showtooltips "1"
seta ui_profile_mousePitch "1"
seta ui_sensitivity "2.7"
seta ui_handedness "0"
seta ui_rate "25000"
seta ui_r_gamma "1.296875"
seta ui_r_mode "4"
seta vote_percent "50"
seta vote_limit "5"
seta vote_allow_muting "1"
seta vote_allow_antilag "1"
seta vote_allow_warmupdamage "1"
seta vote_allow_timelimit "0"
seta vote_allow_friendlyfire "1"
seta vote_allow_swapteams "1"
seta vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp "1"
seta vote_allow_referee "0"
seta vote_allow_pub "1"
seta vote_allow_nextmap "1"
seta vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
seta vote_allow_map "1"
seta vote_allow_kick "1"
seta vote_allow_gametype "1"
seta vote_allow_comp "1"
seta team_nocontrols "0"
seta team_maxplayers "0"
seta team_maxPanzers "-1"
seta server_motd5 ""
seta server_motd4 ""
seta server_motd3 ""
seta server_motd2 ""
seta server_motd1 ""
seta server_motd0 " ^NEnemy Territory ^7MOTD "
seta server_autoconfig "0"
seta match_warmupDamage "1"
seta match_timeoutlength "180"
seta match_timeoutcount "3"
seta match_readypercent "100"
seta match_mutespecs "0"
seta match_minplayers "4"
seta match_latejoin "1"
seta g_spectatorInactivity "0"
seta g_teamForceBalance "0"
seta refereePassword "none"
seta g_inactivity "0"
seta g_doWarmup "0"
seta g_ipcomplaintlimit "3"
seta bot_minplayers "0"
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta ui_currentCampaignCompleted "0"
seta ui_campaignIndex "0"
seta ui_currentNetCampaign "0"
seta ui_currentCampaign "0"
seta g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
seta g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"
seta g_lms_matchlimit "2"
seta g_lms_roundlimit "3"
seta g_warmup "60"
seta cg_coronafardist "1536"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "red"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0"
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG "1"
seta cg_printObjectiveInfo "1"
seta cg_announcer "1"
seta cg_complaintPopUp "1"
seta cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"
seta cg_bloodFlash "0.5"
seta cg_showblood "0"
seta cg_drawRoundTimer "1"
seta cg_drawBuddies "1"
seta ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000"
seta ui_browserShowTeamBalanced "0"
seta ui_browserShowWeaponsRestricted "0"
seta ui_browserShowAntilag "0"
seta ui_browserShowPunkBuster "0"
seta ui_browserShowMaxlives "0"
seta ui_browserShowFriendlyFire "0"
seta ui_browserShowPasswordProtected "2"
seta ui_browserShowEmptyOrFull "0"
seta ui_browserSortKey "4"
seta ui_browserGameType "0"
seta ui_browserMaster "0"
seta ui_currentNetMap "0"
seta ui_currentMap "0"
seta ui_mapIndex "0"
seta ui_netGametype "4"
seta ui_joinGametype "-1"
seta ui_gametype "3"
seta ui_menuFiles "ui/menus.txt"
seta ui_netSource "1"
seta cg_selectedPlayerName ""
seta cg_selectedPlayer "0"
seta ui_dedicated "0"
seta server16 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server1 ""
seta cg_marktime "20000"
seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
seta cg_brassTime "2500"
seta ui_master "0"
seta ui_teamArenaFirstRun "1"
seta g_spSkill "2"
seta g_spVideos ""
seta g_spAwards ""
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta ui_ctf_friendly "0"
seta ui_ctf_timelimit "30"
seta ui_ctf_capturelimit "8"
seta ui_team_friendly "1"
seta ui_team_timelimit "20"
seta ui_team_fraglimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_timelimit "0"
seta ui_ffa_fraglimit "20"
seta ui_glCustom "4"
seta com_soundMegs "24"
seta s_channels "2"
seta s_bits "16"
seta s_wavonly "0"
seta s_defaultsound "0"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_doppler "1"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_musicvolume "0.5"
seta s_volume "0.8"
seta vid_ypos "22"
seta vid_xpos "3"
seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 7000M / nForce 610M/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!"
seta r_highQualityVideo "0"
seta cg_shadows "1"
seta r_normallength "0.5"
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "0"
seta r_gamma "1.296875"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureAnisotropy "1.0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_finish "0"
seta r_dlightBacks "0"
seta r_dynamiclight "1"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_lodbias "2"
seta r_lodCurveError "500"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
seta r_subdivisions "999"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_detailtextures "0"
seta r_rmse "0.0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_picmip "1"
seta cl_language "0"
seta cg_autoReload "1"
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_autoactivate "1"
seta cg_predictItems "1"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
seta cl_anonymous "0"
seta snaps "20"
seta rate "25000"
seta name "^0ETc|^qNicole"
seta cg_zoomstepsniper "2"
seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "20"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "48"
seta cg_voiceSpriteTime "6000"
seta cg_cursorHints "1"
seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2"
seta cg_descriptiveText "1"
seta cg_popupLimboMenu "1"
seta cg_quickMessageAlt "1"
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
seta cg_drawCompass "1"
seta cl_maxPing "800"
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta cl_doubletapdelay "350"
seta r_inGameVideo "1"
seta cg_runroll "0.005"
seta cg_runpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobyaw "0.002"
seta cg_bobup "0.005"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"
seta cg_bobroll "0.002"
seta cg_wolfparticles "1"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cl_wwwDownload "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0"
seta sensitivity "2.7"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_maxpackets "30"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_autoupdate "1"
seta con_autoclear "1"
seta con_debug "0"
seta bot_enable "0"
seta sv_fullmsg "Server is full."
seta sv_wwwFallbackURL ""
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
seta sv_wwwDownload "0"
seta sv_dl_maxRate "42000"
seta g_antilag "1"
seta g_fastResMsec "1000"
seta g_fastres "0"
seta g_complaintlimit "6"
seta g_altStopwatchMode "0"
seta sv_lanForceRate "1"
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_allowDownload "1"
seta g_maxlives "0"
seta g_friendlyFire "1"
seta sv_floodProtect "1"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_maxRate "0"
seta sv_minguidage "0"
seta sv_punkbuster "0"
seta sv_hostname "ETHost"
seta vm_ui "0"
seta vm_game "0"
seta vm_cgame "0"
seta com_recommendedSet "1"
seta com_introplayed "0"
seta com_watchdog_cmd ""
seta com_watchdog "60"
seta com_maxfps "85"
seta com_hunkMegs "128"
seta com_zoneMegs "24"

So, what can we change to play more accurately?

I've read some german pages, but I do not really understand a half of it :oops:
Greets Nicole
Posts: 29
Joined: 07 Nov 2010, 12:37
Location: Oberberg

Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 16 Nov 2010, 19:38

markus wrote:Markus and me want to modify our cfg, we play with the standard one, but this technically stuff is too much for my english *lol*

Perhaps I post my cfg and you can show me, what we can do better or make different? Or perhaps delete, because its useless?

No, no and NO! That's the etconfig.cfg generated by ET so DO NOT(!) modify this file.
You need to create an own autoexec.cfg file in etmain-folder where you can put your own binds and cvars.

No setting will make you better player! Point is to maybe get more steady FPS, lag-free connection and get better visibility.
Mouse settings are important too, but you have to know how to get the best out of them. Some one needs to teach you ingame.
Rest is just pretty much pointless crap.

Your english seems fine to me. The best visual and LAN settings you will get by reading those two topics I posted earlier.
What comes to the mouse-thing, start with these two settings and hail me when I'm on the server and I'll tell more there..

Code: Select all
   seta m_filter "0"
   seta cl_mouseAccel "0"

markus wrote:Because I already think, that we aren't as good as you all, because we have a bad cfg :(

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Re: how to make CFG

Postby markus » 16 Nov 2010, 21:07

The problem I had, was, that the autoexec.cfg could not be loaded?
Everytime I wrote in the console exec autoexec.cfg there always came the message, that it can't be loaded? I don't know...and because of that, I changed the origin cfg.


Do you mean, we aren't bad or that it doesn't make any sense of having another cfg? *lol*

BTW, the settings I changed have changed nothing, so I can put them into the rubbish :D
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 16 Nov 2010, 21:57

markus wrote:The problem I had, was, that the autoexec.cfg could not be loaded?
Everytime I wrote in the console exec autoexec.cfg there always came the message, that it can't be loaded? I don't know...and because of that, I changed the origin cfg.

Autoexec.cfg loads automaticly when ET starts. You can give other .cfg -files a different name and then execute them (e.g. /exec binds.cfg).

markus wrote:Wrong...

Do you mean, we aren't bad or that it doesn't make any sense of having another cfg? *lol*

I mean that no config is going to make you a better player.

markus wrote:BTW, the settings I changed have changed nothing, so I can put them into the rubbish :D

Yeah, that's what happens if you edit the wrong file. You're lucky that your ET still works.. ;)
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby markus » 16 Nov 2010, 22:29

Ok, I only read f.e. that you can change your see-field (?) to get a bigger cirle on the sides...because sometimes we ask ourselves, how someone could see us where we have hidden :D
And if you see more, you can better fight, right?

And that you don't shake anymore, when you run to aim better. And for me it sounded, that you can change your cfg to be a better player.
That only were two things I've seen.

And the grafique changes you can make...puh, thats a lot!
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 16 Nov 2010, 22:55

markus wrote:Ok, I only read f.e. that you can change your see-field (?) to get a bigger cirle on the sides...because sometimes we ask ourselves, how someone could see us where we have hidden :D
And if you see more, you can better fight, right?

Well yeah, I use fov 118:
Code: Select all
seta cg_fov "118"

markus wrote:And that you don't shake anymore, when you run to aim better.

Code: Select all
seta cg_drawdamagekick "0"
seta cg_drawfallkick "0"
seta cg_fallkick  "0"
seta cg_damagekick "0"
seta cg_bloodFlash "0"
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
seta cg_showblood "1"
seta cg_bloodTime "0.0000"
seta cg_impactvibration "0"
seta cg_blinktime "100.00"
seta cg_crosshairPulse "0.0000"
seta sv_screenshake "0"
seta cg_muzzleFlash "1"
Many of these don't have any effect, they are relics from RTCW.

markus wrote:And the grafique changes you can make...puh, thats a lot!

You can read about these in the two links.
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby inku » 16 Nov 2010, 23:50

markus wrote:And that you don't shake anymore, when you run to aim better.

seta cg_runroll "0.0000"
seta cg_runpitch "0.0000"
seta cg_bobup "0.000"
seta cg_bobroll "0.000"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.000"
seta cg_bobyaw "0.000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.015" //0.0151
seta in_mouse "-1"
seta m_filter "0"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0.0"
seta sensitivity "2.7"
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby inku » 16 Nov 2010, 23:52

here is my one. use it if u 1ike it.

Super Mario cfg

Code: Select all
bind f4 vsay funny_stopthat

//mem & fps settings

seta com_soundmegs "32"
seta com_hunkmegs "384"                                //192
seta com_maxfps "60"                                        //76
seta com_zoneMegs "64"                                  //32

set killem_on "+attack; +sprint"
set killem_off "-sprint; -attack"

//fov changer

set fov110 "cg_fov 110; bind mouse5 vstr fov120; echo ^3110"
set fov120 "cg_fov 90; bind mouse5 vstr fov110; echo ^490"
bind mouse5 "vstr fov110"

//sound settings

seta s_wavonly "0"
seta s_defaultsound "0"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_doppler "1"
seta s_separation "0.5"
seta s_musicvolume "0"
seta s_volume "0.1"

//mouse movement

seta cg_runroll "0.0000"
seta cg_runpitch "0.0000"
seta cg_bobup "0.000"
seta cg_bobroll "0.000"
seta cg_bobpitch "0.000"
seta cg_bobyaw "0.000"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.015"                      //0.0151
seta in_mouse "-1"
seta m_filter "0"
seta cl_freelook "1"
seta cl_mouseAccel "0.0"
seta sensitivity "2.7"

//net settings

seta rate "50000"
seta snaps "40"
seta cl_timenudge "-30"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta cl_packetdup "1"
seta cl_wwwDownload "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"


seta cg_blinktime "0"
seta cg_showblood "0"
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
seta cg_bloodTime "0"
seta cg_bloodflash "0"


seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1.0"
seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"
seta cg_crosshairpulse "0"
seta cg_crosshairSize "50"
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0"
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "cyan"
seta cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
seta cg_crosshairColor "cyan"

//hud settings

seta cg_drawGun "1"
seta cg_popuplimbomenu "0"
seta cg_complaintPopUp "0"
seta cg_autoaction "0"
seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "2"
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1001.0"
seta cg_drawCompass "1"
seta cg_fov "110"
seta b_popuptime "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "0"
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
seta cg_lagometer "0"
seta cf_wtopshots "1.0"
seta cf_wstats "1.2"
seta cg_noVoiceText "0"
seta cg_noVoiceChats "0"
seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
seta cg_drawRoundTimer "1"

//some misc tweaks & settings

cg_marks 0
seta cg_coronafardist "0"
seta cg_fastSolids "0"
seta cg_vertexlight "1"
seta cg_noTaunt "0"
seta cg_deferPlayers "1"
seta cg_coronas "1"
seta cg_teamChatHeight "4"
seta cg_teamChatTime "5000"
seta cg_cycleAllWeaps "1"
seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"
seta cg_zoomStepFG "10"
seta cg_zoomStepSnooper "5"
seta cg_zoomStepBinoc "3"
seta cg_zoomDefaultFG "55"
seta cg_zoomDefaultSnooper "40"
seta cg_zoomDefaultBinoc "22.5"
seta cg_zoomstepsniper "2"
seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "20"
seta cg_zoomfov "22.5"
seta cg_announcer "0"
seta cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"
seta cg_drawBuddies "1"
seta cg_selectedPlayer "2"
seta cg_marktime "0"
seta cg_drawCrosshairPickups "0"                     //1
seta cg_viewsize "100"
seta cg_autoactivate "1"
seta cg_predictItems "0"                                          //1
seta cg_voiceSpriteTime "6000"
seta cg_cursorHints "3"                                           //1
seta cg_descriptiveText "1"
seta cg_quickMessageAlt "1"
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
seta cl_doubletapdelay "0"
seta cg_autoswitch "0"
seta cl_run "1"
seta cl_punkbuster "1"
seta cg_wolfparticles "0"
seta cg_simpleItems "1"
seta cg_lodbias "2"
seta cg_lodscale "5"
seta cg_shadows "0"
seta cg_printObjectiveInfo "1"
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "0"
seta cg_gibs "0"
seta cg_brassTime "0"
seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0"
seta cg_drawsmallpopupicons "1"
seta cg_weaponcycledelay "0"
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"
seta cg_autoreload "1"
seta logfile "1"
seta r_cache "1"

//graph settings

seta r_lastValidRenderer "Radeon 9600 x86/SSE2"
seta r_highQualityVideo "0"
seta r_normallength "0.5"
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "0"                       //1
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_finish "0"
seta r_dlightBacks "0"                                 //1
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_lodbias "2"
seta r_lodCurveError "500"                          //250
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
seta r_subdivisions "999"                              //4
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_custonaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customwidth "800"
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_detailtextures "0"                                  //1
seta r_rmse "0.0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_glIgnoreWicked3D "0"
seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
seta r_ati_truform_tess "0"
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0"
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0"
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_stencilbits "8"
seta r_depthbits "32"                             //24
seta r_mode "6"
seta r_smp "0"
seta r_clamptoedge "0"
seta r_picmip "2"                                  //1
seta r_picmip2 "1"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_fastsky "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_intensity "1.5"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"          //0
seta r_gamma "2.4"
seta r_MapoverBrightBits "3"
seta r_displayrefresh "85"


seta b_popuptime "0"
seta b_althud "2"
seta b_althudflags "2"
seta b_hitsounds "1"
seta b_drawranks "0"

//seta name ^1S^du^sp^de^rr M^da^sr^qi^ro

pb_security 0
pb_sleep 500
r_nocull 1

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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 17 Nov 2010, 00:03

inku wrote:seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.015" //0.0151
seta in_mouse "-1"
seta sensitivity "2.7"

These are all settings that should be tested for each mouse/player.
No point in copying someone else's mouse settings, it's like wearing the wrong size shoes.

That goes for everything too. Point is to understand what the settings do and then configure them for your self.
Not just copy someone's (potentially shitty ;P) settings.

inku wrote:seta cl_timenudge "-30"

And don't use timenudge, it just makes you lag. We've been over this 100 times.
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby markus » 17 Nov 2010, 08:47

What does timenudge mean?
And I read much about spawntime, but I really do not understand, what this means, even in German *lol*

Thx for your help ;)
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby inku » 17 Nov 2010, 10:50

naQ wrote:Not just copy someone's (potentially shitty ;P) settings.

inku wrote:seta cl_timenudge "-30"

And don't use timenudge, it just makes you lag. We've been over this 100 times.

got gamers mouse. so for me those settings are great.

so whats timenudge must be? i do not have Iag IoI
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby inku » 17 Nov 2010, 10:51

markus wrote:And I read much about spawntime, but I really do not understand, what this means, even in German *lol*

Thx for your help ;)

spawntime is a server cfg, not pIayer cfg. so... forget it =)
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Re: how to make CFG

Postby naQ » 17 Nov 2010, 16:16

inku wrote:got gamers mouse. so for me those settings are great.

Good for you, but the playing style matters too.
For example I use lower yaw and sensitivity under 1.

inku wrote:so whats timenudge must be? i do not have Iag IoI

Zero. And negative timenudges makes you lag from other players point of view and doesn't help you in any way.
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